Descrição do Produto: Gummies de Glicinato de Magnésio 500mg | Triplo Complexo de Glicinato de Magnésio e Taurato
As Gummies de Glicinato de Magnésio 500mg da Vitaminer Shop são uma forma deliciosa e prática de incorporar magnésio à sua rotina diária. Cada goma contém uma combinação poderosa de glicinato de magnésio e taurato, proporcionando uma absorção superior e benefícios otimizados para a saúde. O magnésio é um mineral essencial que desempenha um papel crucial em diversas funções corporais, incluindo a regulação do sistema nervoso, a manutenção da saúde muscular e a promoção de um sono reparador. Com um sabor agradável e uma textura macia, essas gummies são ideais para quem busca uma alternativa aos suplementos tradicionais em cápsulas ou comprimidos.
1. Melhora da Qualidade do Sono: O glicinato de magnésio ajuda a relaxar o corpo e a mente, promovendo um sono mais profundo e reparador.
2. Redução do Estresse e Ansiedade: A combinação de magnésio e taurato pode auxiliar na regulação do humor, diminuindo os níveis de estresse e ansiedade.
3. Saúde Muscular: O magnésio é fundamental para a função muscular adequada, ajudando a prevenir cãibras e melhorando a recuperação após exercícios.
4. Suporte ao Sistema Nervoso: O glicinato de magnésio contribui para a saúde do sistema nervoso, promovendo um melhor funcionamento cognitivo e memória.
5. Fácil de Consumir: As gummies são uma alternativa saborosa e prática, facilitando a adesão ao uso diário do suplemento.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de 2 gummies ao dia, preferencialmente após uma refeição, para otimizar a absorção dos nutrientes. As gummies podem ser mastigadas ou consumidas inteiras, conforme a preferência. É importante manter o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz solar direta, e fora do alcance de crianças. Para melhores resultados, consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tiver condições de saúde preexistentes.
A –
Work as described, taste great, and are super convenient to add to your daily routine.
Pancho –
Like most people, I had my doctor recommend me take magnesium as most people have really low amounts of it. These gummies are delicious and a great way for me to be able to get what I need!
Una prenda para llevar debajo –
No vi muchos cambio al tornarlo, capaz algunos días, pero tampo fue mucho
Cory TG –
Was looking for a good source of magnesium, zinc and vitamin D. Been using it for about a week and seems to be working well. No adverse side effects. It takes a while before results can be truly reported. If you’ve been advised by a doctor to take these supplements, this would be a good one to try.
It’s me –
seems to be working. i like the ingredients. it’s my go to for now
Ogre2007 –
What I will say first is to keep these out of reach of young children. They look like gummy bears and the flavor is really good. If a child got ahold of these, I have no doubt they might eat the entire bottle mistakenly thinking they are candy.
I can’t attest to the effectiveness, but I can say they don’t make me feel worse. If the label is correct, these are all good ingredients with proven health benefits. I always hope to see that claims are verified through a third party and that the product is made in the USA, but that’s becoming more and more of a pipe dream nowadays.
I would recommend these, just keep them out of reach of children.
Pancho –
I love everything about this Triple Magnesium complex.
To begin with, it’s got the best of the best when it comes to Magnesium. Inside these delicious gummies you’ll find chelated Magnesium, in the form of Glycinate, Taurate and Citrate. These chelated forms are the most absorbable, and the most rapid acting. They are also the most fully utilized by the body, and because they’re premium forms, they tend to be the most expensive.
But this brand gives you even more. You get Vitamins D, K2, B-6 and B-12, as well. There’s even Zinc (an important mineral for men), potassium, and a bunch of other nutrients in here.
Magnesium is so important. It supports bone, muscle, brain, joint & digestive health. But in addition it helps with de-stressing, relaxing, and providing high quality sleep,
It’s a virtual super mineral supplement, and this bottle contains some of the best.
Super gummies that you’ll enjoy eating, as they support your good health.
Chicken Wrangler –
I have been taking Magnesium for muscle cramps for a while now, and I’m always on the lookout for new ways to get my daily dose. These pineapple-flavored gummies are delicious. They pack 500mg of magnesium in three different forms, plus calcium, zinc, and some bonus relaxation ingredients like D3, K2, and L-theanine. The gummies themselves are soft and chewy, with a tangy-sweet pineapple taste that’s actually pretty refreshing. No chalky aftertaste here. I usually pop two before bed, and I’ve definitely noticed a decrease in those nighttime leg cramps that used to wake me up. Sleep-wise, I wouldn’t say they’re a miracle cure, but I do feel a bit more relaxed in the evenings and i need all the help i can geet when it comes to sleep.