Descrição do Produto: Fiber Jelly Bean Gummies para Crianças
As Fiber Jelly Bean Gummies são a maneira mais divertida e saborosa de garantir que as crianças recebam a fibra necessária para uma saúde digestiva ideal. Com um delicioso sabor de Limão Explosivo e uma textura única de goma de gelatina, essas balas de gelatina são a solução perfeita para enriquecer a dieta dos pequenos. Cada porção contém uma dose generosa de fibra, essencial para o bem-estar intestinal e a saúde geral.
A fibra é amplamente reconhecida por seus benefícios incríveis para a digestão. Ao introduzir nutrientes essenciais, as Fiber Jelly Beans não apenas melhoram a saúde intestinal, mas também ajudam a manter o funcionamento adequado do intestino. Isso é especialmente importante para as crianças, que muitas vezes podem ter dificuldades em obter a quantidade adequada de fibra em suas refeições diárias.
Além de serem um suplemento dietético saboroso, essas gomas de fibra oferecem um alívio suave para a constipação e podem atuar como um impulsionador do metabolismo. Com a recomendação de duas gomas por dia, mastigadas cuidadosamente antes de engolir, as Fiber Jelly Beans para Crianças são uma maneira prática e agradável de manter os pequenos saudáveis e felizes. São kosher, sem glúten, vegetarianas, halal e livres de nozes, garantindo que todos possam desfrutar sem preocupações.
A Human Beanz se dedica a criar vitaminas de alta qualidade, sempre pensando na saúde e na conveniência. Acreditamos que a boa saúde deve ser uma meta a ser alcançada com prazer, e nossa seleção de gomas de vitaminas certamente proporcionará maneiras deliciosas de enriquecer a saúde e a vida das crianças.
– Saúde Digestiva Aprimorada: A fibra ajuda a regular o trânsito intestinal, promovendo uma digestão saudável.
– Sabor Agradável: O sabor de Limão Explosivo torna o consumo de fibra uma experiência prazerosa para as crianças.
– Fácil de Consumir: As gomas são divertidas e fáceis de mastigar, incentivando as crianças a tomarem seus suplementos diários.
– Sem Alergênicos Comuns: Produto livre de glúten, nozes e adequado para dietas kosher e halal, garantindo segurança para todos.
– Suporte ao Metabolismo: A fibra pode ajudar a impulsionar o metabolismo, contribuindo para a saúde geral e bem-estar.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se que as crianças consumam duas Fiber Jelly Bean Gummies por dia. As gomas devem ser mastigadas completamente antes de serem engolidas, permitindo que os nutrientes sejam absorvidos de maneira eficaz. É importante que o uso do produto seja acompanhado de uma dieta equilibrada e de hábitos saudáveis, garantindo que as crianças recebam todos os benefícios da fibra em sua rotina diária.
Pancho –
So, yes… they are indeed real jelly beans, and yes… they are amazingly delicious.
A clever (if not sneaky) way to get some beneficial fiber into your kids, this is a great idea. It’s an obvious “next level” move from what has now become the traditional gummy vitamin or supplement. An idea who’s time has clearly come.
I could probably sit down and devour this entire jar of jelly beans in a single sitting, but that’s where my dilemma rears it’s ugly head. This is a bottle of 120 jelly beans, and the daily dosage is three. That makes this a 40 day supply. Nice.
But look at the ingredients label. Why so much sugar? Why the carbs? Why is it necessary???
My fear is that this is firstly, not good for diabetic children, or those kids that need to control their weigh (yes, there are children like that), and secondly, that the additional sugars will have kids bouncing off the walls. Children already get way too much sugar in the American diet already, and this just adds to that condition.
All things considered, I love this product (with the caveats), and I really love the idea. I think it’s a good value, and if you put them in another type of container your children may never suspect that these are good for them.
Sherry C. –
I have tried several Human Beanz brand jelly bean supplements. They are by far the best tasting way to get nutrients. So, when my adult daughter, who takes fiber regularly, needed a refill on her gummies, I knew she would love these. She is also a fan of lemon flavors, so this was made for her.
They seem to have the right amount of substance in each bean. The quality seems to be good. These beans do contain a lot of sugar. Basically, think of them more as a jelly bean — that happens to have some extra nutrients in them. The are indistinguishable by taste, nutrition, after taste, look, mouth feel to any quality jelly bean. That means that you really should treat them as dessert. A little something sweet after you eat. If you have the calories, carbs, and sugar left in your day, this is a fantastic way to get the nutrients you might need extra of.
Human Beanz manufacturers a kid and adult version of most (all?) of their jelly bean supplements, I’ve found. I have both versions of many. The only difference is in the number of beans that equal a serving. So you can check the label on a kid version or adult version, and these beans are the same composition bean per bean. We have the adult version of the fiber beans, and the serving size is 5 beans, which, again, is dessert, so plan accordingly. However, if you are a fan of jelly beans, these will not disappoint you. They are delicious.
TorchLit –
Right on the package, it says “Kids fiber jelly beans”. In the listing, it says “Jelly Bean Gummies for Adults”. The package says to “keep out of the reach of children”. Alright, that last applies even for children’s aspirin and such, you don’t want the kids deciding how much medicine to take. “Not for children under 2”.
So, am I supposed to feed these jelly beans (under adult supervision) to the children, or are they just for us grownups?
The lemon blast jelly bean tastes alright. I’m not a big fan of lemon, but these are lemon-y. They are plenty sweet enough to entice a child.
3 jelly beans is an adult daily dose, and they supply 3 grams of dietary fiber, making, 1 gram of fiber in each jelly bean. I guess that’s pretty decent. 3 jelly beans are preferable to some of those chalky powder mixes on the market.
Pancho –
My kids say they do not taste good at all.
Brandon Height –
Full disclosure: I ordered these and took them never realizing they said they were for KIDS. My bad…
That being said…this is probably why I didn’t notice a difference in own digestive system. They do have a very sweet, lemony flavor that, if your child likes lemon, they will easily take with these fiber jelly beans.
It is an inventive idea for adding fiber to your child’s diet, if you can’t get them to eat veggies and fruits as a rule. But, these do taste just like candy, sweeter than a regular jelly bean, in fact. So they will be wanting them as candy, just be aware of this prior to using these as a fiber supplement.
Anna Cheng –
Kids loved them!!!
Fluffy123 –
I can’t hold it against them so still 5 stars. Seems to aid in the *cough* go
Some Old Guy –
This is somewhat of a fun and whimsical option for taking fiber. Who wouldn’t go for sweet lemon jelly beans? The taste is just that, and I couldn’t imagine I was actually taking a fiber supplement. An adult serving is listed as 5 jelly beans, which provides 4 grams of dietary fiber, which is only 14% recommended daily allowance, but it certainly helps get me toward my daily fiber goal. I was really happy to see that chicory inulin was one of the ingredients. For some reason I’ve had the best experience with inulin over many others fructo-oligosaccharides. I used to take it in powder form, but these jelly beans are a much better method! I really try to make sure I get enough fiber every day. It helps so much with regularity and overall digestive health.
The taste is great, the idea is amusing and enjoyable, and the only downfall for me is the amount of sugar in these, but that’s what makes them taste so good. It’s an awesome idea for a product, and I am certainly enjoying them! Very creative!