Descrição do Produto: Gummies de Beterraba – Mastigáveis para o Coração
As Gummies de Beterraba da Wellcatcher são a escolha perfeita para quem busca uma maneira deliciosa e prática de incorporar os benefícios da beterraba na sua rotina diária. Com uma fórmula suprema, cada porção contém 2000mg de beterraba, 150mg de extrato de semente de uva, coenzima Q10, além das vitaminas C, D e B12. Essas gomas, isentas de açúcar, são uma forma saborosa de promover um estilo de vida saudável, sem abrir mão do prazer de um doce.
Essas gomas de beterraba são especialmente formuladas para potencializar seus treinos. Ao aumentar a produção de óxido nítrico, elas melhoram o fluxo sanguíneo, a circulação e a energia, permitindo que você aproveite ao máximo cada sessão de exercícios. Com a adição de pó de beterraba, semente de uva, L-Arginina e L-Citrulina, você terá um suporte extra para alcançar seus objetivos de fitness.
Além disso, as Gummies de Beterraba oferecem um suporte antioxidante superior. Com a presença da vitamina C, extrato de semente de uva e coenzima Q10, esses ingredientes trabalham em sinergia para proteger as células contra danos causados por radicais livres, promovendo uma saúde geral melhorada. A combinação única de nutrientes também ajuda a aumentar a resistência e os níveis de energia, proporcionando ao corpo o que ele precisa para fortalecer o sistema imunológico e melhorar o bem-estar.
Cada frasco contém uma oferta de 30 dias, com gomas de sabor framboesa à base de pectina, adoçadas com estévia. São saudáveis, sem açúcar, não transgênicas, veganas, sem glúten e produzidas em uma instalação certificada pela GMP. Assim, é fácil atender às suas necessidades nutricionais diárias, seja em casa ou em movimento.
– Aumento da Energia: Melhora a performance física e a resistência durante os treinos.
– Suporte Antioxidante: Protege as células contra danos e melhora a saúde geral.
– Fórmula Natural: Isenta de açúcar, vegana e sem glúten, ideal para diversas dietas.
– Praticidade: Fácil de consumir, perfeita para quem tem uma rotina agitada.
– Fortalecimento do Sistema Imunológico: Nutrientes que ajudam a manter o corpo saudável e resistente.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se consumir duas gummies de beterraba por dia. As gomas podem ser ingeridas a qualquer momento, preferencialmente antes ou após os treinos, para maximizar os benefícios de energia e recuperação. Armazene em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar a qualidade do produto.
h –
Beet root supplements have been a particular favorite of mine ever since I first tried them, although most of the “purer” forms taste like you are eating dirt straight from the source. So, I keep my eyes out for more…. consumable forms of the supplement.
Top to bottom, the entire bottle is heavy shrink wrapped, so they have the “tamper resistent” thing going for them.
Manufacture date and expiration date are black dot matrixed on the bottom of the clear bottle, with darker red gummies to backstop the color. Not the easiest thing in the world to read, but it’s readable. Mine was marked as made 09/02/2024, expiring 09/01/2026.
There is a “made in USA” badge on the bottle. There is a Wyoming street address listed on the bottle.
I checked the address listed on the bottle, and it came back… spicy. Seems it’s one of those corp holding places, with a lot of… dubious customers. Nothing noted about this company, but that’s a bit odd. Lets just say that the local press had a lot of articles mentioning that location.
5MoreMinutesPlz –
Beets are very good for your health. I like beet juice and this is the first time I have seen beets in gummie form. I love that these are made in the U.S. I’m always a bit suspicious of foreign made vitamins and supplements.
These beet root gummies are average in size, tasty and have a medium-hard chew. The average serving size is two gummies, and I have a hard time not chewing a third because they taste so good. Surprisingly, a serving contains 0g of sugar. For those who are not comfortable drinking beet juice, this is a good substitute.
PS: get your magnifying glass out – the “Supplement Facts” on the label has the tiniest print that I have ever seen on a label. Any smaller and you may need a microscope to read it!
Barbara Griffiths –
I have been taking beet juice gummies for a while and before that I included beets, beet juice, or Borscht soup in my diet. Beet juice gummies are the easy way to get the benefits. This brand arrived tamper proof with a 2 year best by date. They are prettier then most, being translucent red and shaped like a raspberry. Unfortunately the flavor is not great. I expected a berry flavor and it is not thete. They do have a medium view and can stick to your teeth. They are thickened with pectin so they are not vegan. They are made in the USA.
Otter Pop –
The beetroot gummies taste pretty good. They came in what I would call a standard sized supplement bottle.
The bottle was very well protected to a point where it wasn’t easy to get the outer layer of plastic off. That’s a good thing as it cannot be tampered with.
Nice to see that the gummies don’t stick together. I take several supplements in the form of gummies, and some stick together, but these beetroot gummies do not.
This comes with a child proof cap which I prefer, especially when it comes to gummies.
Unlike on some other supplement bottles, the expiration date is actually easy to read on this one. It is written on the bottom of the bottle and the gummies are good for about two years.
KrazeTV –
• Some great ingredients
• Sugar-free, pectin-based which I like
• Tastes fine…smells odd but NOT foul…Deducted 1-star
• Easy to chew and swallow
• Gummies are in a shape…I read cubes are better nutritionally
• Good texture, fresh
• Nice not to have to swallow a capsule
• Calorie count is good, 10 calories per serving
• No adverse side effects
• Can read label but a little small
• Contact information on bottle compared to the many companies that don’t provide or only partially provide contact information
• Safety seals were intact
• This looks to be a Chinese company, but the supplements made in the USA
• Halal
• GMP facility
• At the time of this writing, the manufacturer has not mentioned on this site whether there was 3rd party testing done…I recommend adding this information prominently to this site: Deducted 1-star
• Supplement Facts chart on this site
• Unable to easily find company website…deducted 1-star
I’m not a healthcare professional or expert on supplements.
The best quality about these Beet Root Gummies is they don’t have any Added Sugar. In addition to Beet Root Extract, these chewy supplements also contain Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin B12, Grapeseed Extract, and Coenzyme Q10…all ingredients known to support heart and circulation health. While I’m not sure how effective they are, I do enjoy the taste.
Amazon Customer –
Seems to work well!
KrazeTV –
I like taking these gummies to support Nitric Oxide production. It contains 2000mg of beetroot, grape seed extract, Coenzyme Q10, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, and Vitamin B12. It’s non-GMO, Sugar Free, and it’s naturally flavored. On the bottle it says it’s naturally sweetened, but doesn’t state what the sweetener is on the bottle. However, in the description on the site it says they use Stevia, so that’s good to know. One little nit pick, I wish the B12 was in the methyl form and not the Cyanocobalamin form. Taking two gummies a day will last one month and it is manufactured in the GMP certified facility. Overall, I appreciate adding these gummies to my supplementation.