Descrição do Produto: Gummies de Cânhamo de Alta Potência
Descubra o poder dos Gummies de Cânhamo de Alta Potência, uma deliciosa e nutritiva opção para adultos que buscam uma forma prática de incorporar os benefícios do cânhamo em sua rotina diária. Cada goma é elaborada com extrato puro de óleo de cânhamo, garantindo uma experiência rica em nutrientes essenciais. Nossos gummies são veganos, com baixo teor de açúcar e feitos nos EUA, proporcionando uma alternativa saudável e saborosa.
- Gummies de Cânhamo Ricos em Nutrientes: Nossos gummies de cânhamo apresentam uma combinação premium de proteínas, ácidos graxos poli-insaturados, ômega 3, ômega 6, ômega 9, fibras, vitamina E e antioxidantes como vitaminas B, ferro, zinco e magnésio. Cada lote é rigorosamente testado por terceiros para garantir a qualidade. Não contém cores artificiais.
- Gummies Ricos em Ômega: Desfrute de uma ingestão equilibrada de ômega 3, ômega 6 e ômega 9, juntamente com as vitaminas B e E. Esses gummies não contêm melatonina, permitindo que você os tome conforme necessário, sem causar sonolência durante o dia.
- Gummies Naturais e Saborosos: Nossos gummies de cânhamo vêm em um sabor delicioso, perfeito tanto para crianças quanto para adultos. Feitos com ingredientes orgânicos, sem glúten e não transgênicos, essas gomas são uma escolha segura e saborosa.
- Tudo em Um: Repletos de extrato de óleo de cânhamo, ômega 3, ômega 6, ômega 9, vitamina C, vitamina E, minerais traço, aminoácidos, enzimas digestivas e vitaminas B. Esses gummies mastigáveis são uma alternativa conveniente a líquidos e comprimidos.
- Satisfação do Cliente Garantida: Estamos dedicados a oferecer produtos de alta qualidade e um atendimento ao cliente excepcional. Para qualquer dúvida ou preocupação, entre em contato conosco para assistência rápida.
1. Suporte Nutricional Completo: Os gummies oferecem uma ampla gama de nutrientes essenciais que ajudam a manter a saúde geral.
2. Praticidade e Sabor: A forma de goma torna o consumo de suplementos mais agradável e fácil, especialmente para aqueles que têm dificuldade com comprimidos.
3. Sem Efeitos Sedativos: A ausência de melatonina permite que os usuários desfrutem dos benefícios do cânhamo sem a preocupação de sonolência durante o dia.
4. Ingredientes Naturais: Com uma fórmula vegana e livre de glúten, os gummies são adequados para diversas dietas e preferências alimentares.
5. Qualidade Garantida: O rigoroso controle de qualidade assegura que cada lote atenda aos mais altos padrões, proporcionando confiança ao consumidor.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se consumir 2 gummies de cânhamo por dia. Mastigue bem antes de engolir para maximizar a absorção dos nutrientes. Os gummies podem ser tomados a qualquer hora do dia, conforme necessário, para apoiar sua saúde e bem-estar. Armazene em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar a frescura e a eficácia do produto.
catherinesdad –
I decided to give these a good test. I have been aware of results in calming and overall good feeling although dealing with pain for the past month. I have slept somewhat better and not felt groggy like I do with other sleep aids. I will monitor these for another 30 days to be sure it was not just a one-off. Good results so far.
John W. –
These gummies do taste a little potent, with a slightly bitter taste of hemp oil at first and then you taste the fruit puree. These don’t have the texture of a gummy bear, but more of a mixture pressed together, so you just easily bite through it. These chews have B & E vitamins and minerals including omegas 3,6, and 9, so they offer nutrition besides the hemp oil content. I wasn’t disappointed by the results i found with these gummies. The bottle i received had minimal tamper protection, with just a cover under the cap, so not sure how they usually ship them, but plastic wrapped would be nice. Overall, these are a good value for the amount and potency that you receive I think.
P. Scott Cummins –
Ordered the “Hemp Gummies High Potency – Natural Pure Extra Strength with Pure Hemp Oil Extract Vegan Edible Bear Tetra Bliss for Adults Vegan, Low Sugar, Made in USA” from The CBD Project Store. Very nice product, works great in the R & R cycle between crossfit workouts. Enjoy!
Mrs. Books –
These taste fine and work very well for my husband. It helps him with the general pain he normally takes something else for, but this is doing the trick. He takes it as part of his bedtime routine and this is working well for him instead of the normal CDB product he uses.
D. Houston –
I’m a fairly regular user of CBD to manage pain, and I have to imagine that my tolerance is waning after vaping it for the last several years, but I’ve narrowed down the right strain FOR MY NEEDS is indica, and I would imagine that these are either a sativa or hybrid strain, so they don’;t manage my pain as well as I need,
Edit: after re-reading the product description, it talks a lot about all of the ingredients, with the exception of the “Pure Hemp Oil Extract”, which is MORE specific than what’s written in the ingredients, which has no mention of CBD or Hemp in any way, though “Hemp Extract” (30mg) is listed under nutritional info.
With that said, I’ve tasted plenty of gummies, and edibles in general, and these don’t leave that bitter taste in your mouth that so many others do.
Tactile –
Having learned a bit about the endocannabinoid system and gotten interested in CBD and CBG oils (non-hallucinogenic compounds that have tested well in all kinds of interesting health studies), I thought this product was a source of either, as that’s what I searched Amazon for, and was disappointed to discover that the only match for either here is in the name of the product / producer, “The CBD Project”.
All related content certified by the active ingredients list is the somewhat nebulous moniker “hemp oil extract”, which may or may not contain any quantity of either, so if you are looking for something to that effect, find a product that is tested and advertised better. These seem to be a random assortment of vitamins, minerals, glucose syrup and cans sugar sought out by Americans thinking they’re deficient in those and ought to address it with some candy in the rough shape of raspberries, named “gummy bears” in the microscopic print on the container.
It’s not great candy, but they’re not hard to eat, either, so two stars for that. Don’t expect it to live up to any of the advertised effects also disclaimed on in the print of the product as not diagnosing, treating, curing, or preventing any disease, nor evaluated by the FDA – the overwhelming odds are you would find most of the advertised ingredients going out in your pee again, if you were able to measure input/outputs, apart from the sugar, which will slightly contribute to inflammation levels and obesity.
Hubert Farnsworth –
These are supposed to relax you I guess and help you sleep, but it had no effect for me. I even took 3 before bed (recommended serving is 2) and it just woke me up more because of all the sugar.
They taste OK, but I can buy Dots candies for $1.25 that taste a lot better if I wanted a chewy fruit candy.
Poor value.
I will continue to monitor and maybe try a larger dose, and update this review.
Logan –
As a first time CBD gummy user, I have to say I was underwhelmed. Honestly, these gummies were just like any other gummy. I had no noticeable difference whatsoever.
I expected something noticeable given they were labeled “extra strength,” but I felt absolutely nothing. Maybe it works for others, but for me, it was just a sugary treat.