Descrição do Produto: Creatine Monohydrate Gummies para Homens
As Gummies de Creatina Monohidratada para Homens da Vitaminer Shop são uma forma inovadora e prática de incorporar a creatina na sua rotina diária. Cada gummie contém uma dose precisa de creatina monohidratada, um dos suplementos mais estudados e eficazes para aumentar a força, a resistência e a recuperação muscular. Com um sabor delicioso e textura macia, essas gummie são ideais para quem busca uma alternativa aos tradicionais pós e cápsulas, facilitando o consumo em qualquer lugar e a qualquer hora. A creatina é especialmente benéfica para homens que praticam atividades físicas intensas, pois ajuda a melhorar o desempenho atlético, aumentar a massa muscular e acelerar a recuperação após os treinos. Além disso, as Gummies de Creatina Monohidratada são livres de açúcar e glúten, tornando-se uma opção saudável para quem se preocupa com a alimentação.
1. Aumento de Performance: Melhora a força e a resistência durante os treinos, permitindo que você alcance seus objetivos mais rapidamente.
2. Recuperação Acelerada: Ajuda na recuperação muscular após exercícios intensos, reduzindo a fadiga e o tempo de descanso necessário.
3. Praticidade: A forma de gummie torna o consumo mais fácil e saboroso, ideal para quem tem uma rotina agitada.
4. Sem Açúcar e Glúten: Uma opção saudável que se encaixa em diversas dietas, sem comprometer a saúde.
5. Apoio à Massa Muscular: Contribui para o aumento da massa muscular magra, essencial para homens que buscam definição e força.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se consumir 2 gummie de Creatina Monohidratada por dia, preferencialmente antes ou após o treino. É importante manter uma hidratação adequada durante o uso do produto, pois a creatina pode aumentar a retenção de água nos músculos. Para maximizar os efeitos, combine o uso das gummie com uma dieta equilibrada e um programa de exercícios regulares.
Wil2021 –
I like its taste the most, it is like eating fruity candy, no longer the bitter taste of traditional creatine, and it can easily supplement the nutrients needed for each training. It is easy to carry and no longer needs to worry about mixing drinks. I eat one immediately after exercise, and the effect is not bad. I have been using it for several weeks in a row, and I feel that my muscles recover faster and I am full of energy. I recommend it to friends who like fitness.
Wil2021 –
Both myself and my wife take creatine daily. We had had enough of mixing the powder every morning, making a mess. We decided to give these a try and were delightedly surprised with the taste and quality. Three tasteful gummies and 5 grams of creatine, we will probably never go back to powders.
Ector cabral –
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One thing that I am not, is athletic. But thankfully I have friends that are. When I started taking physical therapy to improve my muscles for my knees and hips, one of my friends suggested that I look into taking creatine. So I decided to give it a try.
I’m not looking to become a body builder or runner, but I do want to age wand enjoy life as I go. I got them to help build back the muscle that I had lost from aging and reduced activity. With simple low impact exercises that I’ve learned from PT, I’m doing just that. I’m also seeing the benefits of energy production. I’m also taking it to help with injury recovery, should I sustain one.
One of the big reasons that I decided to try creatine is the benefits it also has on memory. Let’s face it, as we get older, our memory isn’t as sharp as it once was. After looking at all the benefits I could get from having a creatine supplement, it became clear that it’s worth trying. And I’m glad I did. Physical therapy is going good and I’m feeling better overall. These also taste great too, which is why I am continuing to use them.
Ector cabral –
Overall, I love the convenience.
Tub 1: Love the taste. Love the texture. Love everything about it, except when it was gone! 🙁
Tub 2: Not a fan of the taste (Same flavor, mind you). Texture is different. Color is different. Smells funky. Looking forward to this tub being gone.
Not sure what’s going on with this 2nd tub. Exp. date is 2026, but they just have that old, going bad smell to them. Very disappointed. I’ll update once I get tub 3. If it’s like tub one, we’ll be going up to 5 stars. If it’s like tub 2, we will be going down to 2 stars.
WiseCrew –
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My family has started working our more the past 2 years & creatine has become an everyday thing in our family. Everyone is building more muscle, recovering quicker, & feeling great!
We use powder & gummy creatine. These gummies are DELICIOUS!! We have to hide them from our younger kids (so the gummies don’t disappear because of how good they are, & they are little kids who don’t need creatine).
I have a personal trainer/group fitness/nutrition/massage therapist in the family & they really like these gummies. They said they love the portability of them, that they don’t need water to take them (they don’t like to dry scoop), & how easy it is to put some into a smaller container for their gym bag.
My hubby loves the gummies because, well, they taste good, & also for ease of convenience. He is looking GREAT, so I can say that the creatine is definitely helping him.
We tend to save these for gym bags or when we are in a hurry (no time to mix powder) simply because we are a large family, but some of us have used the gummies exclusively (the ones paying for their own gummies). I had planned on hiding these for myself, but my family found out about them, so I decided to share, and I am glad I did with the results that are happening.
I WOULD purchase these again!
Mark S –
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I’ve had similar gummies that literally left an awful taste in my mouth but these are surprisingly good. The pineapple taste like pineapples and the blueberry taste like blueberries. Not to mention, I have personally not experienced any sort of bad or adverse side effects either. What I can say is that I’m slowly starting to see my results. I have done nothing special or added anything else to my regimen but since taking these, I’m finally seeing a lot more definition in my muscle tone and am seeing more muscle mass being built. Another thing I noticed since taking these is that I’m able to lift just a bit more than normal because of the muscle building rather than just looking lean and toned. Really happy with my results from these gummies.
WiseCrew –
I just started working out again not too long ago and wanted something to help boost the experience and this product has been a great additive! It taste good and works so well! Great value and the texture is good
Buster –
Very pleasant taste and consistency but I dont see how they got 5g of creatine in here. weigh them and you will the same question…I did not buy again, went back to powder…