Descrição do Produto:
As Gomas de Vinagre de Maçã com a Mãe 1000 mg são uma forma deliciosa e prática de incorporar os benefícios do vinagre de maçã na sua rotina diária. Cada goma contém 1000 mg de vinagre de maçã, incluindo a famosa “mãe”, que é rica em probióticos e enzimas benéficas. Este produto é ideal para quem busca melhorar a saúde digestiva, aumentar o metabolismo e promover a sensação de saciedade. As gomas são feitas com ingredientes naturais, sem adição de açúcares artificiais, e são uma alternativa conveniente às formas líquidas de vinagre, que podem ser ácidas e desagradáveis ao paladar. Com um sabor agradável, essas gomas são perfeitas para quem deseja um suporte diário à saúde de forma saborosa e prática.
1. Saúde Digestiva: As gomas ajudam a equilibrar a flora intestinal, promovendo uma digestão saudável e aliviando desconfortos gastrointestinais.
2. Aumento do Metabolismo: O vinagre de maçã é conhecido por ajudar a acelerar o metabolismo, auxiliando na queima de gordura e no controle de peso.
3. Controle do Apetite: As gomas promovem a sensação de saciedade, ajudando a reduzir a ingestão calórica ao longo do dia.
4. Antioxidantes Naturais: Contêm antioxidantes que combatem os radicais livres, contribuindo para a saúde geral e o bem-estar.
5. Praticidade e Sabor: A forma em goma torna o consumo do vinagre de maçã mais agradável e fácil, ideal para quem tem dificuldade com o líquido.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de 2 gomas por dia, preferencialmente antes das refeições principais. As gomas podem ser mastigadas diretamente ou consumidas com um copo de água para facilitar a digestão. É importante não exceder a dose recomendada e manter o produto em local fresco e seco. Para melhores resultados, combine o uso das gomas com uma dieta equilibrada e a prática regular de exercícios físicos.
Elvia Reed –
I cannot stand drinking apple cider vinegar and gave up trying years ago. These gummies are actually super tolerable and honesly pretty tasty. I have fun eating them every morning. I’ve only been using them for a week now though, so I can’t say whether or not they bring about any changes. However, if you’ve been wanting to try adding apple cider vinegar to your routine but can’t stand drinking it like me, then I definitely reccomend these gummies. The little fiber is a nice extra bonus too. The reason I gave 4 stars instead of 5 is because again, it’s too early to tell whether or not these gummies are beneficial. I will definitely come back in a month or so to update on that.
GardenGal –
I liked the taste. They were sweet but not overly sweet and had zero acid burn when you chewed and swallowed them. They did seem to bind up a bit toward the last 25% of the bottle. I had to knock them free quite forcefully or use a tool.
I didn’t see much in the way of assisting with weight loss. I did put in some effort to try to use it like other ACV supplements where the ACV is an aid NOT a “fix”. For me, I didn’t see much difference during the 30 days supply.
I DID see a difference in my general guy health. Less digestive issues after abnormal meals too.
The price was pretty much on point with similar products.
DW –
These are great tasting ACV gummies and they are effective at reducing my appetite.
I can recommend them.
Brian H –
These gummies are vegan, GMP and third-party tested. That hits all the buttons for me. They have a nice flavor with just a slight bite of vinegar.
C-Man –
I took these for several days as part of my diet and exercise plan. Over 3 weeks I did not notice any improvement in the speed of my weightloss. I also strongly dislike the odor and after taste of these gummies. Overall I think they’re a placebo.
Dawn E. –
I’ve taken another ACV gummy for a long time and thought I’d change it up.
These are very soft gummies with a more pleasant flavor. It’s fruity with a very mild or light vinegar flavor.
I don’t notice any vinegar odor when I open the jar.
I haven’t noticed any difference between these and the other brand that I took. I recommend these and plan to continue to take them.
Dianne L. –
This helps me curb my appetite and I love that it had extra fiber, so for the calories of the gummy I’m getting fiber at least as well. It’s a pretty good flavor, not bad at all. They are a little sticky, but easy enough to get out of the bottle if you bang the lid down before opening. Very good price accounting for the fiber component. The potency is high and I’ll continue to take this supplement. No adverse side effects so far.
Luna 🌙 –
Was looking for something to supplement my keto diet. These gummies contain ACV and when you open the container you can smell it. They tasted a little tangy but not bad at all. Even though they are geared to keto diets they do have carbs in them so be sure to check the label and see if that works for you.