Descrição do Produto: NATURELO Melatonin Gummies para Crianças
Os Gummies de Melatonina NATURELO para crianças são uma solução deliciosa e prática para ajudar os pequenos a terem uma noite de sono tranquila e reparadora. Com sabor de morango, essas gomas vegetarianas são feitas com ingredientes não transgênicos, livres de glúten e soja, garantindo uma opção saudável e segura para os seus filhos. Cada frasco contém 60 gomas, formuladas especialmente para promover um sono gentil e natural, sem causar sonolência excessiva no dia seguinte. A melatonina é um hormônio que regula o ciclo do sono, e essas gomas são ideais para crianças que enfrentam dificuldades para dormir ou que têm horários de sono irregulares. Com uma fórmula leve e saborosa, os Gummies de Melatonina NATURELO são uma excelente adição à rotina noturna das crianças, ajudando a criar um ambiente propício para o descanso.
1. Sono Tranquilo: Ajuda a regular o ciclo do sono, promovendo um descanso mais profundo e reparador.
2. Sabor Agradável: O sabor de morango torna a hora de dormir mais prazerosa, incentivando as crianças a tomarem o suplemento.
3. Fórmula Segura: Livre de glúten, soja e ingredientes transgênicos, ideal para crianças com restrições alimentares.
4. Uso Prático: Gomas fáceis de mastigar, que não requerem água, facilitando a administração para os pais.
5. Sem Efeitos Colaterais: A dosagem suave minimiza o risco de sonolência excessiva durante o dia, permitindo que as crianças acordem revigoradas.
Recomenda-se que as crianças comecem com uma goma de melatonina cerca de 30 minutos antes de dormir. Para melhores resultados, utilize o produto em um ambiente tranquilo e relaxante, longe de telas e estímulos. A dosagem pode ser ajustada conforme a necessidade, mas não exceda duas gomas por dia. Consulte um pediatra antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se a criança tiver condições de saúde preexistentes ou estiver tomando outros medicamentos.
NurseRN1998 –
1mg just enough
TC Detroit –
Purchased in May of 2023 and had an expiration date of July of 2023. This was not even enough time to utilize a 60 day supply. Very disappointed.
Ameer –
Helps aid with sleep, however this product makes me feel a little irritated when I wake up.
Gail –
These work well for my child. He gets a restful sleep.
meread –
My child with Daylight savings spring clock change was struggling to fall asleep. I remember at one point that I tried melatonin as a grad student working 2 jobs and found it helpful. I checked Amazon for a low dose of melatonin gummy for children in the hopes it would help. Sure enough Naturelo had a 1 mg melatonin strawberry gummy. My son enjoyed the taste and it helped him drift off, and ease into the new sleep time shift. He said he could take it nightly if needed. He found he only needed it the first few days to get back on schedule. It is good to have the product around the home in the event of the next time change or difficulty night of falling asleep. I like the 1 mg dose and have tried it as an adult dose. I know in the market there are higher doses too. The 1mg does Naturelo makes is perfect for our nedds.
MagicSkip –
As a 1 mg dose, this is handy for adults and in our household larger children and teens when they are wound up and struggling to fall asleep. We only use it for a night or two and do not use it long-term. These are placed in a parental monitored area, so there is a check-in before consuming any. These are a tasty strawberry flavor, so if it’s a new product for your kiddo, the flavor won’t put them off. It’s better to give one before toothbrushing, and have a few moments to relax before going to bed.
I’ve taken this as an adult. The 1 mg dose is the soft nudge that helps get settled into sleep, and is handy to have around if anyone in the household has the occasional tough moment of falling asleep. This is not a product for staying asleep and can sometimes nudge dreaming into a more active level. We are satisfied with these supplements.
C. Wong –
I am 74 and have not slept well for at least years!! I took it last time, work for a bathroom trip and went right back to sleep. My neurologist told me that I need 3 grams of melatonin. I ate three good tasting melatonin gummies and I even feel refreshed!
For children, always talk to your pediatrician. maybe there is another reason that a kid cannot sleep. Because, these taste great, so I would keep them out of the reach of children. Please lock it up if you have any children.
majormusiclover –
Good natural Strawberry flavor, with only 1gram sugar.
This is a medium soft chew, the gummies don’t stick to each other but do stick to teeth.
I wanted this on hand for when our granddaughter visits.
This is a minimal dose that can help a child calm down and relax a little bit
if they occasionally need a time out.
When I take Melatonin it’s usually a 3mg dose, meaning
this 60 gummie bottle would last me 20 days (or less depending)
1 daily = 60 days
This is vegetarian – gelatin free – no artificial sweeteners nor synthetic colors – GMP