Descrição do Produto: Squiggles Kids Multivitamin Iron Gummies 100ct
Descubra a alegria de cuidar da saúde dos seus filhos com as gomas multivitamínicas Squiggles Kids! Com um total de 100 gomas deliciosas, este produto é a escolha ideal para garantir que seu pequeno receba todos os nutrientes essenciais de que precisa. Ao contrário de outras marcas que oferecem apenas 60 gomas, Squiggles proporciona um suprimento generoso que pode durar de 50 a 100 dias, oferecendo um excelente custo-benefício.
As gomas Squiggles são enriquecidas com ferro, um mineral crucial para a produção de hemoglobina, que é responsável pelo transporte de oxigênio no corpo. Com a adição de ferro, você pode ter certeza de que o sangue do seu filho estará saudável e oxigenado, promovendo um desenvolvimento adequado e energia para brincar e aprender.
Além disso, as gomas multivitamínicas Squiggles são formuladas para apoiar um sistema imunológico forte. Com uma ampla gama de vitaminas, incluindo A, B, C, D, E e zinco, cada goma é uma explosão de nutrientes que ajuda a fortalecer as defesas naturais do seu filho, mantendo-o saudável e feliz durante todo o ano.
Uma das grandes vantagens das gomas Squiggles é seu baixo teor de açúcar. Diga adeus às gomas carregadas de açúcar e abrace a doçura natural que Squiggles oferece. Com o equilíbrio perfeito de sabor e nutrição, essas gomas são uma maneira deliciosa de garantir que seu filho receba os nutrientes necessários sem excessos de açúcar.
Por último, mas não menos importante, as gomas Squiggles são fáceis de mastigar e engolir. Adeus às dificuldades com comprimidos e cápsulas! Com uma textura deliciosa e mastigável, seu filho vai adorar tomar suas vitaminas diárias sem qualquer esforço.
– Suprimento Generoso: 100 gomas garantem um fornecimento prolongado, ideal para famílias que buscam economia.
– Ferro para Sangue Saudável: Contribui para a produção de hemoglobina, essencial para a saúde e energia das crianças.
– Fortalecimento do Sistema Imunológico: Combinação de vitaminas e minerais que ajudam a proteger contra doenças.
– Baixo Teor de Açúcar: Uma opção saudável que não compromete o sabor, ideal para crianças.
– Fácil de Consumir: Gomas mastigáveis que tornam a hora da vitamina uma experiência agradável e sem estresse.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se que crianças a partir de 2 anos consumam 1 a 2 gomas por dia, conforme orientação de um profissional de saúde. As gomas devem ser mastigadas completamente antes de engolir. Armazene em local fresco e seco, longe da luz solar direta, para preservar a qualidade e a eficácia do produto.
Bryan Adamson –
Hard gummy but my son loves it
SavvvvvyShopper –
My middle has low iron and was affecting his nails. I couldn’t find a vitamin that helped until now! My kids have only been taking them for a little over a week but I’m already seeing improvement! The smell a lot of people are complaining about isn’t that bad; it’s smells like any other multivitamin with the add of a slight smell of iron. If I was pregnant it would probably bother me more though. My kids don’t love the taste but they don’t hate it either. They chew up well and I love how there is not a bunch of stuff like dyes mixed in. I really appreciate it’s all natural. I would highly recommend especially for those kids with iron issues!
SavvvvvyShopper –
Was looking for a Vitamin that included Vitamin D plus Iron and this is perfect ! My 3 year old enjoys taking them . They not sticky at all but do have a chalky vitamin taste and smell .
Emily –
First off, I’ve ordered these several times. My 5 year old likes them, and so do my 2 year olds. They do have an aftertaste of iron but they don’t complain.
The serving size is 1-3 years old for 1 gummy and 4+ for 2. My 5 year old was so excited when she turned 4 that she would get to start having *2* gummies. Lo and behold the most recent bottle didn’t say 4+ for 2 gummies, but 14+. She was so bummed and I thought I was going crazy that I misread all the previous ones.
No, I just received another order and it’s back to normal/what I remembered reading. I’ve included pics to compare the empty bottle we just finished and the new one. So, unsure if the last bottle we had was a misprint but just make sure to read the bottle you order.
Ms.Nycz –
If your kids have taste buds that work don’t order. My kids are 11 and 7 they both almost threw up after I told them they couldn’t spit them out as soon as they started chewing. I did let them spit it out after the very dramatic couple chews. My 11 year old told me to try them if I didn’t believe how bad they were, I refused after the iron smell did not leave my fingers for hours after just touching them. Can’t return.
Ciera –
The texture was a little slimy when it was first opened. Maybe because of the heat when shipping? But now that they are open, even with a tight lid on and never open more than a second to get them out, they are all dried up. Not worth the money if it dries up that quick
ashley –
Great product
Ciera –
My beautiful, sweet, and loving 3 year old would rather go hungry then try something new. This includes ice cream, candy and cookies by the way. I mean, I’m happy she’s making healthy choices but what kid isn’t excited about candy? I’m not sure where she gets her stubbornness, not from me certainly, but she is what she is. Trying to transition her from the liquid vitamins to children’s hard chewable was going about as well as potty training, which she also has no interest in. After much begging, pleading, yelling, crying, and temper tantrums (on both sides) I decided to try something different. I spent the money on these gummies. Compared to the store brand chewables these are pretty expensive. But I’ll ask you, what is your sanity worth? I hyped the gummies up before they came as much as I could. When I gave it to her she was excited they were gummies. She put it in her mouth no complaints or anything. Now, to me, they smell terrible, but she doesn’t care at all. I asked her if she liked it and she smiled and said yes! It’s several days later now and when I tell her it’s time for a bath she says “yay, bath and gummie!” Oh to be young and easily amused. Point is, she loves them, and I don’t have a fight on my hands every night. So if your kid is picky, give these a try. It worked for us.