Descrição do Produto: Chapter One Magnesium Gummies para Crianças
As gomas de magnésio Chapter One são a solução perfeita para garantir que as crianças recebam a quantidade necessária desse mineral essencial de forma saborosa e divertida. Cada porção deliciosa contém 100mg de citrato de magnésio, com 50mg por goma, proporcionando um suporte vital para a saúde óssea e mineralização, além de contribuir para a função nervosa e um estado de calma tanto em adultos quanto em crianças.
Produzidas em uma instalação certificada Kosher, nossas gomas são feitas com pectina de frutas, garantindo um sabor incrível e uma textura fácil de mastigar. Elas são isentas de nozes, laticínios, glúten, soja e produtos de ovo, tornando-as uma opção segura e deliciosa para todos. O magnésio é um mineral fundamental que participa de diversas funções corporais, incluindo contrações musculares, impulsos nervosos, metabolismo energético e formação de proteínas. Para aqueles que não conseguem obter magnésio suficiente através da dieta, nossas gomas de magnésio são uma alternativa saborosa e prática.
Além disso, o magnésio desempenha um papel crucial na promoção do relaxamento e da calma. Ele bloqueia a atividade de neurotransmissores mais estimulantes e se liga a receptores calmantes, resultando em um estado de descanso mais pacífico. Nossas gomas são fáceis de engolir a qualquer hora do dia, sendo também de fácil digestão e gentis para o estômago. Produzidas nos Estados Unidos em uma instalação de última geração certificada pela GMP, cada goma é feita com ingredientes de alta qualidade, garantindo a segurança e eficácia do produto.
– Suporte à Saúde Óssea: Contribui para a mineralização e saúde dos ossos, essencial para o crescimento das crianças.
– Função Nervosa Aprimorada: Ajuda na transmissão de impulsos nervosos, promovendo um melhor funcionamento do sistema nervoso.
– Relaxamento e Calma: Promove um estado de tranquilidade, ajudando a reduzir a ansiedade e o estresse.
– Fácil de Consumir: Gomas saborosas que tornam a suplementação uma experiência agradável para as crianças.
– Isento de Alergênicos Comuns: Seguro para crianças com restrições alimentares, livre de nozes, laticínios, glúten, soja e ovos.
Recomenda-se que crianças a partir de 4 anos consumam 1 a 2 gomas por dia, preferencialmente durante uma refeição para otimizar a absorção do magnésio. As gomas devem ser mastigadas completamente antes de engolir. É importante seguir as orientações de um profissional de saúde para adequar a dosagem às necessidades individuais da criança. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz solar direta, e fora do alcance de crianças pequenas.
Jamie S –
The taste of these gummies was really nice. They are also easy to chew and have a good flavor. They do have a bit of sugar in them. Overall, I felt really good when taking the recommended dose, and I do feel they have a positive effect on me. I will continue taking them as needed.
Michael P –
We use these to help kids relax instead of always turning to sleep aids like melatonin. They taste nice and seem to work. The packaging says not for kids even though they are marketed towards kids in the description. Even the art on the bottle makes you think they are for kids. Do your research and give to kids appropriately.
Chris/Steph –
Chapter One by Zahler’s Magnesium Supplement Gummies are undeniably delicious, but their candy-like taste might just be their biggest downfall – they’re almost too good!
Each chewy gummy is bursting with fruity flavor, making it easy for both adults and kids to enjoy. The use of fruit pectin and the absence of common allergens like tree nuts, dairy, gluten, soy, and eggs ensure that these gummies are suitable for a wide range of dietary needs.
But beyond their scrumptious taste, these gummies pack a punch when it comes to health benefits. With 100mg of magnesium citrate per serving (50mg per gummy), they provide a convenient and tasty way to supplement magnesium intake.
KustomAmbition –
I liked these as far as being consumable – a nice flavor, like eating candy or a fruit snack (careful with your kids) and easy to take. Seemed to be a quality product with quality ingredient, though how would you really tell – still, nothing about the presentation or product concerned me to be taking it.
I was uncertain if I noticed any impact on mood/calmness, and of course unsure if muscles were impacted at all. Hard to tell! But I did feel overall good while taking these.
Overall I was satisfied with the product.
Elizabeth Darcy –
I like gummies because I sometimes struggle swallowing supplements. The problem with that is the amount of sugar in some of them, which isn’t exactly the healthiest thing. These have 3 grams of sugar per serving which is two gummies. Unfortunately, two gummies are only 100mg of magnesium. My biggest complaint about this particular product is that it’s advertised as suitable for children or adults, but gives no guidance on the label regarding the dosing for children vs. adults, which is not the same. While their recommended daily dose of 100mg (2 gummies) might be suitable for children, adults generally need a larger dose, which according to other magnesium supplements I have around the house appears to be anywhere from 300 to 600mg per day depending on what you’re using it for. Obviously, if you want a large dose, you can take additional gummies, but you’ll also be upping your sugar intake as well. That’s fine if you don’t eat much sugar generally, but if you’re trying to reduce or avoid sugar or need to watch your sugar intake because of diabetes, this may not be the right supplement for you.
If you’re not concerned about the sugar or the dosage, then these are very flavorful gummies that are easy to get down with minimal sticking to your teeth. Because they’re coated with sugar, they don’t stick together in the bottle either, making them easy to dispense. Overall, this is a high-quality product, but they need to provide the consumer with more complete dosage information on the label and list the appropriate dose for both children and adults. I think more adults are likely using these, and if they are without understanding that it’s only 100mg per serving, they may not be achieving the results they were hoping for.
Travelingwarrior –
This pack of magnesium gummies comes with 3 individually packaged bottles. You get one of each flavor, apple, peach, and raspberry. Each bottle contains 60 gummies for 30 servings if you’re taking 2 gummies a day. The bottle doesn’t differentiate between serving sizes for adults and children so I’ve been doing 4 gummies instead of the recommended 2, for a total of 200 mg of magnesium. The gummies have a good texture to them and are easy to chew. The flavors all taste good and I like that there are 3 different flavors that I can alternate between.
Melissa M –
These gummies come in 3 different flavors and all are ok (raspberry is my favorite though!) These are much easier to take than some liquid magnesium supplements I’ve had, but they do have sugar, so that’s something to keep in mind.
Sam –
These seem to be quality supplements and the flavor of the gummies is good, as well as they do not get super hard or chewy, etc. They do have some added sugar, but I’ve seen worse, sometimes that are less palatable as well anyway. They are slightly on the expensive side, but considering the quality, it’s a matter of you get what you pay for.