Good Day Chocolate Multivitamínico Completo para Crianças é a solução ideal para pais que buscam garantir que seus filhos recebam os nutrientes essenciais para um crescimento saudável de forma saborosa e divertida. Com 50 peças de chocolate ao leite, este suplemento diário é enriquecido com uma variedade de vitaminas, incluindo A, B6, B12, C, D, E, ácido fólico e biotina. Cada pedaço é feito com chocolate de comércio justo e não contém organismos geneticamente modificados (OGM), proporcionando uma opção saudável e ética para as crianças.
O multivitamínico se destaca por ser uma maneira deliciosa e conveniente de assegurar que as crianças tenham acesso a uma dose completa e diária de vitaminas importantes. Desenvolvido por médicos, o produto é testado três vezes para garantir a dosagem precisa, oferecendo segurança e confiança aos pais. Além disso, cada pedaço contém apenas 2g de açúcar, sem xarope de milho com alto teor de frutose, tornando-o uma opção saudável em comparação com outros doces.
Os benefícios do chocolate como veículo para vitaminas são amplamente reconhecidos. Pesquisas demonstram que o chocolate é um dos sistemas de entrega mais eficazes para vitaminas e suplementos, pois é um alimento real e completo que o corpo metaboliza de forma eficiente. Ao escolher o Good Day Chocolate Multivitamínico, os pais não apenas proporcionam um suplemento nutritivo, mas também apoiam a organização Smile Train, que trabalha para reparar fissuras palatinas e espalhar sorrisos pelo mundo.
1. Suplemento de chocolate delicioso e divertido para as crianças.
2. Contém uma dose completa e diária de vitaminas essenciais.
3. Feito com chocolate de comércio justo e não transgênico.
4. Testado três vezes para garantir dosagem precisa.
5. Apoia a organização de reparo de fissura palatina, Smile Train.
Recomenda-se que as crianças consumam de 1 a 2 pedaços de chocolate por dia, preferencialmente durante as refeições. É importante armazenar o produto em um local fresco e seco para preservar sua qualidade. Para melhores resultados, recomenda-se refrigerar após o recebimento, especialmente em condições climáticas quentes, para evitar o derretimento do chocolate.
Toni Holley –
My son is 6 years old and has taken these since he was 4 years old. I was so happy when I found these because he won’t take any other vitamin and doesn’t like gummy things or other chewable fruit flavored vitamins. Please never stop making these. My kid’s health depends on these since he won’t eat fruits or veggies or much of anything besides Nutella and chicken nuggets.
Momboss –
Very pleased with the attention to detail with shipping in the summer. Cold pack and bubble wrapped ensuring my sons favorite vitamin arrived perfectly!
Terry D –
Safe to say we don’t have meltdowns for M&Ms now as my kiddo gets 2 of these everyday! Solves parents purpose and kiddos. This is amazing!
Came well packaged and we also keep in our refrigerator. Pricey but worth it to get vitamins in my picky kiddo.
A. Comm –
Vitamins arrived broken, melted and stuck to cotton packaging
Karen Manchino –
Tried gummies all flavors. Tried liquid vitamins. All were failure. Wasted more money on trying all different kinds. She loves these. Bit pricey but it’s the only one she’ll eat every day. So it’s well worth the price. Knowing she’s getting the vitamins she needs
Stella Everett –
My fiance’ WILL NOT take a vitamin pill. She will also not eat Flintstones chewables, or Gummy vitamins of any kind. She complains about the taste, texture, etc. She’s had gastric bypass though so she needs SOME vitamins, particularly B and D vitamins. So, here we are with chocolate vitamins.
So first, the taste: They are decent. They are a good quality chocolate, with a candy shell – the vitamins come out with a slight ‘tang’ to the flavor. ALmost like a little burst of a citrus flavor. To some, this would be disgusting. I don’t mind it, however. And neither does my fiance. It’s as if a tiny drop of lemon juice as mixed into the middle of the product. Mostly chocolate flavor, ever so slightly tart.
Secondly, the number of different vitamins/minerals: These are on the short list of complete multi-vitamins. It has B’s D, C, A, and a few others. What’s missing? Iodine, potassium, Iron. Granted, these multi-vitamins are intended for kids, and maybe kids don’t need those vitamins. But Adults do – so if your an adult looking for a multi-vitamin you can eat, you’ll be lacking in those areas. There are obviously a few other vitamins/minerals that aren’t in these as well that some adults may need (chromium, for example). BUT, given gastric bypass patients are prone to vitamin B and D deficiencies, these are semi-sufficient for this purpose.
And Third, the quantity of vitamins in this product: For a young kid, a small child – there are probably more than enough vitamins in this product. For an adult, however, the amounts in this product are woefully inadequate. Most of the vitamins in this product at a full dose of 2 candies (Because they are candy, even if they have vitamins) provides only about 50% of the RDA of the desired vitamins. So for an adult to get a full RDA of included vitamins, they’d have to eat 4 candies. At 50 candies per bottle, this means a bottle only will last an adult about 13 days. So 2+ bottles a month at $15.90/bottle means $32+ a month for a regular adult. Now for my fiance, who’s had gastric bypass, she (and anyone with that type of surgery) has mal-absorption, meaning she doesn’t get all of the listed amounts of anything she consumes. In her case, she’d be more likely in an ideal world, to eat around 6 candies a day, which would make one bottle last about 8 days. So then it’d require almost 4 bottles for a month, or $64.00. At that point, it would be cheaper to find a liquid multi-vitamin. Though I doubt I’d get her to take one of those either.
So decent product, decent taste. Could use an adult version of this product – maybe adding the missing vitamins/minerals would give it a terrible flavor. I can’t imagine Iron has a nice taste to it. Would I buy them for a picky kid? I think I would – unless that same kid was super picky about tartness mixed with their chocolate.
A. Comm –
My daughter loves this product. Will definately buy again.
In our 1st delivery the contents were damaged. I sent the seller a message stating what happened and never heard back from them. However, a package arrived today with a replacement that was in tact. Thank you for the great customer service. It is appreciated!
Sunny Girl –
Our son loves taking them. He thinks they are chocolate but they are vitamins. I tried one and it really tastes good.