Descrição do Produto: Glucosamine Chondroitin Gummies com MSM
As DANEW PRO Glucosamine Chondroitin Gummies foram criadas para aqueles que buscam um suplemento de saúde delicioso e poderoso! Nossas gomas de Glucosamina e Condroitina são especialmente projetadas em formas extremamente fofas, oferecendo uma maneira fácil e saborosa de consumir os ingredientes potentes necessários para o suporte das articulações. Desfrute do sabor doce e do aroma irresistível enquanto melhora sua saúde.
Essas gomas de suporte articular são carregadas com 1500mg de glucosamina, 500mg de MSM e 200mg de condroitina, ajudando a promover conforto, força, mobilidade, flexibilidade e lubrificação. Um suplemento de suporte articular como nenhum outro, a glucosamina é fundamental para a formação da cartilagem, sendo um bloco de construção essencial para suas articulações, pois ajuda a apoiar a mobilidade e a flexibilidade. A condroitina permite a atração de fluidos para suas articulações, proporcionando lubrificação e apoiando a força ao auxiliar na compressão das articulações. O MSM, uma rica fonte de enxofre orgânico, também contribui para a saúde das articulações.
Nossas gomas de glucosamina e condroitina oferecem uma maneira fácil e deliciosa de consumir os ingredientes poderosos necessários para o suporte articular. E com o sabor de pectina de blueberry, é agradável e fácil de mastigar. Esta mistura deliciosa é feita sem soja, ovos, laticínios, nozes, gelatina, OGM, corantes artificiais, sabores ou adoçantes e sem conservantes.
– Suporte Articular Eficaz: Contribui para a saúde das articulações, promovendo mobilidade e flexibilidade.
– Fácil de Consumir: Gomas saborosas que tornam a suplementação uma experiência prazerosa.
– Ingredientes Naturais: Livre de alérgenos comuns e aditivos artificiais, ideal para diversas dietas.
– Atração de Fluidos: A condroitina ajuda a manter as articulações lubrificadas, reduzindo o desconforto.
– Rico em Enxofre: O MSM fornece enxofre orgânico, essencial para a saúde das articulações e tecidos conectivos.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de duas gomas por dia, preferencialmente durante uma refeição, para maximizar a absorção dos nutrientes. As gomas devem ser mastigadas completamente antes de engolir. É importante manter o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz solar direta, e fora do alcance de crianças. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer regime de suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos.
Soft Skin Gal –
They are good tasting and help my joint pain but the description says it does not contain artificial sweeteners and it does contain two of them.
Raman Sharma –
Tastes good and very easy to use. Works well. My joints feel betterand feel less pain
W. Waller –
I am pretty much a gummy vitamin fanatic. They are an easy way to add supplements to your routine. Unfortunately, they are usually loaded with sugar. This one is not. It is sugar free. It has some very beneficial ingredients that should be helpful. Unless you are taking an easily scientifically measurable supplement (like Vitamin D. I had a deficiency, I went on supplements, my blood results show that they work) then it is just really anecdotal about whether they work or not. So unless I really notice something amazing, I never say it works or doesn’t. It should provide some benefits, and it is easy to take which is half the battle. I’ve used the entire supply and they did not get all gummed up before I got to the end like so many do. At least they do in my hot and humid part of the country. I have some joint issues and since most supplements take a long time for you to start to reap the benefits this one I think is worth continuing to take.
Atypical Lady –
When ordered this was listed as $22.99 which seems fair. They taste good, I just have no idea if they’re doing anything or if I’m just eating sugar pills. Lol.
ASSEMBLY: * Installation is an absolute pain, not because of any issue with the item but because you have to have the rails extended all the way and crawl into your cabinets while trying to keep the rails fully extended AND locating the drawer where you want it without it getting crooked. It was a real headache for me and I imagine any of these style of drawers will be.
AESTHETIC APPEAL: **** These look decent, not too cheap, nothing pretty either.
BUILD/MATERIAL QUALITY: *** Seems decent so far but has me wondering if it will hold up to use loaded with pots and pans. For the price when ordered I would expect better quality rails at least.
FUNCTIONALITY: **** So far so good!
VERDICT: For the price and annoyance installing these I would probably be returning these. That said, having received them at a discount I am happy to give them a try and pray they hold up 😀
**Note** I received this item at a reduced cost as part of the Amazon Vine Program in exchange for my honest review. Vine products are not free, as their value is taxed as income. I review items based on if I had purchased them for the full list price, how I would feel about them, the things I would want to be made aware of, and whether or not I would be keeping the item based on those factors.
TWPenName –
Danew Pro is the seller of the bottle of “Glucosamine Chondroitin Gummies with MSM & Elderberry Extra Strength – Joint Support, Antioxidant Immune Support Supplement for Adults, Men & Women.90 Gummies”, which contains brown gummies shaped as little bears. They stamped a date of expiration in the bottom of the bottle as an extra point of quality assurance; the product has approximately a 2-year shelf life.
The 90 gummies in the bottle yield 45 servings. The supplement facts indicate each serving delivers these major nutrients and extracts (none of which has established %DV, RDA, etc.)…
Glucosamine hydrochloride 1500 mg: Glucosamine is an amino sugar and a prominent precursor in the biochemical synthesis of glycosylated proteins and lipids. Whether glucosamine is effective for relief of arthritis or pain is still debated in medical studies. I chose this product because I have personally witnessed doctors recommending glucosamine as a slow but beneficial supplement to alleviate arthritis. Please note that glucosamine sulfate is the thought to be the most likely effective form, but this product contains glucosamine hydrochloride instead.
Chondroitin sulfate sodium 200 mg: also inconclusive in medical science as to whether this helps with arthritis. However it has been shown to be promising in the treatment of coronary artery disease.
Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM), aka Dimethyl sulfone (DMSO2), 500 mg: small scale studies suggest this is effective in the treatment of oxidative stress and osteoarthritis, but more large-scale studies are needed to be conclusive.
Halyuronic acid 3.3 mg: has been FDA-approved to treat osteoarthritis of the knee via intra-articular injection. (However I found no information about its effectiveness when taken orally.)
Indian researchers have shown in studies an improvement of symptoms like pain, inflammation and swelling in patients by a combined intake of MSM, chondroitin and glucosamine. This supplement contains all three, plus a small amount of halyuronic acid. While the world waits for more medical studies to prove or disprove their claimed benefits, I think all evidence points towards beneficial outcomes when taking these supplements, so I rate it four stars.
Bbusha –
Great tasting gummies are easier than swallowing large capsules. They help with taking the edge off knee pain. I like that these have less sugar content than other brands.
Majidabdo –
Great price and quality. Tastes the best. Also it has more glucosamine than many of the other gummy supplements available. They have great texture, smell really good, They don’t have a lot of sugar in them
Daughter of time –
So my husband has a lot of knee problems which means glucosamine and chondroitin is a huge help for him. However, he is terrible about actually taking the supplements. I have learned long ago with my husband that if you can get it in a gummy form then he will definitely take it. I have used his love for gummies against him haha. He says these taste great too and he loves the texture as well so it’s not hard to get him to take them. So far he’s had great results with these and he said that his knees actually feel great. So I would say they’re quite effective as well as easy to use. This is a huge value for your money and last quite a while. However for the amount of pain relief it provides any amount would be worth it.