Good State – Minerais Traços Líquidos Iônicos (96 porções de 125 mg – 240 ml) é um suplemento inovador que traz a você a forma mais eficiente de absorver minerais essenciais. Com uma fórmula líquida e iônica, cada frasco de 8 fl oz oferece 96 porções de 125 mg, permitindo que seu corpo aproveite ao máximo os nutrientes. Os minerais traços são fundamentais para diversas funções biológicas, e a forma iônica garante uma absorção superior, facilitando a entrada desses nutrientes na corrente sanguínea. Este produto é ideal para quem busca promover a saúde óssea, melhorar a função imunológica, aumentar a energia e oferecer suporte à saúde geral do corpo.
Os Minerais Traços Líquidos Iônicos da Good State são livres de aditivos, açúcares, amido, sabores artificiais, corantes e conservantes, tornando-os adequados para qualquer dieta. A praticidade de consumir vitaminas líquidas elimina a dificuldade de engolir comprimidos, permitindo que você adicione a dose recomendada a uma xícara de 12 oz de água ou suco e desfrute de uma nutrição simplificada. Com alta biodisponibilidade, os benefícios são percebidos rapidamente, proporcionando um suporte diário mais forte em questão de minutos. A Good State se compromete com a qualidade profissional, garantindo que você receba apenas o melhor em termos de suplementos líquidos.
- 1. Absorção Superior: A forma iônica dos minerais garante que seu corpo absorva os nutrientes de maneira mais eficiente do que os comprimidos tradicionais.
- 2. Qualidade Profissional: Produtos de alta qualidade, livres de aditivos desnecessários, assegurando pureza e eficácia.
- 3. Rapidez nos Benefícios: A alta biodisponibilidade permite que os efeitos sejam sentidos rapidamente, oferecendo suporte imediato ao organismo.
- 4. Facilidade de Uso: A conveniência das vitaminas líquidas elimina a necessidade de engolir comprimidos, tornando a suplementação mais acessível.
- 5. Satisfação Garantida: A Good State possui um histórico de clientes satisfeitos, refletindo a confiança e a eficácia de seus produtos.
Para obter os melhores resultados, adicione a dose recomendada de 125 mg de gotas de minerais traços líquidos ou vitaminas líquidas da Good State a uma xícara de 12 oz de água ou suco. Agite bem antes de usar e consuma diariamente para garantir uma ingestão adequada de nutrientes essenciais. Armazene em local fresco e seco para preservar a qualidade do produto.
Shonna Clark –
I did try this in water and it wasn’t pleasant but we don’t buy supplements usually for their taste, we buy them for what they can do for us. So far taking this I do feel good. I’m sleeping good and have energy. I feel like it is filling a hole that was there from my food intake. I would recommend this product to anyone who wants to get more minerals but do not want to take more pills.
J Webb –
Good minerals. I have noticed more of a vitamin absorption since consuming these minerals. The flavor has a strong, bitter, salty taste. However, that’s what minerals are essentially and the purpose isn’t for the taste so it is a mute point. The purpose isn’t to consume a sugar drink. The value for this item is excellent. It’s going to last a long time too.
Peggy –
I like this
It’s not too expensive
Christine Filipski –
I was already using the Ionic Magnesium hoping to get help with my restless leg syndrome. It didn’t seem to help that, but DID help my tendonitis (tennis elbow in both arms) which was great! I have had RLS since I had an organ injured during back surgery a year and a half ago. Besides a million other health issues that caused me, the RLS was just debilitating!! It’s so severe that I can’t sleep through it so I have to take a sleep aid which makes me groggy and unable to wake up in the morning. I eat super healthy, exercise, have never been overweight, my blood work is always perfect and NO DOCTOR could help me with this!! Just told me to live with it and keep taking a sleep aid. I decided to try the Ionic Trace Minerals and I have NOT had RLS since the first day I took it last week!! This is amazing! I have spent so much money trying so many different things and this is it. It doesn’t have a horrible taste either (the magnesium tastes vile, but still worth taking). I put it in a small shot of cranberry juice and it goes down very easily. If you have something that no doctor seems able to explain and you are already healthy and doing everything right, give this a try – it just might be the answer!
Tony Gargano –
Since I am a very fussy person, I have a reverse osmosis filter which takes 96% of chemicals and minerals out of the drinking water. Therefore, I looked for a Trace Mineral supplement; after taking this for over a year I cannot tell if there is any benefit – I only hope there are not downside effects, and so far I have not felt any worse. So you would have to judge this product for itself. I based the 3 star rating on the reviews as posted and the fact that it doesn’t seem to have any negative effects, so far.
nicole –
Zero taste at all unless you put it straight in your mouth, lol . I spilled some and licked it off my finger and wow but when you add it to water absolutely no flavor and my husband and I feel like we notice a difference in how we feel so getting another bottle. Also, it’s far less expensive than other brands that offer similar products. Youngsters probably aren’t in as much need being that they still have that natural youth serum that I so much miss. But as we get older our bodies are in need of a little more support.
Zainab M. –
Took it for over a whole year & still taking it (alternated between several brands but felt this was the most potent) and it has changed my life.
Took it as a general overall-health supplement- I had read about ionic mineral salts in a book (The Calcium Lie)
Tangible unexpected positive changes I experienced:
– Surprisingly my persistent morning anxiety has completely disappeared right after a few days of starting this (I’ve had treatment resistant anxiety for years & all meds gave me serious side effects. This product saved me)
– MUCH better hair texture & more pronounced curls with no frizz or dryness
– To my surprise, my thyroid values have become much better when I tested after a whole year of ionic minerals
Insomnia during the first few days because I started off with a high dose. Otherwise, no negative side effects at all.
Bottom line: HIGHLY absolutely RECOMMENDED. Just start off with a small dose and build up. One cap per is enough, 2 won’t do harm.
drink with water, never undiluted. To me it makes the water taste pleasant.
alex –
Cant recommend enough! Noticed an immediate difference in hydration, mental clarity, and overall energy.
The minerals can taste aweful without proper dilution as they are very concentrated. The label says 2.5ml per daily, but what I like to do is pipete 1ml in the morning in 12oz water and another glass before bed. That way the taste is similar to mineral water and no problem.
I got this to replace the natural minerals of flowing water that are missing from reverse osmosis/city water and notice a huge difference. Will definitely be buying more, exceptional product!