Descrição do Produto: Butt Enhancement Drops
Descubra a revolução na busca por curvas mais acentuadas com os Butt Enhancement Drops – um suplemento premium para o aumento do bumbum. Formulado especialmente para mulheres que desejam um contorno mais cheio, levantado e tonificado, este produto combina a eficácia do extrato de Aguaje e Maca em uma fórmula líquida de rápida absorção. Ao contrário dos tradicionais comprimidos para aumento do bumbum, que podem demorar a mostrar resultados, nossos drops garantem um crescimento mais rápido e visível, proporcionando uma experiência de transformação sem precedentes.
- RESULTADOS RÁPIDOS EM COMPARAÇÃO A SUPLEMENTOS: Os Butt Enhancement Drops da Major Curves superam os comprimidos de aumento de bumbum em termos de crescimento rápido. Experimente resultados mais rápidos e um bumbum maior com a absorção acelerada da nossa fórmula líquida.
- ABSORÇÃO SUPERIOR: Diferente dos produtos tradicionais em forma de comprimido, nossos drops garantem uma absorção ideal. A fórmula líquida desses potenciadores de bumbum assegura que os ingredientes potentes entrem em ação rapidamente, promovendo curvas invejáveis.
- INGREDIENTES PODEROSOS: Deixe de lado os comprimidos sintéticos para mulheres. Nosso produto utiliza o potente extrato da fruta Aguaje e da raiz de Maca, promovendo uma aparência mais cheia e levantada de forma natural, dando a você aquele bumbum perfeito.
- MARCA CONFIÁVEL FEITA NOS EUA: Deixe os comprimidos de ganho de peso para mulheres para trás. A Major Curves é uma marca confiável, feita nos EUA, com 10 anos de experiência no mercado de aumento de bumbum, garantindo resultados confiáveis e de alta qualidade para sua jornada de aprimoramento.
- PRÁTICO E VERSÁTIL: Esqueça as gomas de bumbum carregadas de açúcar e cremes bagunçados. Tome 2 mL de nossos drops potenciadores de bumbum diretamente ou adicione a uma bebida, como seu café da manhã, para uma rotina diária simplificada que facilita sua jornada de aprimoramento.
1. Resultados visíveis em menos tempo, permitindo que você veja a diferença rapidamente.
2. Fórmula líquida que garante uma absorção mais eficaz dos ingredientes ativos.
3. Ingredientes naturais que promovem um aumento saudável e sustentável do bumbum.
4. Facilidade de uso, podendo ser incorporado à sua rotina diária sem complicações.
5. Marca reconhecida e confiável, com uma década de experiência no mercado, assegurando qualidade e eficácia.
Para obter os melhores resultados com os Butt Enhancement Drops, recomenda-se a ingestão de 2 mL do produto diariamente. Você pode tomar os drops diretamente ou misturá-los em uma bebida de sua escolha, como água ou café, para uma experiência mais agradável. É importante seguir a dosagem recomendada e manter uma rotina consistente para maximizar os efeitos do produto. Para resultados ideais, combine o uso dos drops com uma alimentação equilibrada e exercícios físicos regulares.
Chommy –
It tastes horrible. It made me sick
Aimee L. –
I tested and tried this product myself, and let me start off by saying this: this product honestly WORKED!!! I am sharing my true personal experience after ~3 weeks of using the product. Although I didn’t use it as consistently as I should but I did see a noticeable difference in the size and shape of my bum. I took 1 full dropper in the evening when I just received it in the mail on 4/3. This may sounds odd but I feel a pulse in my butt that night while lying on my bed and that is consistent for the many nights after that. I took that it’s the product doing its thing. The next morning I noticed my butt more lifted and firmed but I thought maybe it’s only the placebo effect. I remained doubtful until I could not fit the new jeans I bought 3 months ago. My friend commented on how the jeans are too tight for me, especially around my butt. A week later my boyfriend took notice and he constantly remarked on how my butt is bigger than before. My hip measured 34 inches (~86 cm) when I first started the course on 4/3 and today (3.5 weeks later) it’s measured 35 inches (~89 cm).
For those that are super sensitive to unpleasant taste, have strong gag reflex or easily choke, this unfortunately may not be for you, and I think that’s the reason for most of the low star rating here. For that reason I was almost going to give this 4 stars, but that is not really fair considering how effective the product worked so 5-stars it is! For the people that complained about the taste, there are many way you can mask it with water, juice…etc. If you want something delicious to drink then you would obviously not buy this. There are many delicious, tasty drinks out there for 1/10 of the price. But that is not the reason you purchased this product so quit complaining.
Obviously the results will vary from person to person, some taking longer than others, but I think that if it worked on me, it will also work on you. I just reread the product description and it says “money back guarantee” so you really have nothing to lose. Even if I’m just imagining it all but the measurements didn’t lie! I’m thinking of purchasing the MC Butt Enhancement Cream after I’m done with this product! =)
Zaria B –
very good , seeing results after 3 days
DEN, Baltimore, MD –
Let me first say that like many others, at first I was skeptical!! As soon as the products arrived, I began taking the drops and using the cream (I opted for those 2 products, because I feel that I take enough pills, vitamins and other supplements everyday and I wanted a change). I can tell you that WITHIN A WEEK, my pants felt tighter in the butt area. I also received unsolicited complements from my husband (I will withhold exactly what he said!! Lol) He had no idea I was even using the products! I could definitely see a change in my rear, and I did NOT have an increase in fat around my waist. I like that this change in my body shape will be permanent…I feel sexy and I look great!! I am so excited that I am going to try the pills next, and use all 3 products together for the suggested timeframe of 6 months!! I am 5’2″ and weigh about 130 lbs. I hope you all have the success I’ve had using Major Curves Butt Enhancement products!! Very happy! 🙂
J. Glo –
So unfortunately I happened to be one of the people this didn’t work out for at all. I did exactly what the packaging said: take two full droppers (some days I took 3). I took them straight from the dropper, no water or liquids. The consistency is a bit like children’s cough syrup, but not quite as thick and the taste wasn’t all that bad to me.
But I sadly saw absolutely no change, so I purchased Brazilian Butt Boost to take with the droppers. I eat healthy with some cheat days and workout consistently targeting the butt area. In conjunction with Brazilian Butt Boost (which I’ve taken before), I did see a change in my booty, but I know it was because of the pills NOT these droppers. A new discovery however was that my breast were becoming more full, so I’ll give credit to the droppers but not fully because the pills also made my boobs full before not as full as they are now.
But towards the end of my droppers I received a free voucher for a Major Curved Voucher of my choice… Which is why I believe this product actually gets raving reviews unfortunately. Free is free, so I’m trying their pills and hopefully the pills will be more successful for me.