Descrição do Produto: Lifeable Melatonin 20mg Gummies
As noites tranquilas e reparadoras são essenciais para o bem-estar e a saúde geral. Com os Gummies de Melatonina Lifeable, você pode transformar suas noites em momentos de relaxamento e descanso profundo. Cada goma contém 20 mg de melatonina, um hormônio natural que ajuda a regular o ciclo do sono. Ao se ligar aos receptores no cérebro, a melatonina promove a sonolência e reduz a vigília, proporcionando uma rotina noturna mais calma e suave. Com um total de 60 gomas por frasco, cada porção é uma deliciosa experiência de sabor de frutas vermelhas, tornando o momento de dormir ainda mais agradável.
Esses gummies são uma opção vegetariana, certificados como não-GMO, sem glúten e sem laticínios, garantindo que você possa desfrutar de um suplemento de sono que se alinha com suas preferências alimentares. Além disso, são livres de amendoim e gergelim, e feitos com pectina natural, sendo também certificados como Kosher e Halal. A qualidade dos produtos Lifeable é respaldada por um renomado médico de família, que aprova cada um dos nossos suplementos após extensas horas de pesquisa e testes.
– Ajuda a Adormecer e Manter o Sono: A melatonina auxilia na regulação do sono, promovendo um descanso mais profundo e contínuo.
– Sabor Agradável: O sabor de frutas vermelhas torna a experiência de tomar o suplemento prazerosa e fácil de incorporar à rotina noturna.
– Fórmula Vegetariana e Natural: Ideal para quem busca opções de suplementos que respeitem dietas vegetarianas e que sejam livres de aditivos artificiais.
– Aprovação Médica: A confiança de um produto respaldado por um profissional de saúde garante segurança e eficácia.
– Praticidade: Com 60 gomas em cada frasco, é fácil manter uma rotina de sono saudável sem complicações.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se que adultos tomem uma goma de melatonina Lifeable 30 minutos antes de dormir. É importante não exceder a dose recomendada de 20 mg por dia. As gomas devem ser mastigadas completamente antes de engolir, facilitando a absorção do ingrediente ativo. Para um efeito ideal, utilize o produto em um ambiente propício ao sono, evitando luzes fortes e dispositivos eletrônicos que possam interferir na qualidade do descanso.
rose1 –
This product works! It made me not so tired or sleepy in the morning and the flavor is great.
Fit PharmKat –
One tasty gummy contains 10 mg of melatonin. That’s significant considering most melatonin supplements only provide 3mg. The recommended dosage on the bottle says to consume 2 gummies, which would be 20 mg of melatonin, a very strong dose for the severe insomniac.
Sometimes I suffer from delayed sleep onset, which is when your circadian rhythm is about 2 hours later than most everyone else’s, I have learned, so I fall into patterns where I stay up later and wake up later than the functioning world.
Taking a Lifeable melatonin gummy about 45 minutes before I want to retire makes me start to yawn within 30 minutes. Then I can hurry up & give into the tiredness to get to sleep and wake up at a reasonable hour. One gummy gets the job done, tastes great and doesn’t leave me feeling groggy the next day.
It’s also nice knowing that I could slice a gummy in half for 5mg of melatonin on mild insomnia days, which Is still more than a 3mg capsule, something that cannot be cut in half. So the Lifeable brand melatonin turns out to be more user friendly than most other brands for adjusting to my specific sleep needs on any given day.
Sarah melul –
Love this project it make me fall asleep right away sometime. I only need a half of it so I’m I have even more than enough. I have double the amount of what I supposed to have.I love this company. It’s so soft and squishy and feel good in your mouth. The test is very good, Very easy to use the affect on the stomach it’s great. I don’t have any side effects. The performance is great. You do his job so the price is good and the quality is great
Heather P. –
These gummies have a nice flavor and good gummy texture. They worked for me when I used them. I am used to using a lower dose of melatonin, so, although the recommended dose is two gummies, I think many people could get away with using one and double the amount of doses in this bottle. These are packaged in the USA, but produced in Spain. Price seems to be reasonable, especially if you half the dose.
Heather P. –
I ordered the melatonin gummies because I wanted a natural supplement to help me fall asleep faster. Interestingly enough, I came across a very recent 2023 article published in a know medical journal that found the following: “The vast majority of melatonin gummies sold in the US may contain up to 347% more melatonin than is listed on the label, new research shows.” This is obviously concerning to me and while I’m not sure if they tested this particular brand, I won’t be using it especially since it’s not FDA approved. However, for those that do want to use it, I can say that it’s listed a gluten free, non-GMO, and vegan.
GAyle Ivey –
To sleep
Doc S. –
I usually get capsules for our melatonin, but I thought I’d try these, as my spouse likes gummies.
These are nice and small – so it is easy to take them – compared with most gummy melatonin I have tried. They seem pretty easily digested, and from what we can tell, they are supporting our sleep.
Sadistic Blessed –
I’ve always had issues sleeping and these really help, they are great tasting and it doesn’t taste like chemically flavored strawberry. They work pretty quick and I don’t feel groggy in the morning after taking these the night before. I would definitely buy these again when I will need more