Descrição do Produto:
As Gomas de Alívio do Refluxo Ácido Noturno são a solução ideal para quem busca um alívio rápido e eficaz dos desconfortos estomacais, especialmente à noite. Com sabor refrescante de limão e formulação sem açúcar, essas gomas são práticas e agradáveis de consumir. Cada frasco contém 60 gomas, proporcionando um tratamento prolongado para aqueles que sofrem de azia e refluxo ácido. A ação rápida das gomas ajuda a neutralizar o ácido estomacal, permitindo que você tenha uma noite de sono tranquila e reparadora. Desenvolvidas com ingredientes de alta qualidade, essas gomas são uma alternativa conveniente aos antiácidos líquidos, oferecendo alívio sem o gosto desagradável e a inconveniência dos medicamentos tradicionais.
1. Alívio Rápido: A formulação atua rapidamente para neutralizar o ácido estomacal, proporcionando alívio imediato dos sintomas de refluxo.
2. Sabor Agradável: O sabor de limão torna o consumo das gomas uma experiência prazerosa, sem o gosto amargo dos antiácidos líquidos.
3. Sem Açúcar: Ideal para quem busca uma opção saudável, as gomas são isentas de açúcar, tornando-as adequadas para dietas restritivas.
4. Fácil de Transportar: O frasco compacto permite que você leve as gomas para qualquer lugar, garantindo que o alívio esteja sempre à mão.
5. Promove um Sono Tranquilo: Ao aliviar os sintomas de refluxo, as gomas ajudam a garantir uma noite de sono mais tranquila e reparadora.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se consumir 2 gomas antes de dormir ou conforme necessário, respeitando a dosagem máxima de 4 gomas por dia. As gomas devem ser mastigadas completamente antes de engolir, permitindo que os ingredientes ativos atuem de forma eficaz no estômago. É importante não exceder a dose recomendada e consultar um médico em caso de sintomas persistentes. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar sua eficácia.
Aiden –
So these are ok but I am not a fan of these having the snail powder in them, if you have an allergy to snail, mollusks or maybe other certain sensitive reactions, these could affect (effect) you and that is not usually something you look for when buying a sleep remedy. While they helped somewhat with the acid reflux, I just cannot get past the snail powder being in this, it should be a bit more advertised.
Tinkerer –
As I have aged, I do now have some issues with sleeping through the night. I don’t have issues falling asleep – but I often wake up after about 4 hours and have trouble going back to sleep. I have tried a few sleep aids to see if I could get a better night sleep. While several items in this category work, I have had issues with supplements that make it hard for me to get up in the morning – like I’m too groggy to jump up and start my day.
This supplement was nicely packaged with 2 safety seals (which I appreciate). The gummies themselves were pleasantly flavored and the right chewy consistency. I take the recommended 2 gummies right before I went to sleep. I have occasionally had bouts of acid reflux at night – and I haven’t any any with these gummies. (I want to say that I don’t have issues that often – so that part of it could be just a coincidence.) What I did get however is a good night sleep (I still sometimes wake up after about 4 hours – but I was able to go back to sleep when it happens). Also, when it is time to get up (I’m an early riser), I haven’t had any of that groggy feeling that I have had from some other supplements.
Overall, I think these were a very good choice and I’m quite happy with them.
Chebosky –
I regularly take melatonin to help sleep, and I have issues with acid reflux, so I was eager to try these and hopefully kill two birds with one stone. Each two gummy serving contains 6 mg melatonin which is in line with the 5 mg I normally take. It also contains calcium carbonate, as well as a reflux blend that contains slippery elm bark, semisulcospira gottschei, and yijing-tang. I am not familiar with most of these ingredients
The gummies taste fine with a light citrus flavor that isn’t too sweet. They are firmer that some gummies, but they are easy to chew and go down easily. I have been taking them about a half hour before I lie down for bed
They have helped me get drowsy and fall asleep similar to other melatonin products I am used to. I am able to go down quickly, and I stay asleep through the night. However, I haven’t really noticed much of a difference with reflux. I haven’t experienced any negative effects, but was hoping it would make a bigger difference
C. Huegen –
I like how you don’t have to take this everyday. Just on those days that seem extra. 🙂 has a calming effect. Does not taste bad whatsoever.
odin –
With 6 mg of melatonin per serving (2 gummies), this is one of the higher doses of melatonin that I’ve seen on the market – most target 1-5 mg per serving 30 minutes before bed. The first night I used these gummies, I took only 1 (30 minutes before bedtime) just to gauge its effects and I’m glad I limited it. I fell asleep more securely than I normally do, and woke up right around the time of my alarm (usually I’m awakened a few times at night). Unless I’ve had a late night run to the nearest Mexican restaurant, I typically don’t have a problem with reflux, but something to keep the stomach settled is never a bad thing.
The flavor and texture of these gummies are very good – a good strong lemon flavor is pleasant, and the gummy isn’t gritty. No unpleasant aftertaste is left.
DrPete –
I didn’t order this product because while researching ingredients, I found a 2024 study by the Cleveland Clinic showing Xylitol may increase the risk of heart attack and/or stroke. I urge researching the ingredients – seek your Dr’s advice – to determine your own personal health risks…as for me I’m NOT risking my health for a few more Zzzzs. BTW, other sugar alcohols show the same health risks! Good luck!
Chebosky –
I was very skeptical of these gummies, but ended up loving them! They have a lemon flavor that’s not too strong and not too artificial. If you kind mild lemon candies, you’ll like these. More importantly, they do help with acid reflux. I’m surprised there’s not more products like this on the market, considering acid reflux strikes so often while laying down, if you have acid reflux problems. Very happy with these overall. My only complaint is the price, which I can’t afford to keep buying, but the product is good!
blord7777 –
This is definitely something to take before sleep as it contains melatonin, the melatonin is fast acting and made me sleepy, it also seems to temporarily help with acid, the flavor of the gummies is a pleasant lemon flavor, but I thought the gummies were a bit hard to chew and were sticky on teeth, I had to let them dissolve like a lozenge, so far this supplement agrees perfectly with the only side effect being drowsy/sleepy after taking them.
The ingredients are unique with a 3,500 mg reflux relief proprietary blend of slippery elm bark, snail powder extract, yijing-tang elixir, it also has 320 mg of calcium, 6 mg of melatonin, the other ingredients are also good being sweetened using xylitol (toxic to dogs), pectin, citric acid, sodium citrate, water, and natural lemon flavor, the serving size is just 2 gummies before going to sleep.
For cons, snail powder is kind of an odd ingredient, the gummies are a tough texture and sticky on teeth.
Overall I like them, restful night sleep, helps calm acid reflux, sugar-free, non-gmo, gluten-free, just 2 gummies before bed, 30 servings (60 gummies total).