Descrição do Produto: 2 Pack Potassium Citrate Gummies 2000mg
As gomas de potássio citrato 2000mg são a solução ideal para quem busca um suporte eficaz à saúde muscular e alívio de cãibras nas pernas. Cada porção oferece uma dose potente de potássio citrato, tornando essas gomas um complemento perfeito para manter o equilíbrio eletrolítico e promover o bem-estar diário. Com um sabor natural de mirtilo, essas gomas são não apenas deliciosas, mas também fáceis de digerir, proporcionando uma absorção rápida e gentil ao estômago.
Essas gomas de potássio são projetadas para apoiar a saúde muscular e o bem-estar geral. Elas ajudam a reduzir cãibras nas pernas, melhoram a força muscular e regulam o equilíbrio de fluidos, sendo ideais para quem leva um estilo de vida ativo e deseja manter a energia ao longo do dia. Além disso, são feitas com ingredientes limpos, veganos, não transgênicos, sem glúten e sem açúcar, tornando-as uma opção segura e de alta qualidade para adultos e crianças com diversas necessidades dietéticas.
Produzidas em uma instalação certificada pelo GMP e testadas por terceiros, essas gomas de potássio garantem um suplemento confiável e eficaz para uso diário. Com um compromisso com a qualidade, cada embalagem oferece um suporte nutricional que se alinha com as exigências de um estilo de vida saudável.
– Alívio de Cãibras: Reduz a frequência e a intensidade das cãibras nas pernas, proporcionando conforto durante atividades físicas.
– Saúde Muscular: Melhora a força e a resistência muscular, essencial para atletas e pessoas ativas.
– Equilíbrio Eletrolítico: Ajuda a manter o equilíbrio de fluidos no corpo, crucial para a função celular e a hidratação.
– Fácil Digestão: A fórmula em goma é suave para o estômago e de fácil absorção, ideal para quem tem sensibilidade digestiva.
– Ingredientes Limpos: Com uma composição vegana e livre de alérgenos comuns, atende a diversas restrições alimentares.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se consumir duas gomas de potássio citrato por dia, preferencialmente após as refeições. As gomas podem ser mastigadas e ingeridas com um copo de água, facilitando a absorção dos nutrientes. É importante seguir as orientações de uso e consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você tiver condições médicas preexistentes ou estiver grávida.
Wistful Reader –
They taste like candy, and are fun to take. They arrived promptly, and have a safety seal inside and out.
Much better than taking pills or powders.
ConsumerZ –
These Potassium Citrate Gummies are quite sweet. To the point where I don’t believe that only 2.5g of carbs are in one serving of 2 gummies. Especially since Tapioca and blueberry juice are in the other ingredients. I could be wrong because I have not tested the sugar content myself, but these gummies are so sweet they taste like a sugar candy.
I like good tasting gummies, but I’m not trying to get a sugar high from my night time gummies. If I was diabetic I would want to see how these affect my blood sugar levels before committing to taking them.
I do like the nutritional benefits these gummies provide with healing maintain proper K levels and Electrolytes. Great for when you trying to replenish these constantly depleting nutrients in your body.
MissKitty803 –
I do all the things that a person is supposed to do to help with muscle cramping. I stretch before and after exercise. I drink lots of water daily, and make sure to rehydrate with electrolytes. I rub magnesium cream into my muscles after bathing. Yet I still suffer muscle cramps in my legs that wake me in the night.
I knew my body had to be deficient in something, or that there was some sort of vitamin/mineral imbalance, but it’s been a long process to figure it out. I honestly thought it was a magnesium deficiency, but I think I may have finally found the answer with these Sijigood potassium citrate gummies. Since I started taking them, I have been able to sleep through the night without muscle cramps. If I forget to take them, the cramping returns.
It has been a real joy to sleep through the night, unencumbered by muscle cramping. Obviously what works for me may not work for you because everyone’s body has different needs, but I am so thankful to finally have some relief.
C. Wright –
I got these because I have been suffering from leg cramps and toe cramps quite frequently lately. I take magnesium regularly, so it’s not that. The website description claims that these help with leg cramps. I’ve been taking them faithfully for two weeks now and I have not seen any improvements in the frequency of my leg cramps. The gummies themselves taste fresh and delicious. They are not too chewy, do not stick together in a large clump, and do not stick to my teeth. I’m a little suspect that there’s no added sugar though because these gummies taste like candy and blueberry juice doesn’t taste like candy imo. Then again, maybe they used really sweet blueberries.
Jenna F. –
These gummies have a nice texture. The flavor is nice. They are easy to chew and swallow.
Ysabeau –
These gummies provide a delicious way to boost your potassium intake. I’ve been taking them along with magnesium supplements before bedtime, and I haven’t experienced any negative side effects or leg cramps.
Ve He –
Most gummies are crap. Candy with minerals sprinkled in them or worse, loaded with artificial sweeteners, colors and chemicals.
Finding a supplement of potassium beyond 99 mg per serving is also challenging.
These gummies pack 500 mg per chew and also 100 mg of magnesium and calcium. In the correct bio available form!! Decent sprinkling of some B and C vitamins and zinc.
I agree, tastes too good to be true.
Kids and adults will enjoy. This one gummy could replace electrolytes (needs salt) when added to beverages. Nice gummy to boost immunity too. American made manufacturers.
John Rhoads –
Added to my kids daily vitamins. They love taking them and the fact that they are 0 sugar gummy bears is nice for me too!