Descrição do Produto: Gummies de Citrato de Magnésio, 120 Contagens, Vegano, Sem Açúcar, Certificado GMP, Apoia o Sono e os Músculos
Descubra o poder do Citrato de Magnésio em uma forma deliciosa e prática com nossas gummies veganas de 120 contagens. Cada goma sabor framboesa contém 500 mg de um complexo de magnésio altamente absorvível, que inclui magnésio glicinato, citrato, malato, lactato, óxido e L-treonato, garantindo uma absorção ideal para que você aproveite ao máximo os benefícios desse mineral essencial. O magnésio é conhecido por seu papel crucial na saúde muscular e óssea, além de ser um aliado no suporte à função cognitiva e à memória.
Se você se sente inquieto ou fatigado, pode estar com níveis baixos de magnésio. Nossas gummies são uma maneira prazerosa de aumentar sua ingestão diária desse mineral, promovendo calma e relaxamento, além de ajudar a prevenir cãibras musculares. Com a adição de vitamina B6, D3 e K2, bem como cálcio e potássio, você estará cuidando da sua saúde de forma abrangente, apoiando não apenas o corpo, mas também a mente.
Produzidas, testadas e engarrafadas em uma instalação que garante qualidade e potência, nossas gummies de magnésio são confiáveis e apreciadas por milhões. Se você tiver alguma dúvida, nossa equipe de suporte online, baseada nos EUA, está pronta para ajudá-lo com atenção e cuidado.
– Apoio ao Sono: Melhora a qualidade do sono, ajudando a relaxar o corpo e a mente.
– Saúde Muscular: Contribui para a função muscular adequada e previne cãibras.
– Função Cognitiva: Auxilia na memória e na capacidade de aprendizado.
– Fácil de Consumir: Gummies saborosas que tornam a suplementação prazerosa.
– Produto Vegano e Sem Açúcar: Ideal para quem busca uma opção saudável e ética.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se consumir duas gummies de Citrato de Magnésio por dia, preferencialmente à noite, antes de dormir. Isso ajudará a maximizar os benefícios relaxantes do magnésio e a promover um sono reparador. Armazene em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, e mantenha fora do alcance de crianças.
Viktor –
I ordered this the first time and they were great for my daughter.
The second time they were hard as rocks, and I had to get a refund. I ordered them a third time and once again they are hard as rocks. These are not chewable gummy‘s. The expiration date says they have over a year more before they’re bad, but I think they were just wrong. They are super hard and dry.
Viktor –
Update: seller refunded my money. Other gummie vitamins i bought from this seller have been good. Maybe this was an off batch.
These have a strong perfume flavor. I have this brand of gummie in different vitamin that taste fruity and normal. These are nearly inedible.
Harry G. –
These magnesium Complex plus gummies arrived safety sealed & fresh with a 2 1/2 year shelf life. It also has a child proof cap. The gummies are chewy, raspberry flavored and taste good. These gummies contain no added sugars and 2 gummies have 4 calories. I take these in the evening before bedtime.
SM –
Another vitamin recommendation: totally stopped calf muscle movement at night in bed.
Amazon Customer –
These magnesium gummies are really tasty! I like that they’re shaped like little bears, but the texture is a bit more sticky than I tend to prefer. The flavor is truly delicious, though – it gives berry vibes. I was recently told by a nutritionist how important it is to include magnesium in your supplement routine. Personally, pills or capsules are hard on my stomach, and I find that gummies or liquid vitamins work best for me without the extra irritation – these gummies have made it possible for me to get the proper dose of magnesium without having to choke down a gloopy liquid, and for that, I am extremely grateful. Highly recommend these for anyone looking to get extra magnesium.
Amazon Customer –
We got this supplement and gave our 5-year old and 7-year old one gummy each after dinner. One of our kids, a fussy eater, said they did not like the taste but nonetheless finished it with some encouragement and had a great bedtime.
It was a little disappointing to see this product marketed as suitable for children, but the packaging says not for those under 18. Going through the list of vitamins, some are quite high doses; approaching the safe upper limit.
Most worryingly, the vitamin B6 level is 8 times higher than the European limit, or 4 times higher than the previous limit in the Netherlands. Some others, including Zinc, D3 and the headline ingredient Magnesium are well above recommended levels and close to or marginally above safe upper limits. I’m worried about giving this to children.
Lisa B. –
Children don’t mind the taste that’s a plus. They don’t like how it sticks to their teeth and my 5 yr old will not take them for that reason my 8 & 10 brush their teeth to get the rest of it off their teeth. Not going to buy again because that’s just not going to work for me.
JZ –
I was skeptical about these since they were gummies. Whatever is in them sure helps me sleep good. I take them close to bedtime. My legs also don’t cramp as much. They taste so good. They seem to work better than other brands I’ve tried.