Descrição do Produto: Creatine Monohydrate Gummies for Man and Woman
As Creatine Monohydrate Gummies para Homens e Mulheres são uma inovação no mundo dos suplementos, oferecendo uma forma prática e saborosa de incorporar a creatina na sua rotina diária. Com um total de 104 gomas, este produto foi desenvolvido para fornecer suporte energético essencial, ideal para quem busca melhorar o desempenho físico e a recuperação muscular. Cada goma é formulada com creatina monohidratada de alta qualidade, que é amplamente reconhecida por sua eficácia em aumentar a força, a resistência e a performance atlética.
Essas gomas não apenas facilitam a ingestão de creatina, mas também são uma alternativa conveniente aos tradicionais pós e cápsulas, tornando-se uma opção atraente para aqueles que têm dificuldade em engolir comprimidos ou que preferem uma experiência mais saborosa. A creatina é um composto natural encontrado em pequenas quantidades em alimentos como carne e peixe, e sua suplementação é especialmente benéfica para atletas e praticantes de atividades físicas intensas, pois ajuda a aumentar a produção de ATP (adenosina trifosfato), a principal fonte de energia para as células musculares.
Além disso, as gomas são formuladas para serem adequadas tanto para homens quanto para mulheres, garantindo que todos possam se beneficiar de suas propriedades energéticas. Com um sabor agradável e uma textura mastigável, elas se tornam uma opção prática para o dia a dia, podendo ser consumidas a qualquer hora, seja antes ou após o treino, ou mesmo como um lanche saudável.
– Aumento de Energia: Melhora a performance atlética e a resistência durante os treinos.
– Recuperação Muscular: Auxilia na recuperação após exercícios intensos, reduzindo a fadiga muscular.
– Fácil Consumo: Gomas saborosas que tornam a suplementação mais agradável e prática.
– Adequado para Todos: Fórmula desenvolvida para homens e mulheres, promovendo igualdade no suporte energético.
– Sem Adição de Açúcares: Opção saudável que se encaixa em diversas dietas, sem comprometer a saúde.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de 4 gomas por dia, preferencialmente antes ou após o treino. As gomas podem ser consumidas com água ou sozinhas, conforme a preferência. É importante manter uma hidratação adequada durante o uso do produto e, para resultados otimizados, combine a suplementação com uma dieta equilibrada e um programa de exercícios regulares.
Brian Curtis –
This supplement provides what I want, without a bunch of additional stuff that I don’t. They taste just fine, if a bit more on the sour side (which I prefer). Not overly chewy, but not exactly soft either. No complaints from me.
Heather –
I picked this container up for my 19 year old son who has been hitting the gym daily and supplementing with creatine. He normally takes pills. In comparison, this supplement actually offers more creatine than his usual pill form.
It has a decent berry flavor that is not overwhelming. It’s gummy but not terribly chewy.
Each serving does have 0gs of sugar being sweetened with Maltitol, but it should be noted especially for people with diabetes, this still has a glycemic index.
While it does advertise that this product does not contain yeast, wheat, milk, eggs, gluten, soy, peanuts, shellfish, artificial colors or artificial flavors, it does not state that this product has been manufactured in a facility that does not process any of these ingredients. Gluten and gelatin free, non GMO, Vegan and no artificial sweeteners.
Dosage is 4 gummies with only 26 servings per container sadly. Has a 2 year shelf life.
This product ALSO contains 500mgs of L-Taurine, 180mgs Betaine Anhydrous, 100mgs of Alpha GPC, and 25mcgs of B12 so this supplement is best used earlier in the day as the energy boosting blend might impact sleep.
This is an easy to open container so be aware of little hands that might mistake these for candy.
Overall, this appears to be a pretty good product. Unlike other creatine gummies I’ve tried, this one has a good texture and flavor. It has additional additives which may help boost energy pre or post work out and packs a higher dose of creatine. I wish it had at least a months worth of servings and was in a child safe container. At the present price of $23.45, these appear to be within fair market value for this size dose.
Heather –
The Edudyf creatine monohydrate gummies were the perfect addition to my supplement routine. I have been taking powder creatine for as long as I have been working out.
I stumbled across these gummies which are sugar free. They are a great way to stave off sugar cravings as they have a nice gummy consistency, taste good, and are sweet/little tart.
The container has 26 servings which is 4 gummies equaling 5g of creatine mono. Also has b vitamins, L-taurine, betaine, and alpha GPC.
The package arrived with a freshness seal under the lid. Would recomend.
Zach –
These gummies are easy to take grab 4 gummies and you are good to go! They are sugar free which is a bonus, who wants sugar for a workout a supplement… You are getting 5 grams of creatine and that is the biggest boost of all. I have seen other similiar products where 3 gummies would only be 2.5 grams. 5 grams is the recommended daily dose and thankfully EDUDYF gummies provide that for us. The flavor is okay, not sure what it is exactly, the label doesn’t say but it has tanginess to it.
These gummies contain 5g of creatine per serving–perfect for a maintenance dose. They also contain L-Taurine and Betaine Anhydrous–two ingredients that might boost your energy–so I recommend taking these before a workout or earlier in the day. Because I already take a lot of other supplements, I prefer ones that have a single active ingredient so I know exactly what I’m getting and I can remove or add a single supplement at a time.
For taste, these have a tart raspberry flavor. They’re a little sour, so if you’re sensitive to sour candies you might want to look for a purely sweet option.
These gummies are so much more convenient than mixing powdered creatine with water. It’s much easier to take creatine consistently every day when it’s in a gummy or capsule form. I’ve taken creatine for years, but it seems like much less of a chore when you’re not using the powder.
Gregory –
Sugar-free is what I want to improve my body and my performance. These have a good taste and are easier to take than the powders as you can take them on the go. Good flavor and they came sealed for safety. I take a lower dose than the recommended and that works well for me.
Gregory –
I’m not always sure if supplements are working or not but I still take them. These are good. They have a bit of a tangy flavor. Not sure what it is supposed to be.
TheLiverpoolFan12 –
I like the tangy flavor. This is the first experience I’ve had with creatine gummies, or gummies in general since I was a kid. All good. Thing I like best is that I can easily take them with me during the day, without having to swallow pills with water or stir something into solution. Recommended.