Nature’s Key Apple Cider Vinegar Gummies – 1000mg 60 Contagem: A Revolução do Bem-Estar
Descubra o poder transformador das gomas de vinagre de maçã da Nature’s Key, uma forma inovadora e deliciosa de incorporar os benefícios do vinagre de maçã à sua rotina diária. Com 1000mg por porção, cada frasco contém 60 gomas que não apenas facilitam a ingestão, mas também oferecem uma experiência gustativa agradável. O vinagre de maçã é conhecido por suas propriedades ancestrais que promovem a saúde digestiva, ajudam na perda de peso e atuam como um detox natural.
- CHEWABLE ACV – Os benefícios do vinagre de maçã são milenares. O rico conteúdo de enzimas e fibras apoia a saúde intestinal, combate o inchaço, promove a desintoxicação e limpeza, melhora a aparência da pele e apoia um metabolismo saudável.
- ENHANCED BENEFITS – A fórmula das gomas de vinagre de maçã da Nature’s Key é enriquecida com Vitamina B12, B6, Ácido Fólico, Pó de Romã e Pó de Beterraba. Esses superalimentos contribuem para o funcionamento normal do sistema imunológico, apoiam a desintoxicação e a limpeza.
- NUTRITIONIST FORMULATED – Todos os produtos da Nature’s Key foram formulados por nossos nutricionistas e produzidos de acordo com os mais altos padrões de fabricação do mundo. Utilizamos uma técnica única que entrega uma dose medida contida em cada goma para máxima eficácia. A melhor técnica e os ingredientes mais benéficos nos permitem produzir suplementos nutricionais inovadores para beneficiar nossos clientes.
- GREAT TASTE – Nossas gomas de vinagre de maçã têm um sabor agridoce, que alivia o gosto do vinagre cru e possui o aroma doce do suco de maçã. Aproveite os benefícios do vinagre de maçã, sem o desagradável gosto azedo!
- WHY CHOOSE US – Ao contrário de outros produtos, nossas gomas de vinagre de maçã são feitas com ingredientes naturais, livres de glúten, soja, gelatina, adoçantes artificiais, cores e conservantes. Mais eficazmente absorvidas, para que você possa desfrutar de todos os benefícios das gomas de vinagre de maçã de alta potência. Adicione ao carrinho, compre agora!
1. Apoio à Digestão: Melhora a saúde intestinal e reduz o inchaço, promovendo um sistema digestivo mais eficiente.
2. Auxílio na Perda de Peso: Contribui para a sensação de saciedade, ajudando a controlar o apetite e a ingestão calórica.
3. Desintoxicação Natural: Facilita a eliminação de toxinas do corpo, promovendo uma limpeza interna eficaz.
4. Fortalecimento do Sistema Imunológico: Os ingredientes adicionais como Vitamina B12 e Pó de Romã ajudam a manter o sistema imunológico forte.
5. Sabor Agradável: A experiência de consumo é prazerosa, tornando mais fácil a adesão a um estilo de vida saudável.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se consumir duas gomas de vinagre de maçã da Nature’s Key diariamente. As gomas podem ser ingeridas a qualquer hora do dia, preferencialmente antes das refeições, para maximizar os benefícios digestivos e de controle de apetite. Armazene em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar a qualidade e eficácia do produto.
Dennis J Klatt –
The gummies are fine, taste good, etc. But honestly if I could give the packaging negative stars I would. It’s nearly impossible to open, but worse, once you do, it’s impossible to close the cap again. The plastic just doesn’t line up right, so you will never get the cap fully back on again.
jamie –
Works well
veganhater –
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Firstly, if you have trouble opening this container you probably have much bigger problems. As soon as the top comes off, you get hit with vinegar aromas. I wasn’t sure what to expect, but the taste and texture were great. Sweet, tart, red apple flavors with a great gummy bite. Really delicious.
This is day one, so way too early to talk about weight loss or digestive results, but i have been oddly not hungry since eating three of them on an empty stomach at 3pm. Encouraging sign. I’ll report back in a few weeks.
charles t. –
Well my daughter been using it for a month, we bought one bottle of goli on here and a couple bottles offline and this product we bought 2 and just ordered two more. We used both egually and we haven’t seen much difference yet that we know of… my daughter been exercising as well and she is losing weight we are not sure if it’s a combo of both or not. She on her second month now of Nature’s key. The taste is great but milder than the goli which has a strong bolder taste, both are delightful in taste though. My biggest gripe is the packaging of this product…. It’s a real pain in the a$$ to open and close. Don’t know who designed it but they need to go back to the drawing board. I understand things have to be child proof but this darn thing is adult proof as well. So I quess we figured we would try it for three months where we can make a more accurate evaluation…… Goli is way more expensive and you need to order two bottles for a full months supply this product is cheaper and one bottle will get you through a month unless you exceed the daily recommendations.
Update- well it’s been a couple of months not much difference we still have 3 jars left… so we still hoping for the best
Hollie –
I love these apple cider vinegar gummies!
You can taste a little bit of apple, but not the bitter cider vinegar taste.
Also, the gummies have seemed to help with my digestion.
Barbara Sualua Levale –
I was taking 2 tablespoons of ACV in the morning and a teaspoon before each meal and goodness gracious it was horrible. I tried these and now i just eat them for fun. They have a faint scent of ACV but its definitely way easier to take 2 of these instead of one table spoon. I just read that 1 tablespoon of ACV is equivalent to 750mg. So i will take 3 of these gummies every morning and one before every meal. my husband and i eat these and my bottle is almost gone. i’m down to about a week supply so i ordered more and signed up for subscription. i am also trying another brand tomorrow. So we will see how that goes.
Update: I bought and tried the Orphic ACV gummies and I prefer nature’s key over Orphic brand. I added a picture. The Orphic gummies are a little larger and have a different texture. They (Orphic) are a little more potent re: the ACV scent than the nature’s key gummies
Rita D. –
As I open the bottle, (which I need to push down and twist) the smell af cider vinegar wafts up my nose. These are very tasty and almost candy like. They need to be chewed and disolved before swallowing according to the directions. I can’t really tell if they are doing anything for my weight, but I hope they are boosting my immunity.
Can’t hurt to take them, as Apple cider vinegar is supposed to be good for a lot of health issues.
Barbara Sualua Levale –
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I like that my kids always ask for them. The price is great compared to big names, and the taste is better. Doesn’t have the strong apple cider vinegar smell.