Descrição do Produto: GNC Mega Men 50 Plus One Daily Multivitamin
O GNC Mega Men 50 Plus One Daily Multivitamin é um suplemento vitamínico especialmente formulado para atender às necessidades nutricionais de homens com mais de 50 anos. Este multivitamínico não apenas apoia a saúde geral, mas também foca em funções específicas, como a saúde da próstata, coração e cérebro. Com uma combinação poderosa de vitaminas, minerais e antioxidantes, este produto é ideal para promover o bem-estar e a vitalidade em uma fase da vida onde a manutenção da saúde se torna ainda mais crucial. Cada comprimido contém uma mistura equilibrada de nutrientes que ajudam a fortalecer o sistema imunológico, melhorar a energia e apoiar a função cognitiva, proporcionando uma base sólida para um estilo de vida ativo e saudável.
1. Suporte à Saúde da Próstata: Fórmula específica que ajuda a manter a saúde da próstata, essencial para homens acima de 50 anos.
2. Saúde Cardiovascular: Contém nutrientes que promovem a saúde do coração, ajudando a manter níveis saudáveis de colesterol e pressão arterial.
3. Apoio Cognitivo: Inclui ingredientes que favorecem a função cerebral, melhorando a memória e a concentração.
4. Aumento de Energia: A combinação de vitaminas do complexo B e outros nutrientes ajuda a combater a fadiga e a aumentar a disposição.
5. Antioxidantes Potentes: Protege as células contra os danos dos radicais livres, contribuindo para um envelhecimento saudável.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de um comprimido por dia, preferencialmente com uma refeição para otimizar a absorção dos nutrientes. É importante seguir as orientações de uso e não exceder a dose recomendada. Para melhores resultados, combine o uso do GNC Mega Men 50 Plus One Daily Multivitamin com uma dieta equilibrada e um estilo de vida ativo. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você tiver condições médicas preexistentes ou estiver tomando outros medicamentos.
comfortable dave –
Good vitamin, This is my go to brand. This is the 50 and over blend. They are a bit large but manageable and they have a sweet smell to them. I don’t that doesn’t seem important but some brands have a very off putting smell that makes it that much harder to swallow. I take them as a supplement daily just to make sure I augment my regular meals. No super powers or miracle cure but just keep the mineral and other vitamins at a normal level. Just be advised, your urine will take on a vivid almost neon yellow color. Don’t panic. Just your body excreting some of the vitamins. My GNC is a bit far away so this save me the trip. I’m sure there are cheaper brands and some have started to question the efficacy of taking vitamin supplements especially if are getting a well rounded diet. But there is the problem. Alternate hours of work and rushed lunches along with a packed schedule doesn’t leave much time for meal prep so this comes in handy.
Gilbert arriaga –
For a budget multivitamin, it has fit my budget for a year. It has some things in it that aren’t healthy though and I’m learning more about multivitamins. What I’ve learned is that this is a well encompassing focused vitamin that while taking I have had good labwork on my blood and everything is balanced and within normal range. No actual boost though and does contain some toxic forms of supplements. I have to pay twice as much to try out a vitamin that “Should” be better for me and may or may not give me better than normal lab results or a noticeable energy or strength increase. These vitamins have helped me maintain and be ok I assume. I am wanting something with noticeable effects though either in my lab work or my energy levels or both. All I can do is pay twice as much to find out and will have to switch away from this vitamin to find out. It has been a must have daily supplement for me for the past year daily though and I haven’t had any deficiencies in that time and this vitamin may or may not have contributed to those positive results. For the price and verifiable quality and consistency of the product I think it’s a good product and not a bad choice for a multivitamin supplement .
Randy –
Seems good
TS –
This brand of supplements was recommended yrs ago by our family doctor for my husband and he’s been taking them ever since. They’re a good quality vitamin with everything he needs especially when we’re not always eating as healthy as we should. It’s only one tablet a day which is also a plus as so many supplements now you have to take multiple tablets to get what you need. I’ll keep buying these vitamins.
Phil @ SG –
Ordered 2 bottles and one came without box and protective seal tempered (opened).
Grand Inquisitor –
This was my second purchase and I bought two at the same time.
The first time I bought them was at a local drug store. I just finished a 60 day supply.
I like the taste, which is kind of like a whoppers malt ball without the chocolate.
Unlike the name brand Centurium vitamins, these GNC for Men 50 Plus do NOT make me nauseated, and they do NOT give me an acid reflux vitamin taste like Centurium and other leading brands.
I like that I only have to take one vitamin a day, but it is a big vitamin, the length of a quarter, and at first it was difficult to swallow. I’ve got used to taking them now.
I feel the 60 day supply is generous compared to other brands, and I like feeling as though I am getting my money’s worth.
Other brands including the one mentioned, made me feel lousy so I had stopped taking vitamins for several years, then I tried them again and same thing happened. However, with these GNC vitamins, that hasn’t happened, I’ve actually been feeling a lot better during the past 60 days of using it.
I did research on the vitamins and minerals that I need and are recommended while shopping for a brand and formula, this Men’s 50 Plus vitamin met the goal.
Phil @ SG –
Excellent product! It is vital to include supplement in our diet as we don’t usually have a well balanced diet daily.
GeekGuy&Gal –
BOTTOM LINE: 4.5 stars (slight demerit for price). Will probably buy again. ONE tab per day. Easy to swallow. About the same size as a Centrum brand multivitamin. About $10 for 60 days worth is an okay but not great price. Quality may be worth it.
At about 17 cents/tab, they cost about 2x more than Centrum brand (or 3-5x a store brand generic version of Centrum), but the GNC includes more ingredients.
Pleasant-tasting vanilla-ish coating (ethyl vanillin, probably the synthetic version). Seems to work as well as the 2 tabs per day version. Has similar (but not exactly the same) ingredients/amounts as the 2/day version.
NOTE: Like many vitamin producers, GNC occasionally (rarely!) makes _slight_ changes their vitamin formulas. The labels shown on Amazon may or may not be 100% up-to-date, but should at least be pretty darn close. You can visit the GNC website if you wish to see current info on a particular GNC product.
One thing nice about these GNC tabs is they have many “trace” minerals that some lesser brands don’t include (Centrum has some).
If you are curious about the INactive ingredients, they are:
Microcrystalline Cellulose, Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose, Croscarmellose Sodium, Hydroxypropyl cellulose, Stearic Acid Vegetable Source, Titanium Dioxide Mineral Whitener, Magnesium Stearate Vegetable Source, Vegetable Acetaglycerides, Polyethylene Glycol, Polysorbate 80, Caramel Color, Ethyl Vanillin, Carnauba Wax