Descrição do Produto: ORGANIC INDIA Fiber Gummies para Adultos
As gomas de fibra ORGANIC INDIA são a solução ideal para quem busca melhorar a saúde digestiva de forma prática e saborosa. Cada porção dessas gomas deliciosas fornece 5g de fibra pré-biótica solúvel, ajudando você a atingir a meta diária recomendada de ingestão de fibras. Com um sabor irresistível de morango, essas gomas são feitas com suco de fruta real e não contêm açúcares refinados, corantes ou sabores artificiais, garantindo uma experiência pura e deliciosa.
O consumo regular dessas gomas promove a saúde intestinal e uma digestão ideal, facilitando a eliminação saudável e contribuindo para um sistema digestivo equilibrado. A fibra pré-biótica solúvel presente nas gomas atua como alimento para as boas bactérias do intestino, promovendo um microbioma saudável e melhorando a absorção de nutrientes. Além disso, todas as gomas são certificadas como orgânicas pelo USDA, garantindo que os extratos utilizados são cultivados sem pesticidas ou produtos químicos, respeitando o meio ambiente e enriquecendo o solo.
– Aumento da Ingestão Diária de Fibra: Cada porção ajuda a atingir a meta diária recomendada, essencial para a saúde digestiva.
– Saúde Intestinal: Promove um microbioma equilibrado, fundamental para a digestão e absorção de nutrientes.
– Sabor Agradável: O sabor de morango torna o consumo de fibra uma experiência prazerosa, sem culpa.
– Ingredientes Orgânicos: Com certificação USDA, garante que você está consumindo um produto livre de pesticidas e químicos.
– Facilidade de Uso: As gomas são uma alternativa prática e conveniente para aumentar a ingestão de fibra no dia a dia.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se consumir duas gomas por dia, preferencialmente com um copo de água. As gomas podem ser ingeridas a qualquer momento do dia, seja como um lanche entre as refeições ou como parte do café da manhã. É importante manter uma hidratação adequada ao aumentar a ingestão de fibras, pois isso ajuda a otimizar a digestão e a regularidade intestinal.
A. Stathopoulos –
These gummies are an easy way to add 5 grams of fiber to your daily intake, if you’re not getting enough without adding a lot of sugar to your daily intake like most gummies do, with these having less than 1 gram of sugar per serving.
These have a bit firmer texture than other gummies I’ve tried, which is not a bad thing. There was some mild sticking to my teeth at first, but they quickly dissolve, so it’s not a deal-breaker. These use stevia instead of sugar, so be aware of that if you’re not a fan. Stevia does have a distinct sort of after taste and it is definitely present in these gummies. The overall flavor is not overpoweringly sweet, and while they do have a strawberry flavor, it’s not overpowering either. I like the more subtle flavor profile because many are cloyingly sweet and if it’s something you take everyday, well, I get tired of ones that place too much emphasis on tasting like candy.
The recommended serving is two gummies daily, so this jar represents a 1-month supply. They come in a glass jar which surprised me and are certified organic, non-GMO certified, gluten-free, and vegan. The Organic India brand was familiar to me because I enjoy their tea products so I ordered this product assuming the same high-quality standard I was used to and they did not disappoint! If you need a way to increase the fiber in your diet, these are an easy and tasty way to do it.
Carol Z –
These gummies have a good strawberry taste. They remind me of a dense gumdrop when chewing and seem to work well for the intended purpose. I like them but I wish they weren’t quite so dense. The lid is made from a thinner plastic and was damaged when it arrived. My husband glued it in place for me and I didn’t open the seal of the jar for a few days just in case the glue would affect the product. This isn’t my favorite but maybe you will like it better than me.
Elizabeth Darcy –
Being in the Vine program, I’ve tried a lot of different gummies. These are the worst I’ve come across.
What’s bad about them?
– The texture is very waxy and they stick to your teeth.
– The flavor is bad. There is a hint of fruit, but the dominant flavor is artificial sweetener. Granted there isn’t any, but they manage to replicate it.
– I didn’t feel great after taking these. I had an upset stomach for an hour or so after.
If you are looking for a fiber gummy, I’d pass on these. They are rough.
Straitjacket –
I like that the gummies were fresh and in a glass jar. I use this product for daily fiber intake.
JM –
Fiber is so very important in our daily routine. These fiber gummies help supplement when I need it the most. They are tasty and have a nice texture. They are soft and easy to chew.
Katie –
Seemed like a great product, but full of fake sweeteners and had a horrible taste. I was not able to return them so in the compost they went.
skye oneil –
First of all it comes in a glass jar, I like that. The gummies taste good, although they are not really gummy, they are more dense and less elastic. I have not had any upset stomach or other adverse affects. I have not yet noticed a benefit either. So for now I’m just in the middle.
Katie –
Going to first talk about the packaging. The jar is glass and big. I wasn’t expecting to receive a gummy supplement in such nice packaging. It had a security seal on the top but not a plastic band (not an issue).
I can’t be certain where this product is made, but can be certain it was not made in China. It has a USDA Organic endorsement on the label.
Now to the product.
Each gummy is uniform is size and are very pretty. It’s weird to say that, but they are.
The taste is fine. Not unpleasant, and I see there are mixed reactions in previous reviews. To each his own, but I’ve never seen an Fiber Gummy so if it doesn’t taste like a gummy bear, that’s ok.
I’ll be honest on the texture, it is indeeeeeeed gummy. The kind of gummy that will stick to the teeth, but it did not take long at all before it worked out of the teeth. I didn’t have to work my tongue through to dislodge, it just worked itself out. So no problem there.
If you are looking for something quality with prebiotic fiber, I highly recommend giving it a try.
The jar was well wrapped in bubble wrap and mailed in an amazon puffy mailer envelope. It survived without an issue. I’m surprised that everything wasn’t a melted mess since it sat in my mailbox all day until I arrived home from work.
Sorry for the blurry pics. I couldn’t get my camera to cooperate today.