Strong Earth – Gomas de Ferro com Vitamina C para Adultos e Adolescentes
Descubra o poder das gomas de ferro Strong Earth, uma solução deliciosa e eficaz para combater a anemia e promover a saúde do seu organismo. Com um sabor irresistível de uva, essas gomas são formuladas para atender às necessidades de homens, mulheres, adolescentes e até crianças, oferecendo uma maneira prática e saborosa de aumentar a ingestão de ferro e vitamina C. Cada porção contém 10mg de ferro e 26mg de vitamina C, proporcionando um suporte essencial para a formação de glóbulos vermelhos e a absorção eficiente de ferro.
- IMPULSIONE SEU FERRO – Essas gomas de ferro deliciosas podem ajudar a combater a anemia, aumentando os níveis de hemoglobina. A deficiência de ferro pode levar à fadiga, perda de foco, aumento de hematomas e diminuição da função do sistema imunológico. Reforce sua saúde com essas gomas frutadas!
- FORTIFICADAS COM VITAMINA C – A vitamina C auxilia na absorção mais eficiente e rápida do ferro pelo corpo. Nossa fórmula também ajuda a proteger contra efeitos colaterais como constipação, náuseas e desconforto estomacal.
- SABOR DELICIOSO DE UVA – Você vai adorar o sabor de uva dessas gomas de ferro para anemia. Cada goma é vegana, livre de gelatina, sem nozes, não transgênica e certificada como kosher. Ao contrário das pílulas de ferro e do ferro líquido, não há gosto metálico residual.
- PARA TODAS AS IDADES – Mulheres, homens, adolescentes e crianças podem se beneficiar das gomas de ferro com sabor de uva. Mais deliciosas e fáceis de ingerir do que os comprimidos de ferro ferroso, as gomas são uma forma mais suave de ferro para o seu estômago.
- FORMAÇÃO DE GLÓBULOS VERMELHOS – Apoie a formação de glóbulos vermelhos com apenas 2 gomas deliciosas por dia. Nossa formulação super saborosa utiliza apenas cores e sabores de origem natural. Explore outras ótimas opções da linha de suplementos dietéticos da Strong Earth.
1. Combate à Anemia: Aumenta os níveis de ferro e hemoglobina, ajudando a prevenir e tratar a anemia.
2. Absorção Eficiente: A presença de vitamina C melhora a absorção do ferro, potencializando os efeitos do suplemento.
3. Sabor Agradável: O sabor de uva torna o consumo do suplemento prazeroso, especialmente para aqueles que têm dificuldade com pílulas.
4. Fórmula Suave: As gomas são mais gentis para o estômago em comparação com formas tradicionais de ferro, reduzindo desconfortos gastrointestinais.
5. Adequado para Todos: A fórmula é segura e benéfica para adultos, adolescentes e crianças, promovendo a saúde em todas as idades.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se o consumo de 2 gomas de ferro Strong Earth por dia. As gomas podem ser ingeridas a qualquer momento do dia, preferencialmente com uma refeição para otimizar a absorção do ferro. Armazene em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta. Mantenha fora do alcance de crianças.
Sunsetwaves –
So, these were about the size of a quarter, but they taste good and they dissolve it easily.
They do have that grape sent to them, but nothing too overpowering.
I haven’t been eating much lately and I knew my iron was going down because I have low iron, so I took 3 1/2 of these, the dosage is two but as I said I felt really weak, and within a few hours I feel my energy is coming back and I don’t feel as sluggish as I did before taking these
Helpful Heart –
Iron and Vitamin C are 2 of the more important supplements that our body needs to maintain good health and a strong immune system. Unfortunately iron is hard for many people, including me, to take because it can cause stomach upset. These gummies are much easier on the stomach than iron pills and have both iron and vitamin C. They are also rated safe for kids if taken as directed. This bottle contains a 1 month supply of 60 gummies that taste good and that both me and my 7 year old son can take.
Jennifer –
I purchased these for my dad as he is older and iron deficient. They seem to be working well and have a pleasant taste. This is the third time I’ve purchased them.
Mike –
It’s easy to eat your way to good iron intake especially when the gummies taste so good!
These particular gummies remind my palette very much of the flat multi-colored chalky wafer candies that come in the wax paper log roll. The flavor reminds me very much of those candies without the chalky chew.
Strong Earth – Iron with Vitamin C Gummies has a suggested dosage of 2/daily which has proven easy.
Each gummy appears to be sugar coated and shaped like a orange wedge sugar candy but purple.
The first two ingredients are essentially Sugar, narrowing the divide between good for you and good tasting. This is a product I would recommend trying but not for its pure ingredients or effect. Fully enjoyable and satisfying, but likely falls short on being the healthiest means of supplemental iron intake.
TheIdesOfMarch –
I looked on nutrition facts and figured 3g of sugar (serving = 2x gummies) is not that bad. In reality 2 gummies weigh less than 4 grams. Which makes them more than 75% sugar. Vitamin C is majorly under dosed (only 25mg in serving). Iron dosage is pretty good at 10mg per serving (daily recommended intake is at about 15-17mg, should come from food).
You have to eat 9 different ingredients in those gummies to only receive an ok portion of iron and nothing else apart from sugar.
Helpful Heart –
This is a great iron supplement, and being in gummy format makes them taste delicious. Iron is used to reduce tiredness and fatigue, while also supporting energy levels and overall physical and mental health. Iron is especially important for anyone who is anemic or has a blood deficiency.
This particular product also includes vitamin C, which has numerous health benefits on its own, including helping the body absorb iron at a quicker rate, which in turn reduces iron deficiencies and anemia.
This is a great product and I would recommend it to anyone looking to increase their iron levels.
TheIdesOfMarch –
The gummies are brown, soft, and taste good — no off flavors or aftertastes.
They are too large to swallow whole, but can be chewed or allowed to slowly dissolve.
20 calories, mostly from the 3 grams of added sugars, and about 56 percent of one’s daily iron requirement in two gummies.
Also contains Vitamin C in about 30 percent of the daily allowance and as a means to boost iron absorption.
The brown plastic bottle is coded for recycling as type 1 resin. It was sealed with a foam disk for freshness and tamper evidence.
The twist-off lid is child resistant and requires one to depress the cap while turning it to open.
The gummies to look and taste like candy, so be sure to keep them away from children.
Sold by a small business.
A good value when offered at about $11 for 60 gummies. At two gummies per serving, that’s 30 servings at a cost of about $.37.
Mike –
Smelled delicious when I opened up the bottle. I like the combination of Iron being paired with Vitamin C. I took 2 gummies as suggested and they tasted just like the grape flavor. But then, I started tasting the flavor of iron mixed with the grape. It tasted horrible for me. I gave this to my son and he didn’t complain about the taste. So I guess these gummies will only be for him to take lol