Descrição do Produto: Pure Inventions Night – Gotas de Infusão de Água com Sabor de Pera
Descubra a harmonia perfeita entre sabor e bem-estar com as Gotas de Infusão de Água com Sabor de Pera da Pure Inventions Night. Este produto inovador foi desenvolvido para proporcionar uma experiência de hidratação leve e deliciosa, ideal para as suas noites de descanso. Com um sabor sutilmente doce de pera, cada gota é uma promessa de relaxamento e tranquilidade, graças à combinação ideal de melatonina, raiz de valeriana e L-teanina, que trabalham em sinergia com óleos essenciais de lavanda e hortelã-pimenta.
As Gotas de Infusão de Água Pure Inventions Night não contêm açúcar, calorias ou adoçantes artificiais, tornando-se uma escolha saudável para quem busca um estilo de vida equilibrado. Com 60 porções em uma embalagem de 2oz, você pode desfrutar de uma bebida noturna que não apenas hidrata, mas também promove um sono reparador. Adoçado naturalmente com folha de estévia, este produto oferece uma doçura zero caloria, permitindo que você se delicie sem preocupações.
- Sabor levemente delicioso de pera combinado com um sono reparador da mistura ideal de melatonina, raiz de valeriana e L-teanina com óleos essenciais de lavanda e hortelã-pimenta.
- Bebida noturna que incentiva a hidratação saudável.
- Adoçado naturalmente com folha de estévia para uma doçura sem calorias.
- Isento de açúcar, adoçantes artificiais, cafeína e glúten.
- Fórmula projetada para promover um relaxamento profundo e um sono tranquilo.
1. Sono Reparador: A combinação de melatonina, raiz de valeriana e L-teanina ajuda a regular o ciclo do sono, promovendo um descanso mais profundo e reparador.
2. Hidratação Saudável: A infusão de água com sabor de pera incentiva a ingestão de líquidos, essencial para a saúde geral, especialmente à noite.
3. Zero Calorias: Com adoçante natural, você pode desfrutar de um sabor doce sem se preocupar com calorias ou açúcar, ideal para dietas.
4. Sem Aditivos Nocivos: A ausência de açúcar, adoçantes artificiais, cafeína e glúten torna este produto seguro para diversas restrições alimentares.
5. Praticidade: Com 60 porções em uma embalagem compacta, é fácil de levar e usar, permitindo que você tenha sempre à mão uma opção saudável para suas noites.
Para aproveitar ao máximo as Gotas de Infusão de Água Pure Inventions Night, adicione de 1 a 2 gotas em um copo de água (aproximadamente 240ml) e misture bem. Recomenda-se consumir cerca de 30 minutos antes de dormir para potencializar os efeitos relaxantes e promover um sono tranquilo. Experimente também em chás ou outras bebidas quentes para uma experiência ainda mais reconfortante. Mantenha a embalagem bem fechada e em local fresco para preservar a qualidade do produto.
Mic_Mac –
I doubt this will take the place of a prescription for those that have chronic or severe insomnia. With two full droppers (twice what’s recommended on the box) it did make me slightly drowsy so it may be a good product for those that have mild sleeplessness, but overall it didn’t work for me. I really like Pure Inventions other products in terms of a water enhancer for flavor but the taste of this particular item is quite bad. It’s medicinal, reminiscent of liquid cold medicine. I think another reviewer used the word “purple” and that’s bang on. Using less or mixing it in a greater quantity of water makes it more tolerable but then you lose what efficiency it does have or …well large glasses of water right before bed isn’t likely wise if you’re trying to get a good night’s rest.
mj –
They seem to have changed the formula because the original bottle i bought tasted different than this and the package looks different. I prefer the old one but they both do the job.
Judith –
the lavender infusion helps to relax while hydrating
Jessie –
Whatever is in this, gives haunting nightmares. Every.single.time
S. Smith –
This stuff does help put me to sleep but sometimes too much. I like that unjust add to a small cup of water.
Pmoody –
I’ve used quite a few melatonin products through the years with mixed reviews. Most of them didn’t work for me and the rest worked for a short period. I’m on my third bottle and it still works. I fall asleep and stay asleep and don’t feel any grogginess in the morning.
Movie fan –
I have Fibromyalgia, arthritis, and numerous other things which make sleep virtually impossible for me. In over 10 years, I can count the times I’ve slept through the night on one hand. This product has been truly a life saver for me! I tried it our when I went for a massage a while back. You simply add a dropperful (or two) to 8oz of water before you go to bed. It is all natural, and has a pleasant, subtle taste. I was astonished that I was really able to drop off quickly, sleep through the night, AND not have a groggy drugged feeling the next morning. I am the biggest skeptic out there when it comes to anything working for any of my issues because it seems like I’ve tried everything and nothing works. The only caveat I will say is that because it has Melatonin in it, you should take a break from it every couple of weeks before using again. Melatonin overuse will stop your body from producing it naturally and will mess up your circadian rhythm. What I do is a week on/week off routine. I definitely sleep better with it than without it, and I will absolutely keep using this product. Also the manufacturer has an excellent reputation, and all my doctors are giving me the “thumbs up” to continue. May you get sweet sleep too!
Jeffrey Dean –
This stuff is Fantastic if you have trouble sleeping! I’m talking of course about Night by Pure Inventions. It contains melatonin among other things and it works beautifully. I used to use ZzzQuil which was good, but sometimes left me with a sleep aid hangover if I didn’t take it early enough or sleep long enough. And though I can’t argue with the taste of ‘purple’, this is much more consistent and reliable. I can take a little bit of it late if I need to, but if I just use it normally, I use one full dropper 30 minutes before bed, I will see you in the morning. I actually tend to take it right before bed and hope to read for half an hour and I usually don’t last that long.
The taste is sweet (from stevia) and a kind of like pear (from “natural pear flavor”). It’s awfully expensive, but I guess they know – what price good sleep. It works. It’s clean.
Amazon Customer –
You know that little statement at the bottom of health ads that say results will vary? This is one of those products. My experience over the past four months for the most part have been excellent, an hour after consuming the appropriate amount I am falling asleep, and I typically stay asleep until my alarm wakes me. The taste will vary by people as well, for me it tastes fine; my fiance however thought the taste was horrible. I like it because it uses natural ingredients that were used by herbalists and apothecaries in days passed to treat sleep disorders. I showed this to my doctor, and they approved of the product as a way to treat my insomnia. As usual my statements have not been approved by the FDA, and you should always consult your doctor when taking any new medications for possible side effects and/or adverse drug interactions.