Descrição do Produto: GNC Total Lean Shake Slimvance | Caffeine Free Protein Powder, Vanilla Caramel
O GNC Total Lean Shake Slimvance é uma revolução no mundo da nutrição e controle de peso. Com um sabor irresistível de Caramelo de Baunilha, este pó de proteína foi desenvolvido para auxiliar na redução de peso de forma eficaz e saudável. Cada porção contém 25g de proteína e apenas 190 calorias, tornando-se uma opção ideal para quem busca emagrecer sem abrir mão do sabor. A fórmula inovadora combina ingredientes herbais clinicamente comprovados, que não apenas ajudam a queimar gordura, mas também oferecem suporte à saciedade, permitindo que você se sinta satisfeito por mais tempo.
Este produto é especialmente formulado para aqueles que desejam perder peso e medidas, sem a adição de cafeína, o que o torna uma escolha perfeita para quem é sensível a estimulantes. Com 7g de fibra por porção, o GNC Total Lean Shake Slimvance não só ajuda a controlar a fome, mas também promove uma digestão saudável. Os resultados são visíveis: estudos clínicos demonstraram que o uso regular deste shake pode levar à redução de medidas na cintura e nos quadris, proporcionando uma silhueta mais esculpida e confiante.
– Redução de Peso Clinicamente Comprovada: Estudos demonstram a eficácia do produto na perda de peso.
– Apoio à Saciedade: A combinação de proteínas e fibras ajuda a controlar a fome, evitando lanches desnecessários.
– Sem Cafeína: Ideal para quem busca uma opção de emagrecimento sem estimulantes.
– Fácil de Preparar: Pode ser misturado com água ou leite, tornando-se uma opção prática para o dia a dia.
– Sabor Delicioso: O sabor de Caramelo de Baunilha torna o consumo prazeroso, facilitando a adesão à dieta.
Para obter os melhores resultados, misture uma porção (aproximadamente 38g) do GNC Total Lean Shake Slimvance em 240ml de água ou leite desnatado. Agite bem até que o pó esteja completamente dissolvido. Recomenda-se consumir uma porção diariamente, preferencialmente como substituto de uma refeição ou lanche. Para maximizar os efeitos, combine o uso do shake com uma dieta equilibrada e a prática regular de exercícios físicos.
AmandaB –
I have tried every weight loss supplement out there. I’ve tested virtually every brand of meal replacement shake and none have been very effective. This just came in a couple of days ago and let me tell you IT WORKS. It has prebiotic so it helps to keep you regular (and sometimes a little more than regular lol). Day 1 I had no tummy issues but day 2 I did. It works as an excellent appetite suppressant. I do one of these for lunch and it holds me over until 7 to 7:30 at night without even THINKING about food. I know everyone is different and we all react to weight loss differently but for me this is exactly what I’ve been looking for. If I were to choose a downside, it would simply be the cost but still not bad for 20 servings.
Emily –
This is GREAT!!! My scale was stuck on the same number for a while would not move at all. All the cravings were there every day and night I didn’t know what else to do nothing was working for me, until I decided to make a difference and get a slim shake to help me with my weight loss. So went on Amazon to check out the shakes and noticed the GNC Total Lean Shake Slimvance Strawberry-Banana and I can tell you the taste is excellent I really love it! Not grainy at ALL which is a big plus for me. I mix with 8oz of unsweetened almond milk, one scoop of GNC Lean Shake Slimvance, 4 frozen strawberries and a little more of mix frozen fruit put on my Ninja Nutri Blend and voila! AMAZING 👏 😍 Tastes Delish, so every morning I have me some breakfast “anything I want” by 2pm or 3pm I make my 18 oz shake take my time drinking it I don’t really get hungry after that sometimes I go to bed with no dinner cause I’m still full and if I get hungry I have chicken, or a steak with vegetables or sometimes with nothing but meat. Cravins are gone like the wind lol. First day I dropped 2 lbs. Second day I dropped 2 more lbs. With no exercise, Today will be my 3rd day I’m very happy with this shake and also want to mention thst I drink lots of water I have a 40 oz cup I fill with water at least 3 times a day. My scale is finally moving down numbers 🙏. Thank you GNC lean Slimvance shake
Love it. Great moisturizer! –
Works great. Great taste. I used it in the mornings for a meal replacement, plus working out.
Jammie –
I couldn’t drink more than 3 sips. The after taste was not terrible, and my tongue felt tingly and sharp. I threw it away and it wasn’t cheap. But I didn’t want to risk my health or anyone else’s.
S Morris –
This protein powder is the best I’ve tried yet. It tastes amazing and dissolves greatly in my almond milk. It smells like that of a vanilla milkshake. Definitely plan to buy it again!
Amazon Customer –
I always get the chocolate peanut butter but it was sold out. I was bummed! I tried the vanilla Carmel and LOVE IT. I feel it’s more like a cappuccino and it’s delicious! The powder is pricey but I love it for a quick meal! Hopefully one day they will have a sale.
Аmazon Customer –
This is the second flavor of the GNC Total Lean protein shakes that I’ve tried. The two flavors that I’ve tried so far are a little sweeter than I prefer.
Teresa R. –
like this product – tastes good and my family enjoys it, too. I like to drink one several times @ week.