Descrição do Produto:
As Gomas de Vinagre de Maçã 1000 mg da Vitaminer Shop são uma maneira deliciosa e prática de incorporar os benefícios do vinagre de maçã à sua rotina diária. Com a presença da “mãe”, um composto natural que contém enzimas, probióticos e nutrientes, essas gomas são formuladas para promover a saúde digestiva e auxiliar no metabolismo. Cada goma contém 1000 mg de vinagre de maçã, proporcionando uma dose eficaz que pode ajudar a controlar o apetite, melhorar a digestão e aumentar a energia. Além disso, são livres de glúten e adoçadas naturalmente, tornando-as uma opção saudável e saborosa para quem busca um estilo de vida equilibrado.
1. Apoio à Digestão: As gomas ajudam a equilibrar o pH do estômago, promovendo uma digestão mais eficiente e aliviando desconfortos gastrointestinais.
2. Controle do Apetite: O vinagre de maçã é conhecido por ajudar a reduzir a sensação de fome, auxiliando no controle do peso.
3. Aumento do Metabolismo: Contribui para a aceleração do metabolismo, facilitando a queima de calorias e a perda de peso.
4. Melhora da Saúde da Pele: Os antioxidantes presentes no vinagre de maçã podem ajudar a melhorar a aparência da pele, promovendo um brilho saudável.
5. Praticidade e Sabor: As gomas são uma alternativa saborosa ao vinagre líquido, tornando o consumo diário mais agradável e fácil.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de 2 gomas por dia, preferencialmente antes das refeições. Para melhores resultados, mastigue bem as gomas antes de engolir. É importante manter uma dieta equilibrada e um estilo de vida saudável enquanto utiliza este suplemento. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer regime de suplementação, especialmente se você tiver condições médicas preexistentes ou estiver grávida.
Amazon Customer –
Apple cider vinegar with mother. These gummies are an wonderful alternative to their tablet (and liquid) forms and they taste amazing! Soft and chewy, the dosage of (2) gummies daily is easy on [my] stomach without any issues.
Highly recommended!
C-Man –
I take apple cider vinegar (ACV) supplements to assist me with my efforts in losing weight. These Keto ACV gummies are fresh, tasty and extremely easy to consume. I like the apple cider vinegar flavor because it is not too overpowering. This is a great supplement for assisting me in losing weight and for my overall digestive health.
keirdionne –
I’ve been taking supplements for gut health for years. These gummies are an easy way to support best overall gut health. A couple of these fruit flavored chews & you are good to go. They are easy to chew, have a mild vinegar flavor, but not unpleasant. I am taking for gut health, any weight loss benefits will be a bonus. Recommend. 9/10
Matthew –
Apple Cider Vinegar Gummies are typically a great addition to any diet, as there are a lot of reported benefits in Apple Cider Vinegar but a lot of people can’t get past the taste (including myself). Could have been a great product I suppose, but I will never know as the white seal under the lid was already open when it arrived. Hopefully this was just a fluke and not an indication of some quality control issues, but for me, it was a huge miss.
E. Marie –
Beets taste like dirt, no matter what you do with them. But put them in a gummy and I find a convincing way to keep beets in my diet. Boasting 11% of one’s daily fiber intake, this is a pretty good supplement with only two chews. The ingredients are minimal and the gummies taste pretty good. I haven’t noticed any improvement in my digestion, but then again, I’m only taking these for the other benefits that beets provide such as energy. It could be a placebo effect, but I feel that I can last a little longer in the day while on these gummies.
keirdionne –
I took these for several days as part of my diet and exercise plan. Over 3 weeks I did not notice any improvement in the speed of my weightloss. I also strongly dislike the odor and after taste of these gummies. Overall I think they’re a placebo.
Linda –
Good flavor, good texture, not hard to eat at all!
PrincessSteffie –
I have been enjoying these ACV gummies a couple weeks and opened this one and it’s all stuck together. It takes a fork and shaking to get them unstuck from each other to get them out of the container. I still use them but they are sticky and I have to be careful to not get the acid stuck to my teeth.