Descrição do Produto: Gummies de Glicinato de Magnésio com GABA para Calma e Hora de Dormir
As Gummies de Glicinato de Magnésio com GABA são uma combinação poderosa que promove um sono reparador e relaxamento profundo. Com 400mg de glicinato de magnésio por porção, este suplemento é essencial para regular o sono e proporcionar uma sensação de calma tanto para o corpo quanto para a mente. O magnésio é conhecido por sua capacidade de reduzir cãibras nas pernas, dores musculares, tensão e estresse, permitindo que você acorde revigorado e pronto para enfrentar o dia.
Este suplemento dietético é enriquecido com vitaminas D e B6, além de CoQ10, que potencializam a eficácia do magnésio. A vitamina B6, em particular, ajuda o magnésio a funcionar de maneira mais eficiente, enquanto o potássio contribui para o suporte imunológico e o aumento da energia. Assim, você não apenas melhora a qualidade do seu sono, mas também fortalece sua saúde geral.
A fórmula sem açúcar das gummies de glicinato de magnésio permite que você as consuma antes de dormir, sem o risco de prejudicar seus dentes, tornando-as uma opção ideal para consumo a longo prazo. Além disso, as gummies são amigáveis para alérgicos, pois não contêm laticínios, ovos, soja, trigo, glúten ou sabores artificiais, permitindo que você desfrute de uma experiência sem preocupações.
Essas gummies são adequadas tanto para adultos quanto para crianças, uma vez que o magnésio é um mineral essencial e o quarto mineral mais abundante em nosso corpo. É importante notar que cerca de 50% da população dos EUA não atinge a ingestão diária recomendada de 420mg de magnésio, o que torna este produto uma adição valiosa à sua rotina diária.
– Regulação do Sono: Promove um sono mais profundo e reparador, ajudando a regular os ciclos de sono.
– Redução do Estresse: Ajuda a aliviar a tensão e o estresse, proporcionando uma sensação de calma e relaxamento.
– Suporte Muscular: Reduz cãibras e dores musculares, contribuindo para um bem-estar físico geral.
– Fórmula Sem Açúcar: Ideal para consumo noturno, sem preocupações com a saúde dental.
– Apropriado para Todos: Suplemento seguro e eficaz para adultos e crianças, promovendo a saúde mineral essencial.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se consumir 2 gummies de glicinato de magnésio com GABA cerca de 30 minutos antes de dormir. As gummies podem ser mastigadas e engolidas com um copo de água, facilitando a absorção dos nutrientes. É importante seguir a dosagem recomendada e consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos.
raemelle –
I’ve been seeing a lot about taking magnesium for calming, and decided to try these. They taste pretty good. I like the raspberry flavor. I can also pick up the black pepper a bit. Not sure what its purpose is however.
They are definitely vegan gummies. They have that weird texture that only vegan gummies can get. Not the fault of this product, just the nature of vegan gummies!
The bottle says these are vegan friendly, with gluten free ingredients and 100% halal certified. 0 grams of sugar. I’m a little concerned that you can’t tell from the bottle where this was manufactured. The seller appears to be from China, but that doesn’t say much about the origins of the product. I wish there was more transparency in that regard. The label should have more information for accountability. And because it’s a supplement there’s no way for me to tell if this is guaranteed to have its listed ingredients and amounts.
I started slowly to see how I’d feel and didn’t experience adverse side effects. Can’t speak much to the effectiveness yet, as I haven’t noticed much of a difference in “calmness.” As with any supplement, it’s important to talk to your doctor first. Especially if you are on any medications or have any medical conditions!
Note: received through Amazon Vine program in exchange for an honest review.
Laurie Davis –
Both my husband and I, who are in our 50’s, have gotten in the bad habit of staying up way too late, like sometimes 3-4 am because we’re having a hard time getting to sleep. The first night I tried this I was asleep by 11pm and slept till 9:30am. Wow. Both of us have tried it now with similar results. And apparently just taking 1, instead of the suggested 2 gummies, is enough to allow us to settle our minds, get tired and fall asleep easily within the hour of taking. I wont be without this stuff going forward. Can recommend.
Hawkington –
How adorable that these Magnesium Glycinate gummies come in a little gummy bear shape! It’s little things like that which make taking vitamins and supplements just a bit more fun. They taste very good (raspberry flavor is the one I enjoyed), and I’m glad the dosage is 2 gummies instead of 1 so that I can get a little extra sweetness in before bedtime. I take two gummies about an hour before I need to fall asleep as I do my calming evening routine, and this product has been so beneficial in helping me get to sleep easily and avoiding tossing and turning at night. (I have trouble relaxing sometimes before bed as I consume a lot of blue light from my laptop all day long.)
Unlike melatonin, magnesium glycinate and GABA do not result in next-morning fatigue for me. I do notice the relaxing effects in my body and mind for about 8 hours after taking the gummies though, so make sure you give yourself a full night’s sleep in order to reap the wonderful benefits of this product. Highly recommend trying these tasty gummies these as part of your nighttime wellness routine.
raemelle –
I’m learning a lot about magnesium supplements, and glycinate might. Be the best choice for me. I’m interested in its anti-inflammatory properties, as well as possible reduction of glucose levels and maybe even helping with fibromyalgia. If it works on even one of those areas, I’ll be happy. I took two gummies before bedtime, and will take two per day until gone. I’ll post progress notes as we go along.
S. Shelby –
My husband takes GABA here and there when he is feeling a little heightened and needs some help to relax. The one he normally takes is a chewable tab and he likes them a lot but the bag is almost done so i ordered these for him. He just tried them and said they tasted really good and he wanted more haha. So they pass the husband taste test.
Kim M –
I haven’t had these long enough to report on the results but they have a jelly texture. They didn’t arrive melted or deformed and have a clearly marked expiration date that’s not for a year from now so these weren’t stale. They flavor is indistinct but is supposed to be raspberry. There is an aftertaste but nothing crazy. Ok price for the amount you get. I’d say they’re mid range in cost. I’ll report back after this bottle or pending results. Some supplements can upset my stomach.
Selena –
Mom has a hard time sleeping, so now that she’s moved in with us, I try to watch her diet and supplements. Adding Magnesium Glycinate to her bedtime routine has definitely helped her get better rest. This Nature Pure Magnesium not only has magnesium in the Glycinate form, but also in the L-Threonate form. It also has GABA, so I’m hopeful that this will be an even better supplement to help her sleep. There also a few other ingredients that are helpful, so this will be a good, all-around evening supplement.
S. Shelby –
Ok, so they are good tasting gummy type candy. I don’t know if any of the health claims are realistic – they have not been approved by the US FDA, and they are many. Seems doubtful that they can be eaten before bed without adding to tooth decay, as the description states.