Elderberry Gummies para Crianças e Bebês: A Proteção que Seu Filho Merece
As gomas de sabugueiro (Elderberry Gummies) da Dr. Moritz foram especialmente formuladas para atender às necessidades de imunidade de crianças a partir de 2 anos. Com 75 mg de extrato de sambucus nigra em cada porção, essas gomas oferecem um suporte eficaz à saúde imunológica, combinando o poder do sabugueiro com a vitamina C e o zinco. Isso significa que, em vez de comprar gomas de imunidade separadas para adultos e crianças, você pode ter um produto que atende a toda a família.
As gomas são feitas com ingredientes saudáveis e funcionais, sendo livres de glúten e gelatina, não contêm organismos geneticamente modificados (não-GMO), são vegetarianas e não possuem alérgenos. Com um sabor agradável e um aroma irresistível, essas gomas se tornam rapidamente as favoritas das crianças, tornando o momento de cuidar da saúde uma experiência prazerosa.
Ideal para qualquer estação do ano, as gomas de sabugueiro são uma excelente escolha para proteger e impulsionar a saúde imunológica da sua família. O extrato de sabugueiro cru europeu, juntamente com a dose diária de vitamina C e zinco, proporciona uma defesa robusta contra os desafios sazonais, especialmente durante o período de resfriados, quando as crianças estão em contato constante com outras na escola ou no jardim de infância.
Kristin –
My son uses it everyday and it seems to help with getting colds, but when he does he seems to get over them a little faster since taking these! He loved the flavor, of course they’re not like sugar laden gummies that are in the candy aisle but he has no problem chomping them up 😉
Mark D. Simpson –
My son loves these and they really helped him get over his cold. I’m going to have him take them everyday to prevent getting a cold. He’s usually missed a couple days of school by this time of the year, no school missed so far!
Brad P. –
I give this to my little guy almost daily and he thinks it’s such a treat! Of course I’ve tested it out myself and it is pretty delicious for a gummy supplement and happy that it helps to boost our immune system! Soft and easy to chew.
Many thanks!!
Calia26 –
We have been using this product for over120 days and love it! One family member has been always succeptible to catching anything, but has not had any issues this year! My wife and I feel more protected using Elderberry, Zinc, and vitamin C! Great consistently produced product that always tastes good! We will keep on buying! Thank you!
Eduardo Velez –
My son loves taking these. They are not tough or too chewy. I also like that they aren’t overly sugary. They are perfect to build kiddos immune systems, especially this time of year. I have subscribed and am happy to keep these coming.
FamZ –
Great taste the real deal would buy again
Mark D. Simpson –
My 3 kids take this at the first hint of a cold. It tastes yummy and boosts their immune systems. They ask for “berry vitamins” every day because the flavor is so good.
FamZ –
I’ve purchased these a few times now. The quality is good and each bottle has been consistent in taste, color, shape etc. I like that they are sourced with non-GMO ingredients. I will say that shipping in warm/hot weather does cause them to be a little melty appearing but they quickly regain & retain shape when stored properly. They’re not especially sticky like some gummies and have a typical gummy texture. The serving size is 2 and each is approximately the size of a penny in diameter.
Now for the flavor. Your mileage may vary (YMMV). I have 2 kids that don’t care for the flavor, 1 that hasn’t said a peep about it and another that says they taste just okay. I personally think they just taste like a grape-ish flavored gummy snack. As a parent that wants their kids to be and stay healthy I told them they need to give it a bit of time to form an opinion. Several months & bottles later the taste of them hasn’t been mentioned again.
They are taken each morning at breakfast. We haven’t had any colds for the 6 months taking them and I partly credit that to them taking these regularly.
Let me know if you found this review helpful. Best wishes