Descubra o poder do Vinagre de Maçã em forma de gomas com as nossas Gummy de Vinagre de Maçã (Keto Friendly) com “Mother”. Cada frasco contém 100 gomas extra grandes, oferecendo um suprimento de 40 gomas a mais do que nossos concorrentes, garantindo um valor incrível. Essas gomas são a solução perfeita para quem busca os benefícios do vinagre de maçã sem o gosto forte e ácido. Com a adição de extrato seco de gengibre, elas não apenas facilitam a digestão, mas também promovem a desintoxicação e a limpeza do organismo.
- 100 Gummy Supply: Oferecemos 40 gomas a mais do que nossos concorrentes, proporcionando um valor incrível. Reabasteça menos, gaste menos.
- Keto Friendly: As gomas de vinagre de maçã podem ajudar o corpo a entrar em cetose.
- Contains Mother: Nosso vinagre de maçã contém as fibras de proteínas, enzimas e bactérias benéficas classificadas como “a mãe”.
- For Digestion, Detox, And Cleanse: O vinagre de maçã apoia a digestão, ajuda o corpo a desintoxicar e auxilia na limpeza do organismo.
- Taste Apple, Not Vinegar: Aproveite os benefícios do vinagre de maçã sem precisar bebê-lo e sentir o gosto do vinagre.
1. Facilita a Digestão: As gomas ajudam a regular o sistema digestivo, aliviando desconfortos e promovendo uma melhor absorção de nutrientes.
2. Apoio à Dieta Keto: Ideal para quem segue uma dieta cetogênica, auxiliando na transição do corpo para a cetose.
3. Desintoxicação Natural: Contribui para a eliminação de toxinas, promovendo um organismo mais saudável e equilibrado.
4. Sabor Agradável: Proporciona todos os benefícios do vinagre de maçã sem o gosto forte, tornando o consumo mais prazeroso.
5. Fórmula com “Mother”: A presença da “mãe” no vinagre potencializa suas propriedades benéficas, oferecendo um suporte adicional à saúde intestinal.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se consumir 2 gomas por dia. As gomas podem ser ingeridas a qualquer momento do dia, preferencialmente antes das refeições para maximizar os benefícios digestivos. Armazene em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta. Mantenha fora do alcance de crianças.
casey piotrowski –
I kept hearing how Apple Cider Vinegar was a good thing to take to help lose weight. Well, I lost 45 pounds without it…but the weight kept finding its way back.
I tried other Apple Cider products, but Herbatech was, by far, the best I’ve used. Fresh. Tasty. Much better than other brands…and more appealing than the granular kind…that I bought but could never bring myself to try.
And, best of all, the weight has stayed off…not by using this alone, but, like anything, it’s one more element in helping keep me in shape…and one I look forward to taking every day…which I do.
Did Not Let Me Down! –
The taste is very pleasant & it seems to be a good value. I have only used this product for a few days but find it easy to use & I have had no unpleasant side effects! Delivered a day early in excellent condition!! So far I can recommend giving it a try!!
DNewkirk –
I tried the gummies for help with weight loss and overall digestion support. I have lost 15# so far and plan on continuing to take the gummies for help in losing 35# more, and then as a maintenance supplement. Great product and a wonderful alternative to taking the liquid ACV, which tastes terrible and gives me heartburn. The gummies taste great without the upset stomach!
G. Murray –
Curved appetite
JB from Boston –
Very good flavor and decent size gummies. Should last me a while and I will definitely order them again.
Good product. Good taste. Effective. Just a tad expensive with the recent price change.
Valerie W. –
I’ve been taking another brand for 5 months and it had helped my digestion and bloating and energy levels but… it was 20 bucks for a 30 day supply and by month 5 the taste and texture began to bother me and make me gag.. they were too sticky and just too sweet. So I saw these. And they were 5 dollar cheaper for a 50 day supply so I figured in try these. I’ve noticed no difference in these and the more expensive brand other than these taste so much better and are a much better value.. I’m definitely switching
Jill –
I have been fighting the same 30 pounds for decades. I had read about the benefits of apple cider vinegar and I tried to drink it with water. I did that twice and it was a horrible experience. I was on Amazon and decided to just search for anything else as a way to get the benefits of vinegar without the horrible taste. I was taken to products that contain ACV and I have to always make the right choice that also is a product without too high a price…your gummies seemed to fit the bill so I ordered my first bottle. They taste wonderful and I’ve never had a product that actually worked to suppress my appetite. I take two of the gummies a day and that’s all I need to keep me satisfied. I’m on my second bottle now and will get another when this one is gone. They are definitely worth trying!
casey piotrowski –
These are more sugar than ACV. Taste more like a regular gummy with a hint of ACV. I little too much sugar.