Descrição do Produto: MaryRuth’s Super Greens Gummies
As MaryRuth’s Super Greens Gummies são uma maneira deliciosa e prática de incorporar os benefícios dos vegetais na sua rotina diária. Com uma mistura cuidadosamente elaborada de oito vegetais, incluindo broto de brócolis, extrato de cebola, brócolis, tomate, cenoura, espinafre, couve e couve de Bruxelas, essas gomas oferecem uma experiência saborosa sem o gosto forte dos vegetais. Cada porção contém apenas 2g de fibra e é isenta de açúcar, tornando-se uma opção saudável para toda a família.
Essas gomas são formuladas com quercetina, um bioflavonoide naturalmente presente que traz diversos benefícios à saúde. Com apenas duas gomas de sabor limão-lima-laranja, tanto crianças a partir de 4 anos quanto adultos podem desfrutar dos efeitos positivos desse suplemento. A fórmula vegana é composta por uma mistura de vegetais que garante que você esteja consumindo nutrientes essenciais sem ingredientes de origem animal.
As gomas são fáceis de mastigar e podem ser consumidas até duas vezes ao dia, conforme orientação de um profissional de saúde. É importante armazená-las em um local fresco e seco para preservar sua qualidade. Além disso, as MaryRuth’s Super Greens Gummies são livres de açúcar, não contêm organismos geneticamente modificados (Non-GMO), e são isentas de laticínios, nozes, glúten e soja, sendo uma escolha ideal para a maioria dos estilos de vida. A certificação B Corp reforça o compromisso da marca com práticas sustentáveis e éticas.
– Apoio Nutricional Completo: Fornece uma ampla gama de nutrientes essenciais provenientes de vegetais, promovendo uma dieta equilibrada.
– Sabor Agradável: O sabor limão-lima-laranja torna o consumo de vegetais mais prazeroso, especialmente para crianças que podem ser mais exigentes.
– Fórmula Vegana e Saudável: Ideal para veganos e pessoas com restrições alimentares, garantindo que todos possam se beneficiar.
– Praticidade: Gomas fáceis de levar e consumir, perfeitas para quem tem uma rotina agitada.
– Sem Açúcar e Aditivos: Uma opção saudável que não compromete a dieta, ajudando a manter níveis de açúcar no sangue estáveis.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se que crianças a partir de 4 anos e adultos consumam até 2 gomas por dia, ou conforme orientação de um profissional de saúde. É fundamental não exceder a dose recomendada. As gomas devem ser armazenadas em um local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta e da umidade, para garantir a preservação de suas propriedades nutricionais.
Christine –
We have tried many types of vegetable Gummies over the last year. These have definitely been the best so far. My daughter is not in love with a lemon lime flavor, but she tolerates it with little fuss. I have reordered and recommended these to other parents.
J. Ceja –
They’re definitely healthy for you. They taste okay. They’re not great but they’re bearable.
J. Ceja –
Did you know that these Super Greens Gummies are equivalent to a full serving of veggies? If you didn’t, now you know which is a veggie blend of broccoli sprout, onion extract, broccoli, tomato, carrot, spinach, kale, and Brussels sprouts. That’s why I’m glad I take these when I’m having a busy hectic day when I don’t have time to eat a proper meal like I had this weekend at my daughter’s competition. All I did was take 2 gummies which made me feel better knowing I was getting my full serving of veggies. I absolutely love the taste since they are a Lemon Lime Orange flavor and they don’t taste like veggies at all which is perfect for my daughter because she isn’t a big fan of all vegetables.
The great thing about this product is that my kids and husband can also take them as well.
Best part is that these Super Greens Gummies are vegan, sugar free and pectin based.
Jeremiah McMillan –
I got these for my kids since the description said they don’t taste like vegetables, so I was hoping they might like them and they do. I tried them as well and they have a nice, fruity taste and they chew easily.
Eloise. B. Barclay –
I am so excited! First time ever my son ingested vegetables! He’s 8! Thank you!
J. Hawkes –
Here’s the deal, i am a bariatric surgery patient. And my tiny tummy can only hold so much. I’ve gotta prioritize protein and with my limited space sometimes I miss out on getting the veggies I need. So, I was hunting for a supplement to help me get more greens in. Enter @maryruthorganics and their supergreens gummies. They offered me these to try and well, here are my thoughts…
🥕 🥦 🍅 🥬
I was nervous, I mean, look at the green color and the flavor profile of those citrus fruits can be questionable for a supplement (thank you chewable bariatric vitamins for that 😝). Honestly I was pleasantly surprised. They taste decent and breakdown nicely in the mouth. Not too sticky or hard to chew which is nice. I’ll buy them again in the future to give me that little extra boost for sure.
@maryruthorganics @stackinfluence #maryruth #maryruthspartner
Kato –
These gummies are unique to include greens in diet yet taste really good. If you want more greens in your diet but can’t eat that much, try these. They’re easy, tasty and effective.
Eloise. B. Barclay –
People have been mentioning my glow lately. I’m not a gatekeeper so let me share something new that I’ve been trying. These Mary Ruth’s Super Green Gummies have a full serving of veggies, are sugar free, pectin based, vegan, and each serving has 2 grams of fiber! All that and you would assume it tastes terrible…but the lemon lime orange flavor is not bad at all. Because they are pectin based (not gelatin) they don’t stick to your teeth. The break down nicely in the mouth. You can move on with your day without spending the next couple of hours trying to get little bits of gummy out of your teeth.
Bottom line, these are a winner! I love it when I find a product that fits so easily into my busy lifestyle. Can’t wait to try some other products from Mary Ruth Organics!