Gorilla Mind Calm (120 Cápsulas) – Relaxamento Potente
Em um mundo onde o estresse e a pressão do dia a dia se tornaram parte da rotina, encontrar um aliado que promova relaxamento e bem-estar é essencial. O Gorilla Mind Calm surge como uma solução eficaz, formulada para proporcionar alívio rápido do estresse e promover um estado de relaxamento profundo. Com uma combinação poderosa de ingredientes, este suplemento é projetado para ajudar o corpo a alcançar um estado parasimpático, equilibrando a resposta natural ao estresse e permitindo que você recupere o controle sobre sua vida.
Um dos principais benefícios do Gorilla Mind Calm é sua capacidade de gerenciar os níveis de cortisol, o hormônio do estresse. O controle adequado do cortisol não apenas melhora a recuperação física, mas também contribui para uma qualidade de sono superior e uma estabilidade emocional aprimorada, especialmente em períodos de alta pressão ou treinamento intenso. Ao reduzir o estresse crônico, o produto também promove a perda de gordura e melhora a sensibilidade à insulina, facilitando a partição de nutrientes e potencializando os resultados de suas metas de saúde e fitness.
Além disso, o Gorilla Mind Calm apoia o sistema nervoso parassimpático, essencial para a transição do corpo para um estado de “descanso e digestão”. Essa mudança é crucial para a recuperação, reduzindo o impacto do estresse na composição corporal, no sono e na qualidade de vida. Para aqueles que levam um estilo de vida ativo, especialmente aqueles que estão sobrecarregados, em déficit calórico acentuado ou enfrentando situações estressantes, este suplemento se torna um suporte valioso para o bem-estar geral, relaxamento e rejuvenescimento em tempos desafiadores.
Bio Mechanic –
Really helps you relax at the end of your day. Just ordered my 3rd bottle.
Chris –
I’ve been using Gorilla Mind Calm for a while now, and I can honestly say it’s made a noticeable difference in how I feel. I’ve been feeling a lot better, with significantly less stress in my day-to-day life. It has a calming effect without making me feel sluggish or tired, just more at ease. The best part is that it helps me stay focused and clear-headed while managing stress effectively.
Steve –
The Gorilla Mind Calm capsules seem like a promising product for relaxation and stress management. While I haven’t noticed any dramatic changes yet, I think this is the kind of supplement that requires consistent use over time to feel its full effects. The ingredients list looks well thought out, and it’s formulated to support cortisol regulation and recovery, which is exactly what I was looking for.
So far, it’s been easy to incorporate into my routine, and I haven’t experienced any negative side effects. It feels like a good-quality product, but I’ll need more time to fully gauge its impact. For now, it seems like a solid option for anyone looking to manage stress and improve overall well-being.
Davis –
I didn’t really notice a difference taking this. I also let someone else try it out to see if it did anything for him because he is more sensitive to these supplements, but he didn’t notice much of an effect either, so unfortunately I can’t say i’d recommend this.
O.M Reviews –
Finally, this supplement exists. It contains all my favorite adaptogenic herbs, along with L-theanine and phosphatidylserine. What’s important about this supplement is that each ingredient is scientifically backed, and the exact amount of each is specified on the label, rather than just listing a “proprietary blend” like many others do.
What I love about this supplement is that it’s suitable for both morning and evening use. Unlike many others that include ingredients like caffeine, valerian root, or melatonin—making them exclusive to either morning or evening—this one is versatile. It’s great to take with your morning coffee to help reduce stress and is also perfect for relaxation before sleep.
The serving size is 4 capsules, but I don’t see this as a downside because I prefer a proper dosage spread across multiple capsules rather than a single capsule that might lack enough active ingredients. My only real complaint is the regular price of $50, which is a bit steep for consistent use. However, if I can grab it on sale for $30-40, I’ll stock up.
I appreciate Gorilla Mind supplements for their high quality and production in a GMP-certified facility in the US. The supplement arrived double-sealed, and the capsules are standard size and easy to swallow. I’m very happy with this product and will definitely continue buying it in the future.
Phyl –
As with any supplement – you should monitor it at a few different stages: after the first week, after the first two months, and then a week off of it. I typically do this with any supplement, without altering any other supplements I’m taking to get an idea exactly how my body reacts. Since I’ve only had this for 2 weeks, I’ll give my initial thoughts.
Gorilla Mind is an established brand. Not some no-name third party company. These guys have been around a while and I have taken their Gorilla Shroom Nootropic supplement in the past, which I have nothing but praise for. So when researching this – know that they’re been around a while, and they are quality.
Life in general is stressful. And while I don’t need any Rx to help cope, I do embrace the idea of a supplement to help manage cortisol/adrenaline spikes. Within the first couple of days, I noticed my feelings of anxiety not spiking as high, and my fight or flight response not triggering as quickly – which has led to me being able to think through situations better and with more thoughtfulness, rather than going into anxiety/reaction.
Does it remove it? No. You’ll still have those feelings, and to be honest, a supplement won’t entirely help without the help of a therapist or Rx. I like to use the anology of waves. If we’re standing at the edge of the ocean on the beach, anxiety and stress is like waves crashing into us. But I really think that this supplement (for me personally and your results might be different), helps reduce the size of those swells. Yeah ,they’re still there and they still hit me, and sometimes there’s a REALLY large one that comes, but they’re much more manageable over time.
It’s worth a shot. Talk to your doctor, grab a bottle and start journaling and see if it’s right and working for you. Pair it with Gorilla mind to get you into creative, problem solving spaces once you have the calmness.
Phyl –
I like the thought of reducing stress and cortisol levels by natural supplements, but also am a little wary of taking these along with my other vitamins and meds, although I did start them slowly with one a day and will build. I am not thrilled with the price, $50 for a month as the recommending dosing is 4 capsules a day. Hoping this helps my body adjust/cope to stress better