Descrição do Produto: Ease Relaxation USDA Certified Organic Gummies – Vegan
Em um mundo onde o estresse e a ansiedade se tornaram companheiros indesejados do nosso cotidiano, as Gomas de Relaxamento EASE surgem como uma solução deliciosa e eficaz. Elaboradas com ingredientes naturais e orgânicos, essas gomas são uma verdadeira revolução no cuidado com a saúde mental e física. Com uma combinação poderosa de ashwagandha selvagem orgânica, flor de maracujá, erva-cidreira e gengibre do Ceilão, cada goma é uma explosão de sabor e bem-estar.
As gomas EASE não apenas ajudam a reduzir o estresse, mas também atuam como um verdadeiro impulsionador do humor. A ashwagandha, um adaptógeno renomado, é conhecida por suas propriedades que elevam o espírito e promovem uma sensação de leveza e alegria. Além disso, a infusão de gengibre do Ceilão e sementes negras proporciona um suporte digestivo excepcional, garantindo que seu corpo funcione em harmonia.
Com a garantia de serem veganas e sem glúten, essas gomas são uma escolha saudável para todos, independentemente de restrições alimentares. O sabor delicioso das gomas transforma o alívio do estresse em um momento prazeroso do seu dia, tornando a rotina de autocuidado mais acessível e agradável. A combinação de ashwagandha, flor de maracujá e erva-cidreira também apoia um sono reparador, permitindo que você relaxe e se desconecte das preocupações diárias.
A Rara Superfoods se compromete com a sua saúde, utilizando apenas ingredientes da mais alta qualidade, não transgênicos e certificados pela USDA. Sem adição de sabores ou cores artificiais, o sabor de frutas vermelhas orgânicas, adoçado com açúcar de cana orgânico, garante um produto puro e natural para suas necessidades de relaxamento.
– Alívio Natural do Estresse: Reduz a tensão e promove um estado de relaxamento.
– Impulsiona o Humor: Melhora o bem-estar emocional com ingredientes adaptogênicos.
– Saúde Digestiva: Suporte digestivo eficaz com gengibre do Ceilão e sementes negras.
– Vegan e Sem Glúten: Adequado para veganos e pessoas com sensibilidades ao glúten.
– Sono Tranquilo: Ajuda a promover um sono reparador e relaxante.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se consumir 2 gomas EASE Relaxation diariamente, preferencialmente à noite ou em momentos de estresse. Mastigue bem antes de engolir para maximizar a absorção dos nutrientes. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar sua eficácia.
Anony –
I like the taste of these but they are a pretty low dose of passionflower for me since I didnt really notice much effect from taking its normal dose.
Expires: 09/2025
2 Gummies with 30 servings per bottle.
nonGMO claims.
I had no adverse reactions to this product.
H. M. Knudsen –
I have been taking these for about 5 weeks about an hour before bed. The ingredients are: Ashwanganda, Passion Flower, Lemon Balm, Wild Ceylon Ginger, and Black Seed in a berry flavored gummi. I thing they taste great – basically like having a piece of candy. I would say they are helpful in relaxion, and thus getting to sleep quickly once you go to bed. Overall, a good product! The price of $29 is a little high in my opinion, so if they were reduced in price, I might get some more.
Customer Review –
I know some of the other reviews were commenting on the taste from these gummies from Rara but I actually really liked it. It’s not too overbearing which is the best part. You can certainly taste the passionfruit.
These have some great ingredients and should help you be restful with the added chamomile. You get 60 gummies and they say to take a serving size of 2 (I still only took 1 per day).
Make sure with your health professional that these are good for your supplementation regimen.
I think I need to try the other flavors too as I’m curious to see how they’ll taste.
Zach –
A subtly sweet gummy for a gentle wind down at the end of the night. They have an almost currant taste to them. It takes about 30 minutes for me to start feeling drowsy after eating one – the trick is to not fight the sleepy feeling and go right to bed when it starts. If you hold off and read a couple more pages of your book then you may not have as relaxing a sleep as you could otherwise.
Jennifer –
I love that these gummies are organic, gluten free, vegan and are made in the USA. The ingredients are excellent and provide quality herbs, mushrooms and spices. The caramel apple flavor is really good! I was worried these might taste earthy due to what’s in them but surprisingly they are super tasty which makes them easy to take everyday. I feel like the current price ($30) is a fair price for a months supply. I’m looking forward to trying the different gummies they offer. Overall, these are quality gummies and worth trying.
Genenavi –
I had an evening where my nervous system was *tested* and I was, undeniably, stressed out. Typically I would expect a lot of tossing and turning and certainly I did until I feel these kicked in. Fell asleep and woke up ok. On the second round of waking up (because I fell back asleep) I did feel more anxious when I awakened about 10 hours after ingesting two of these gummies. I will continue to trial these for a few more times to qualify these further as a result of one time of ingesting is kind of unscientific overall but if I don’t update this review (August 2024) in the future you can safely assume these are doing the job I anticipate them to continue doing.
Bless Their Hearts Mom –
really hoped these would help my daughter who cant handle melatonin by itself anymore. but while it helped her fall asleep quicker, she didnt stay asleep. SIGH. easy to chew and good taste, just didnt work for her
Renee Lynn –
I ordered the Rest Gummies for my 14 year old daughter who has trouble sleeping. Other over the counter items don’t seem to work but for some reason, these gummies do. Within an hour of taking them, she’s asleep (and stays asleep).
I wish they weren’t $30 a bottle. This is gonna get very expensive. It’s the only thing that has worked for her though so I guess it is what it is.