Descrição do Produto: Gummies de Óxido de Magnésio 400mg
Descubra o poder dos Gummies de Óxido de Magnésio 400mg, um suplemento mastigável projetado especialmente para adultos que buscam melhorar sua saúde de forma prática e saborosa. Cada goma contém 400 mg de óxido de magnésio, uma forma amplamente disponível deste mineral essencial, que desempenha um papel crucial no suporte ao sistema nervoso e na promoção da saúde muscular. O magnésio é um aliado poderoso que ajuda a manter o equilíbrio do corpo e a mente.
Os benefícios do óxido de magnésio vão além do que se imagina. Este mineral é fundamental para a saúde do cérebro e dos nervos, contribuindo para a melhoria da memória e da concentração. Além disso, ele atua como um calmante natural, aliviando o estresse e promovendo um sono reparador. Com a ingestão regular, você pode notar uma diferença significativa na qualidade do seu descanso, permitindo que você acorde renovado e pronto para enfrentar o dia.
As Gummies de Óxido de Magnésio não são apenas eficazes, mas também deliciosas. Com um sabor natural de morango, elas oferecem uma alternativa conveniente às cápsulas e comprimidos, tornando a suplementação uma experiência prazerosa. Cada goma é feita com ingredientes de alta qualidade, sendo certificadas pelo GMP, livres de glúten, não transgênicas, sem açúcar e adequadas para veganos. Isso garante que você esteja consumindo um produto saudável e natural, repleto de benefícios para o seu bem-estar.
– Suporte ao Sistema Nervoso: Melhora a função cognitiva, memória e concentração.
– Redução do Estresse: Ajuda a aliviar a tensão e promove um estado de relaxamento.
– Melhora do Sono: Contribui para um sono mais profundo e reparador.
– Saúde Muscular: Auxilia na recuperação muscular e na redução de cãibras.
– Alternativa Saudável: Produto livre de glúten, não transgênico e adequado para veganos.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de duas gummies de óxido de magnésio por dia, preferencialmente à noite, antes de dormir. Mastigue bem as gummies para garantir a absorção adequada dos nutrientes. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, e sempre consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos.
Diane –
These are extremely tasty gummies. They taste just like a Welch’s strawberry fruit snack gummy.
I saw another reviewer gave the product a poor rating due to a misunderstanding of the nutrition label. A serving size is 2 gummies, so each gummy has 200 mg of magnesium oxide, for a total serving of 400 mg, which is 95% of the recommended daily value for men (women actually need a little more magnesium). I had also thought magnesium citrate was the only type that created a laxative effect, but apparently magnesium oxide does as well. I was fortunate enough not to notice that while taking these, though. I won’t deduct any stars for it, since it could be what some other customers are seeking, but a label describing that possibility would help. Also, there is no location address on the label, which is a violation of FDA labeling requirements, and often means the vitamins are from a country that lacks strict standards.
However, given the delicious taste and low rating that this product already got due to confusion, I’m going to give them the benefit of the doubt that the gummy contains the amount of magnesium oxide that they claim and give the product four stars.
Diane –
We all know that it’s never good to rely on gummies for our everyday supplements, but we also all know that we all sometimes forget our pills and we need a multivitamin or a magnesium or a calcium pill. Some pop one with water, no problem, and others realize they really can’t take their pills without food, so they rely on the occasional candy-vitamin like this one, where it’s designed to be eaten like candy while giving us that emergency dose of the supplement or vitamin or mineral we forgot to take. And that’s where gummies like this come in, for our family. This tastes just fine, is easy to take, and gives a nice dose of magnesium, but it is “magnesium oxide”, which is the oxidative form of this supplement, meaning that this supplement has the opposite effect from all the antioxidants we take (like Vitamin C) for the purpose of combatting oxidative stress and oxidative damage in our bodies.
In other words, while this is fine for limited use and popping one when you’ve missed your magnesium pill, this is not a form you’d want to take everyday. Always buy a multivitamin with a healthier form of magnesium (threonate is popular these days, as is glycinate, and they each have their own specific benefits), and always buy a safer form for your single-supplement magnesium pills as well, and then reserve things like this for when you forgot to take the good one and you really must take some magnesium, rather than taking this every single day. This is five-stars for a magnesium oxide supplement, and it’s well-earned being so easy to take when I forget my better form (which is huge and requires food to take), and I’d say this is an excellent option for a gummy when you forget your better pills. Still, I wish they’d use a better form than oxide.
kmurph31 –
I finally went to my Doctor for my physical and I took all 3 bottles of supplements that I ordered and received and she said yes. It is okay to take the supplements (these) and the other two. I thought that it would be okay, but I wanted her to give me the Green light, since I have two take two different prescriptions for my Thyroid, and I was scolded before for taking the sleep supplement Valerian Root, which is a natural herb, without finding out from her if it would affect my two Thyroid prescriptions. I’m so happy that I can try these supplements, because I thought they were safe.
This is what she told me since I have been low in Magnesium before when having my blood tests at my physical where one time it was so low, the nurse from the my Dr’s practice called me at 8:00 AM in the morning and told me to go straight to the E.R. at the hospital. She said my magnesium levels were dangerously low, and if I didn’t get there immediately I could have a Cardiac event. I was shocked and nobody was home to drive me, so as nervous as I was I drove myself.
They hooked me up to an EKG machine and took more blood as I was sitting in a bed. I was drinking Coca Nut water and the E.R. doctor told me that everything was normal.
What is Magnesium Oxide? Magnesium Oxide is one of the many forms of Magnesium that is an inorganic salt mixed with ions and oxygen. It may not work as well through your blood levels as Magnesium.
What does it help with? When you don’t get enough Magnesium you can get Migraine headaches. Taking 500 MG of Magnesium oxide per day has shown to be effective as a prescription medication for Migraine headaches called Valprorate Sodium..
It’s mainly sold as a supplement or with over the counter products mixed with other nutrients.
Magnesium Oxide is mainly used to treat Constipation. I did know that it was used for that, but I didn’t know it was it’s main use. Magnesium Oxide and Magnesium Carbonate and other forms or inorganic salt gives you the highest amount of Magnesium you need per day. However, it’s less Bioavailable which means they don’t get absorbed as well as another combination. This means when you take it with a form like it it doesn’t get utilized by your body. When you combine Magnesium Oxide which I said above is an inorganic salt with Magnesium Oxide an inorganic salt with Magnesium Glycerophosphate an organic salt then your body utilizes it.
It could help reduce stress and anxiety. Magnesium used with Vitamin B6 will help with Magnesium blood levels raising it to a healthy level. If you or someone you know gets stressed out easily or have anxiety it COULD mean that your Magnesium stores are depleted.
It might help with High Blood Pressure.
It may help lower blood glucose (sugar)
People with Type II Diabetes have been shown when taking Magnesium it can lower blood sugar
It is a mineral that we get from our diets if we eat foods that are high in Magnesium, like bananas we wont need to take a Supplement. My Dr. told me when she explained this a list of other foods rich in Magnesium, but I didn’t eat them so I already forgot them. I think she said sweet potatoes, which I like, but since nobody else will eat them, I don’t buy them, but it wouldn’t hurt to make their dinner and bake a sweet potato for me.
People with Kidney disease could have adverse affects from taking this Magnesium Oxide.
I’m going to go back next week, and I’m going to be told about the results of my blood tests that I had to go to the lab and I’ll be discussing if my Thyroid medication needs adjusting, and she wrote down to test for my Magnesium levels.
It can be dangerous to take more than 1000 mg per day of this supplement for extended periods, of time so this is most likely safe at 400mg per day since it is around the correct dosage, but your body won’t absorb it even though its high in Magnesium, unless it is mixed with a positive unorganic salts which that’s the one form I knew about from my Biochemistry classes in University. There are a list of other forms of Magnesium that when combined with this will be utilized by your body.
Check with your Doctor since its not a good idea not to be monitored by checking the amount in your blood test reveals if you are taking enough Magnesium, or your blood test shows depleted storage amounts. It is dangerous to take too little or too much.