Descrição do Produto: Gummies de Colágeno com Biotina para Saúde dos Cabelos, Pele e Unhas
Descubra a revolução na sua rotina de beleza com as Gummies de Colágeno da Faroromy, sabor pêssego. Diferente de outros suplementos de colágeno, nossas gomas contêm 2500 mcg de biotina, um poderoso nutriente que ajuda a restaurar a vitalidade juvenil da pele, promovendo um brilho radiante e melhorando a textura. Com 100 mg de colágeno, 15 mg de vitamina C e 6,75 mg de vitamina E, essas gomas são formuladas para apoiar a saúde da pele, o crescimento do cabelo e a força das unhas.
- As Gummies de Colágeno com sabor pêssego da Faroromy, ao contrário de outros suplementos de colágeno, contêm 2500 mcg de biotina para ajudar a restaurar a vitalidade juvenil da pele, promovendo um brilho radiante e melhorando a textura. Promove a saúde da pele, o crescimento do cabelo e a força das unhas.
- Nossas Gummies Veganas de Colágeno são adequadas para mulheres, homens e crianças, contendo 100 mg de colágeno, 2500 mcg de biotina, 15 mg de vitamina C e 6,75 mg de vitamina E para apoiar sua beleza.
- As gomas Faroromy são livres de xarope de milho com alto teor de frutose, adoçantes artificiais, glúten e laticínios, garantindo que você receba o suporte à saúde que precisa sem sobrecargas indesejadas.
- Mantenha uma pele saudável e radiante, fortaleça as unhas e forneça nutrição para o seu cabelo!
- Com uma fórmula equilibrada, cuide do seu cuidado com a pele, molde uma pele mais suave e unhas mais fortes, e desfrute de cabelos mais saudáveis.
1. Restauração da Vitalidade da Pele: A biotina e o colágeno trabalham juntos para revitalizar a pele, proporcionando um aspecto mais jovem e saudável.
2. Fortalecimento das Unhas: A fórmula rica em nutrientes ajuda a prevenir unhas quebradiças, promovendo unhas mais fortes e saudáveis.
3. Crescimento Saudável do Cabelo: Os ingredientes ativos favorecem o crescimento capilar, resultando em cabelos mais volumosos e brilhantes.
4. Fórmula Vegana e Livre de Aditivos: Ideal para quem busca uma opção saudável, sem glúten, laticínios ou adoçantes artificiais.
5. Sabor Agradável: O sabor pêssego torna a experiência de consumo prazerosa, facilitando a adesão à rotina diária de cuidados.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se consumir duas gummies de colágeno Faroromy diariamente. As gomas podem ser ingeridas a qualquer hora do dia, preferencialmente após uma refeição para melhor absorção dos nutrientes. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz solar direta. Com o uso contínuo, você notará melhorias significativas na saúde da sua pele, cabelo e unhas ao longo do tempo.
rebelyell80 –
I’m reviewing “Collagen Gummies with Biotin Vitamins for Hair Skin and Nails Health, Peach Flavored Daily Collagen Gummy with 2500 mcg Biotin, 100 mg Collagen and Vitamin C, E 30 Day Supply, 60 Count”…
I found this to be a good product all around. The directions were easy to read, and the cap was easy to remove. They have a delicious peachy flavor, but they’re not too sweet. The scent is tropical and very pleasant, and it’s also not too sweet.
See photos above for more information, including product size and ingredient panel. Make sure you check before ordering to make sure this product seems right for you. I am pleased with it so far.
Wendy in S.C. –
If you are going to have a gummy, make sure it tastes good and these taste great! They are a little on the hard end/dried out end and I’m not sure if that effects it’s potency but if you like Jubi-juus, you’ll love these.
Diane –
I’ve been fasting a few days a week to lose weight, which has been very successful, but as commonly happens when you lose weight quickly, I began shedding hair excessively. When I saw these on the Vine program, I snapped them up quickly, because they were exactly what I needed and I didn’t want to lose the opportunity to try them for free. If you are already suffering rapid hair loss, it will take a while to find out if vitamins you ingest slow or cease that, so this review comes a week after I received these.
These are the tastiest vitamin gummies I’ve ever tasted! No, I don’t say that as a Vine reviewer. If kids get their hands on these, the bottle will be empty before you discover the kids have them, so be diligent to keep these away from kids. They are peach flavored gummies, and though the outside of each gummy is a tad more firm, they do taste like peach gummy bears.
Further, after a week of taking them, my hair loss has noticeably slowed, if not ceased. I’m not winding up with a hairbrush full of hair anymore. I still have a few strands that come out easily with each time I brush, but I may always have had that and never noticed. Admittedly, women don’t remedy hair loss with just one solution at a time, so I have also been eating more liver on days I’m not fasting, since liver contains most nutrients that hair needs. Frankly, there is probably not a single food that has as much of what hair needs to grow as liver does. I’ve been eating various kinds of liver to keep things interesting, and that began well before these arrived in my mailbox.
To the credit of this company, the drawbacks so far are only misgivings. For instance, as the back shows, these gummies are not FDA approved, so I can’t be certain they live up to their claims regarding vitamin content. Also, one of their claims was that two gummies contain more than 8000% of the recommended daily value of biotin that one needs! Biotin is a water soluble vitamin, meaning it’s unlikely one can overdose on it, but 8000% seems possibly excessive enough to be risky, so I made a vow to only take one of these a day rather than their recommended two. Guess how well that worked? Unfortunately, they are too tasty, so I actually wound up eating two most days anyway.
Julie –
Faroromy Collagen Gummies are loaded with vitamins and minerals to maximize your absorption for healthier skin, tissue, and hair. The gummies taste pretty good and the bottle will last you about a month depending on your personal choice as far as dosing. The effects of this were easy to spot after a week: I have to shave twice as often because of the increased hair growth and noticed that I was slowly getting healthier nails that didn’t tear so easily. Overall a great product for men or women.
Diane –
I definitely should have read the label better before I got these. They are a good gummy texture and the taste is really sweet and deliciously peachy. The main concern I have with these is the high amount of biotin in them, reading the label as over 8000 percent the daily recommendation. While it isn’t toxic, according to some fast Google research, it can contribute to problems with acne. For this reason, I will not be continuing to take these on a regular basis. There are a lot of other collagen gummies or hair, skin, & nail gummies that have a more balanced composition. If the label has what you are looking for on a regular basis, then I would absolutely recommend these as a tasty way to get your supplement.
Patty –
Having tried these supplements, I have concluded that they fail to deliver any marked change than when not taking these supplements.
It’s of dubious value, as a result.
Nadia Ocean –
These gummies are peach flavored, they taste fine but they stick to my teeth!
I don’t know if I’ll be able to continue eating these, I feel like they could pull a filling out.
Texture does not work for me.
Marbe –
I’ve been taking these Collagen Gummies with Biotin for a few weeks now, and I’m already seeing good results. Flavor wise they taste good and are easy to ingest.
They are not my favorite out there but are a great supplement