Gomas de Eletrólitos Sem Açúcar, 120 Gomas Mastigáveis de Eletrólitos com 6 Eletrólitos para Corredores e Esportes de Resistência, Sabor Refrescante de Framboesa Azul
Nossas Gomas de Eletrólitos Sem Açúcar são a escolha ideal para atletas, corredores e praticantes de esportes de resistência que buscam manter a hidratação e a energia durante seus treinos e competições. Com uma fórmula inovadora que combina seis eletrólitos essenciais – sódio, potássio, cálcio, magnésio, cloreto e fósforo – essas gomas oferecem os nutrientes necessários para garantir uma hidratação adequada, apoiar a função muscular e promover o bom funcionamento do organismo.
Além dos eletrólitos, nossas gomas são enriquecidas com nutrientes adicionais, como magnésio, sorbato de potássio e cálcio, que ajudam a manter a saúde e a hidratação em dia, proporcionando o suporte necessário para que você alcance seu melhor desempenho.
O sabor é um aspecto fundamental quando se trata de lanches, e por isso, nossas Gomas de Eletrólitos Sem Açúcar possuem um irresistível sabor de framboesa azul natural, garantindo que cada mordida seja tanto saborosa quanto saudável. Você vai adorar o gosto refrescante e levemente ácido dessas gomas.
A embalagem contém 120 gomas, sendo prática e fácil de transportar, permitindo que você as leve para qualquer lugar. Seja em casa, no trabalho ou durante suas atividades físicas, você pode facilmente pegar algumas gomas para um impulso rápido de energia.
Valorizamos a saúde e o bem-estar, por isso, nossas Gomas de Eletrólitos Sem Açúcar são elaboradas com ingredientes naturais, isentas de corantes, sabores e conservantes artificiais. Você pode ter a certeza de que está oferecendo ao seu corpo a melhor nutrição possível.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
1. Hidratação eficaz
Nossas Gomas de Eletrólitos Sem Açúcar oferecem uma combinação única de seis eletrólitos essenciais, garantindo uma hidratação eficaz durante seus treinos e competições.
2. Suporte muscular
Com uma poderosa mistura de nutrientes, incluindo magnésio e cálcio, esses gummies fornecem suporte muscular, ajudando a prevenir cãibras e melhorando o desempenho atlético.
3. Sabor delicioso
Nossas gomas são feitas com sabor natural de framboesa azul, proporcionando uma experiência saborosa e refrescante a cada mordida.
4. Embalagem conveniente
A embalagem de 120 gummies é fácil de transportar, permitindo que você os leve para qualquer lugar e tenha um impulso rápido de energia sempre que precisar.
5. Ingredientes naturais
Nossas gomas são feitas com ingredientes naturais, livres de corantes, sabores e conservantes artificiais, garantindo que você esteja fornecendo ao seu corpo apenas o melhor.
1. Reposição rápida de eletrólitos essenciais durante atividades físicas intensas.
2. Melhora na performance atlética, reduzindo a fadiga e aumentando a resistência.
3. Sabor agradável que torna a hidratação mais prazerosa.
4. Praticidade na embalagem, ideal para levar em treinos e competições.
5. Composição saudável, sem açúcar e livre de aditivos artificiais, promovendo uma nutrição consciente.
Recomendamos o consumo de 2 gomas de eletrólitos por dia. Para melhores resultados, tome-as acompanhadas de água. Não exceda a dose diária recomendada. As gomas podem ser consumidas antes, durante ou após a atividade física, conforme a necessidade de reposição de eletrólitos e hidratação.
steve trinh –
I kept this jar in my tennis bag to help with dehydration & electrolyte loss from sweating during intense tennis matches. I noticed that I don’t get as tired and muscles don’t ache as much afterwards. Perhaps it’s just a placebo effect but I don’t really mind when it comes to sport performance where winning is more fun than losing… Great taste that I got to remind myself not to eat more than 4 at a time since it’s not candy. I haven’t yet figured out when is the best time to take these gummy bears, before/during/after the sport event but it would seem to be most beneficial during the match when you need it most.
These gummies have a great natural gummy flavor. Sometimes supplements can have a chalky or artificial flavor, but these are fantastic. Not overly sweet or over flavorful, just perfect. As for the supplement itself, its a supplement, so its hard to gauge, but i do feel it replenishes my electrolytes
heatherrichardson –
These taste good and are a convenient way to get in your electrolytes. Sometimes I don’t feel like drinking as much liquid or mixing things and sometimes I’m just on the go and that’s when I choose these instead of my usual ones
I was hesitant to try these gummies, however I decided the benefits would be worth it. Upon ordering them in I was pleasantly surprised at how yummy they tasted. The serving is 4 gummies, they taste so good. I have noticed that on days I exercise and then eat these I have less cramping in my legs. Will definitely be purchasing these again.
Works well for electrolyte intake. Will be ordering more. Easier than the drinks
Sam –
These gummies do taste very good, blue raspberry is the flavor. They are pretty sweet, but they have no added sugar, so they are safe for Diabetics. They contain the basic vitamins, some minerals, and electrolytes. The percentage of electrolytes compared to the recommended daily amount percentage is low, but they are in there and will help with hydration. The list of vitamins and minerals is short when compared to several other daily multivitamins. This product is more about hydration than it is about being a complete daily multivitamin, so the short list of vitamins and minerals is acceptable. The quality of the gummies is very good. Every gummy has tasted the same, melted the same, the consistency and texture are all the same, and they are all extremely close to being the exact same size. They can be chewed or just allowed to melt in your mouth. I have done both, and there is no difference in how the gummy works once it is in your system. If you are looking for just a basic vitamin/mineral that will also help with hydration, this would be a good choice in my opinion. One jar is one month’s worth. The price is not bad, but it is a little more than what I want to pay for a product like this one. I have been using this product for over 2 weeks now, and I can’t tell any difference in the way that I feel, but I definitely do not feel worse than I did when I began taking the gummies. It is extremely hot where I live, and I have had no problems with dehydration.
Ali –
I really like the taste of these. Makes getting electrolytes easy
Amazon Customer –
These gummies are amazing! I am low on electrolytes, and can’t always bring powder and liquid with me everywhere I go. I keep a few of these in a little pill case, and they have been a game-changer for on the go! The added benefits of all of the other nutrients and vitamins is just a bonus.
The texture of these is fantastic! Really good tooth feel? I would eat the entire bottle if I could, they are just that good. This means I look forward to taking them each day, which helps me stay on top of my health. The flavor is great, and no weird aftertaste.
The only downside is the label. The print is TINY. Like teeny tiny itty bitty cant actually read it without a magnifying glass tiny. I had to go back to the listing to find out how much of each nutrient was in it. This isn’t a deal breaker, but it was a bit frustrating.
The best part is this is a pack of 3, so they will last a long time!
Overall if you have an electrolyte deficiency, or need more nutrients in your diet or on the go then I highly recommend!