As Lutein Gummies da Country Life são um suplemento inovador e saboroso, projetado para oferecer suporte natural à saúde ocular. Com uma fórmula avançada que combina luteína e zeaxantina, esses gomas mastigáveis são uma maneira deliciosa de proteger seus olhos contra os radicais livres e a luz azul prejudicial. Cada porção contém 20 mg de luteína e 4 mg de isômeros de zeaxantina, extraídos de flores de calêndula, garantindo uma combinação poderosa de carotenoides maculares.
Essas gomas são clinicamente pesquisadas e oferecem uma mistura natural de carotenoides que potencializa os benefícios antioxidantes para os olhos. A luteína e a zeaxantina são essenciais para a saúde da mácula, contribuindo para uma visão clara e saudável. Além disso, as Lutein Gummies são feitas com pectina de frutas natural, sem gelatina, glúten ou ingredientes de origem animal, tornando-as uma opção vegana e livre de alergênicos.
Com um sabor irresistível, essas gomas são fáceis de incorporar à sua rotina diária. Basta consumir duas gomas por porção para garantir que seus olhos recebam a proteção necessária contra os desafios do dia a dia, como a exposição prolongada a telas e a luz intensa.
– Proteção Ocular Avançada: Combate os radicais livres e a luz azul, reduzindo o risco de danos oculares.
– Fórmula Clinicamente Comprovada: Contém níveis eficazes de luteína e zeaxantina, respaldados por pesquisas científicas.
– Saúde Macular Aprimorada: Contribui para a saúde da mácula, essencial para uma visão nítida e saudável.
– Sabor Agradável e Praticidade: Gomas saborosas que tornam o cuidado ocular uma experiência prazerosa e fácil.
– Opção Vegana e Saudável: Feitas com ingredientes naturais, sem gelatina e glúten, adequadas para diversas dietas.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se consumir duas gomas por dia, preferencialmente durante uma refeição. Isso não apenas maximiza a absorção dos nutrientes, mas também integra o suplemento de forma harmoniosa à sua rotina alimentar. Armazene em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar a qualidade e eficácia do produto.
Cheryl Koch –
These are good gummies. Easy to take daily. No side effects. It is kind of hard to tell if working until next eye appointment, but my eyes don’t feel as tired after looking at a computer screen all day.
Jessica –
I love this Lutein and Zeaxanthin Gummies. But it is not sugar free. My childern likes it. The taste is good for me also. I think It’s good.
Jose –
decent mango flavor, i find it pairs well with the usual taste of lutein (slight plastic-like flavor to me), decent flavor combination to help mask the taste of the lutein. great chew, not overly sticky, and not overly matte or dry. perfect lutein and zeaxanthin amounts for dry eyes/eye health, i like to get ones that do 20mg and 4mg respectively.
it says it’s “with” lutemax 2020, but usually when these supplements are made with it, in the ingredients it’ll say “lutein – (from lutemax 2020 marigold flower)”, meanwhile this one just says “lutein – (from aztec marigold) flower). what i think it means, is just that it’s made “with” the lutemax 2020 amount of 20mg lutein and 4mg zeaxanthin, for a more effective ratio amount. could be wrong, but so far these havent caused any issues anyway, but i also havent noticed much benefit compared to some others ive tried before, although it is recommend to take lutein for 1-2 months for effective results.
Marilyn Maloney –
You won’t know if they work until your next eye exam
Ellie –
After a recent visit to the eye doctor I decided to take “eye vitamins “to try and maintain status quo and slow the onset of MD. I think these Gummies are a good quality, from a reputable firm, so I feel I am doing something helpful for my eye health by taking them. Each gummie is covered with sugar granules which I just sucked off first and then they kind of melted in my mouth. The mango flavor (which tasted like peach to me) is very strong and lingers in the back of my mouth and in my throat long after the gummie was gone. This is somewhat unpleasant which is why I deducted one star.
Amazon_Customer –
These seem good. They include serving information both for adults and for children. They have fairly easy to understand ingredients. They do have a good bit of sugar in them, if that is something you are watching. They also claim to be mango flavor, but the overwhelming flavor seems to be…flower (anyone who has eaten edible blossoms will understand). It makes sense when you look at the active ingredients, both of which come from marigold flowers. If you expect it to taste like that, it isn’t bad. It would have been a little shocking if I hadn’t read the ingredients first though. They do not stick together and they have an expiration date over a year away.
luv2read –
These are flavored just right. Makes my vitamins go down a lot easier.
Mark O –
The Lutein/Zeaxanthin combo seems to be helpful for me. (Do your own research.) This one tastes fine and gummies are a lot easier than capsules.
The amounts are a bit on the low side, but similar to other offerings.
There is extra sugar added if that makes a difference to you.
Other offerings include many extra supplements. That could be a good or bad thing depending on your supplementation regime. Are you overlapping, getting too much of something, etc., or getting a lot of extras for a similar price? YMMV.