Descrição do Produto: FiberAdvance for Kids Gummies, 60 Contagem (Pacote de 3)
FiberAdvance for Kids Gummies é a solução ideal para garantir que as crianças recebam a fibra necessária de forma saborosa e divertida. Cada embalagem contém 60 gomas, e com um pacote de 3, você terá um suprimento duradouro para atender às necessidades nutricionais dos pequenos. Com apenas 2 gomas, as crianças podem desfrutar de 3g de fibra, contribuindo para uma digestão saudável e um bem-estar geral.
Feitas com ingredientes 100% naturais, essas gomas são uma alternativa saudável aos doces convencionais, proporcionando um sabor delicioso que as crianças adoram. A textura macia e o sabor irresistível tornam o momento de consumir fibra uma experiência prazerosa, eliminando a resistência comum que muitos pais enfrentam ao introduzir alimentos ricos em fibra na dieta dos filhos.
As gomas FiberAdvance são uma maneira prática de ajudar as crianças a manterem uma alimentação equilibrada, promovendo hábitos saudáveis desde cedo. Com um sabor que agrada até os paladares mais exigentes, essas gomas são perfeitas para serem consumidas em casa, na escola ou em passeios, garantindo que a saúde intestinal das crianças esteja sempre em dia.
– Apoio à Digestão: A fibra é essencial para uma digestão saudável, ajudando a prevenir constipação e promovendo um trânsito intestinal regular.
– Ingredientes Naturais: Com a preocupação crescente com a alimentação saudável, FiberAdvance utiliza apenas ingredientes naturais, sem adição de corantes ou conservantes artificiais.
– Sabor Agradável: As gomas têm um sabor delicioso, tornando a ingestão de fibra uma atividade prazerosa para as crianças.
– Praticidade: Fácil de transportar e consumir, ideal para lanches em casa ou na escola, garantindo que as crianças tenham acesso à fibra onde quer que estejam.
– Suprimento Duradouro: O pacote com 3 unidades garante que você tenha sempre gomas à mão, facilitando a inclusão da fibra na rotina alimentar das crianças.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se que as crianças consumam 2 gomas de FiberAdvance for Kids diariamente. As gomas podem ser ingeridas a qualquer momento do dia, seja durante o café da manhã, como lanche da tarde ou após as refeições. É importante que as crianças também mantenham uma boa hidratação, bebendo água suficiente ao longo do dia, para potencializar os efeitos da fibra na digestão.
Hawaii_Lina –
This stuff is amazing! I bought this because my sons pediatrician put my 1 year old on iron supplements which causes you to become constipated. She suggested activia but my son is not big on yogurt. I tried probiotics but didn’t see any results. Then after some hunting one late night on Amazon, I stumbled on this and took a chance. It truly works. The best part is that it taste really good. So now my 3 boys are taking it and even ask for it too. My boys bowl movements are very regular now and like clockwork. Works on adults too.
duckyjake –
These fiber gummies are amazing! We have twin daughters. Both have struggled with constipation. One of them has struggled so much it has impacted her urination, causing her to urinate 20 plus times a day. We were told by the pediatrician to use MiraLAX, yet my sister-in-law who is a Nurse Practitioner consulted with a doctor who said not to use the product long-term and to try these gummies. We have only been using the gummies for a week. We give each daughter two a day. They are having daily, healthy bowel movements and normal urination.
Amazon Customer –
Great product that has helped my kids considerably with their digestion. Just as good, if not better, than the Lil Critters version. A good price for 3 bottles and no complaints from the kids. We have ordered several times and will continue to do so in the future. Solid product.
This product has been a life saver, it has helped my granddaughter so much. Ever since I found this product and decided to buy it for her we have no more crying my tummy hurts because she can’t go potty. I even tried it first to see how it works before giving it to her and it worked well with no tummy cramps! Highly recommend this product!!
Carly –
My 5.5 yo had horrible constipation issues, and these along with one prune pouch a day (Plum Organics Stage 1, Organic Baby Food, Just Prunes, 3.5 ounce pouch (Pack of 12)) have made a HUGE difference. We started this on our own, but his pediatrician said that this combination is exactly what she would have recommended. Added bonus, they taste really good. He also takes a gummy multivitamin of a different brand, but he likes to save his fiber vitamins for last because they’re better, and we just call them his “yummy vitamins,” he doesn’t even know what they’re really called. We’re going to have to up our subscription to these because I’ve been eating them too. They remind me of fruit snacks from childhood, I can’t help it!
T. Thiel –
Fiber advance has been a godsend to both my children. Since they were babies they’ve had trouble with hard stools. Before they could chew solids we had to put miralax in their bottles to soften their stools. When they got older we started them on two fiber advance chewables per day. Needless to say we have not had to use miralax since. The kids like the flavors and have no issues chewing them up.
Magic721 –
If I could give these 10 stars I would. My daughter has had constipation issues since birth. We’ve tried everything from dietary changes to other fiber gummies. She was taking miralax on a regular basis. When I came across these and the positive reviews i decided I had nothing to loose by trying them. I’ll admit I was very skeptical. The last bear looking fiber gummies didn’t help her at all. We are now two weeks into taking these. She takes 2-4 per day (dose is 2 per day but can take up to four) and wow what a difference! I’ll spare you the details but this makes things so much easier and more comfortable for her. She’s no longer scared to poop. I will always have these on hand! I highly recommend trying these even if you’ve tried other things with little success. These really do work. Also they taste super good. My kids love taking them. And no artificial colors, and less than 1g of sugar per serving.
duckyjake –
My 4 year old deals with moderate chronic constipation due to being an extremely picky eater and not getting enough dietary fiber so these really help her along with drinking ample amounts of water and if necessary a tiny bit of mirilax once in a blue moon (which I hate doing but I only do when absolutely necessary). Obviously it’s fiber not a laxative so it’s not an overnight relief type of thing but will get you or your child on the right track. My daughter had pretty quick results but everyone is different. She still deals with some constipation but not as bad or as often. It really eases my mind knowing she is getting the fiber she needs now as before I was always stressing over her refusing her fruits and veggies and feeling so sad for her seeing her in pain and is a very stressful ordeal for a little one when they cannot go potty. The gummies are part of her daily routine along with her gummy vitamins and they taste great! She says everyday “it’s time for my gummies!!!” And likes picking out which flavor she wants that day so she really likes the taste! Hoping she grows out of the eating habits sooner than later. Being a vegetarian myself it is puzzling..I mean who doesn’t love veggies!???!!!? My kid that’s who;) All in all I am extremely satisfied!!!