Descrição do Produto
As Gomas de Vinagre de Maçã Premium – 80 unidades, 1000mg Cru, Orgânico, Não Filtrado ACV da Mãe, são a solução ideal para quem busca os benefícios do vinagre de maçã de forma prática e saborosa. Com uma fórmula que preserva a “mãe”, essas gomas oferecem todos os nutrientes essenciais do vinagre de maçã cru e orgânico, sem o gosto ácido e desagradável da versão líquida. Cada goma é cuidadosamente elaborada para não ser pegajosa, facilitando o consumo diário.
Essas gomas não apenas auxiliam na desintoxicação do corpo, mas também são um poderoso aliado para fortalecer o sistema imunológico. Com 1000mg de vinagre de maçã por porção, elas ajudam a promover uma saúde geral melhorada, apoiando o metabolismo e contribuindo para a prática de atividades físicas. Além disso, a presença de ingredientes naturais como beterraba e romã potencializa os efeitos benéficos, oferecendo antioxidantes que favorecem a saúde da pele e do cabelo.
Feitas com maçãs reais, as gomas têm um sabor agradável e são ricas em vitaminas B1, B9 e ácido fólico, que podem melhorar o humor e o metabolismo. Ao incorporar essas gomas na sua rotina, você não só desfruta de um lanche saboroso, mas também investe na sua saúde de maneira prática e eficiente.
- Suporte à imunidade: Fortalece o sistema imunológico, ajudando a prevenir doenças.
- Desintoxicação natural: Auxilia na limpeza do organismo, promovendo um bem-estar geral.
- Sabor agradável: Gomas fáceis de mastigar, com sabor de maçã, sem o gosto ácido do vinagre líquido.
- Ingredientes adicionais benéficos: Contém beterraba e romã, que melhoram a saúde da pele e do cabelo.
- Apoio ao condicionamento físico: Ajuda a controlar desejos e a reduzir a retenção de água, otimizando os resultados de atividades físicas.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de 2 gomas de vinagre de maçã da Dacha por dia. Para melhores resultados, mastigue bem antes de engolir. É aconselhável consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplemento alimentar, especialmente se você tiver condições de saúde preexistentes ou estiver grávida.
Bìheo –
Drinking apple cider vinegar is a new trend now for diet. I think it works since for one month I am trying taking this with exercise, I have been losing 5 lbs. The gummy is the better form for intake since I can not stand the liquid form of apple cider vinegar. The taste is not bad at all. However, recently I am experienced the stomach upset like 30 minutes taking these. I try to limit my intake not more than 1 a day. Maybe this is good for someone with no stomach problem. I suggest to take it with caution or with full stomach to prevent the stomach issue.
Kim –
Seems to be doing what it claims by suppressing my appetite. I have not been taking it long enough To see if I’m losing any weight But I am hopeful that this is going to work. I will review again after I have been on it for a while.
Denise balisciano –
It helps stop the constant cravings for snacks,they taste so good it’s like having a snack in itself. I have one in the morning before breakfast,then one in the afternoon,sometimes I even forget to take it in the afternoon because I’m not hungry. So one gummie has been working by itself. It also helps eliminate and get rid of the toxins in your body and helps the digestive process. It gives you more energy through out the day and don’t get tired as easily. It’s a great product and tastes wonderful.I would highly recommend it.
I got this mainly to help with late night cravings and also to help detox and cleanse my body. Another reason was to help support weight loss.
The late night cravings that I have for sugar have decreased greatly. I was surprised to not crave sugar late at night as I normally do. This has helped with my weight loss.
As far as the detox and cleanse, I do know it has helped with that as I experienced some of that detox feeling in the beginning and I had a lot of skin breakouts. I reduced the amount I was using per day and that helped me get on a more level playing field with this.
My skin is now clearer than ever and it feels like some of the brain fog I had before taking this product is gone. My fatigue has lessened too. Those are things I did not expect an improvement in with this product.
I’ve been very happy with this product and have suggested others to look into this brand rather than the more prominent brand out there. I’m quite thankful for this product. The gummies also taste delicious.
Kelly –
It is a good product and seems to be working and I’ve only been using it for a week.
abc –
I felt bloated and over weight. No matter how much I worked out or how much water I drank or managed my calories plus on and off constipation. I also was taking TONS of vitamins to try to stay healthy and increase energy. At first I have to admit I was hesitant on trying this but I didnt have anything to loose. Following the directions-the first week was kind of weird I felt like my body was flushing everything out. Gradually my bowles started to normalize, no more tummy issues. No more bloating and tummy reducing in size. I can feel it when I pull those jeans on and my husband says he can notice Im doing something right. I still work out but now in combination with this-it seems to be working. I have not reached my goal its only been a month but I plan to continue just to stay fit and feel strong. By the way Im 61 years old. shushh dont tell
laneyr –
I had been drinking acv for quite a while but wanted to switch to pills that would be easier on my teeth. After taking a bottle of pills I needed to switch again because they did nothing for me. I didn’t like the idea of gummies but decided to try these. Wow, I am impressed, they really do taste like apples, no vinegar taste at all & now I’m getting the results I was looking for. I feel somewhat more energetic but the main thing I like about them is I just feel good! I highly, highly recommend these gummies & the customer service is wonderful, they really reach out to make sure you are happy with their product. I am an older woman, still pretty active, & enjoying life even more now. I will continue to use these & am very happy with this brand.
Carole R Norulak –
Dacha ACV gummies have a really nice flavor, more like a fresh apple than vinegar. The texture is also good, easy to chew, but a little firm rather than actually being gummy. They don’t stick to my teeth as some do. They help control my sugar cravings, I have a real “sweet tooth”. I also think that I eat less, they seem to be an appetite suppressant. Family members who have also bee taking these ACV gummies for the past month have also commented on not being as hungry as they had been and not eating as much. Good product.