Glycolic Acid Face Wash, Limpeza Facial Esfoliante Para Cuidados com a Pele do Rosto, Tratamento para Acne, Esfoliante Facial com Ácido Glicólico e Salicílico 180 ml – Botanic Tree (Pacote com 2 – Compre 1…)
O Glycolic Acid Face Wash da Botanic Tree é um limpador facial esfoliante que se destaca no cuidado da pele do rosto, especialmente no tratamento da acne. Com uma fórmula poderosa que combina 10% de ácido glicólico e ácido salicílico, este produto proporciona uma limpeza profunda, removendo células mortas e impurezas que obstruem os poros. Além de tratar a acne, ele atua na redução da aparência de poros dilatados, rugas e linhas finas, resultando em uma pele mais suave, radiante e rejuvenescida. Este pacote inclui 2 frascos de 180 ml cada, garantindo um tratamento prolongado e eficaz.
Ideal para peles sensíveis, oleosas e propensas a acne, o Glycolic Acid Face Wash não apenas reduz a acne e as manchas escuras, mas também remove maquiagem e oleosidade sem ressecar a pele. Sua fórmula suave, mas eficaz, age como um limpador e tônico, revitalizando e nutrindo a pele envelhecida. Após o uso, você notará uma pele limpa e suave, com uma textura visivelmente melhorada. O esfoliante faz espuma facilmente, possui um aroma agradável e não deixa resíduos pegajosos, tornando a experiência de uso ainda mais agradável.
Este esfoliante facial é altamente eficaz na redução de surtos de acne, sendo recomendado tanto para adultos quanto para adolescentes que buscam uma pele macia e livre de irritações. A combinação de ácido glicólico e ácido salicílico penetra profundamente na pele, promovendo uma esfoliação e iluminação eficazes. Com ingredientes naturais, como BHA e AHA, o produto é livre de sulfatos, não testado em animais e fabricado nos EUA. Para resultados visíveis, recomenda-se o uso de 2 a 5 vezes por semana como parte da rotina de cuidados com a pele.
Além de tratar a acne, o Glycolic Acid Face Wash também é eficaz na redução de manchas escuras. Sua fórmula contém extrato de bambu, manteiga de karité e óleo de melaleuca, que trabalham em conjunto para desvanecer manchas escuras, cicatrizes e vermelhidão. Experimente e descubra os benefícios do nosso esfoliante glicólico e de toda a linha de produtos para cuidados faciais da Botanic Tree.
- Limpeza e esfoliação suave, resultando em uma pele macia e limpa.
- Redução eficaz da acne e das manchas escuras, promovendo uma pele mais clara e uniforme.
- Fórmula com ingredientes naturais, livre de sulfatos e não testada em animais.
- Penetração profunda na pele para esfoliação e iluminação, revelando uma aparência mais jovem.
- Ajuda a desvanecer manchas escuras, cicatrizes e vermelhidão, proporcionando um brilho radiante.
Para obter os melhores resultados, aplique o Glycolic Acid Face Wash no rosto úmido, massageando suavemente em movimentos circulares. Evite a área dos olhos. Enxágue bem com água morna. Utilize de 2 a 5 vezes por semana, ajustando conforme a sensibilidade da sua pele. Após a limpeza, siga com seu hidratante facial preferido. É importante evitar a exposição ao sol sem proteção solar adequada após o uso deste produto, para garantir a saúde e a integridade da pele.
Cj Smith –
This cleanser is gentle enough to use daily but it definitely gets the dead skin off and has even shrunk my pores. Give it a try, I have combo skin and it works great.
Dawn –
I was influenced in purchasing this from IG. I needed a good exfoliating wash and this one for sensitive skin works great. My skin feels so soft and refreshed after using it. The scent is not overpowering too.
Sj773 –
Good product, my face always feels extremely clean when I use this. Have bought multiple times.
lp40 –
I use this product once to twice a week in face and neck and it leaves my skin young and fresh. Very effective. Slightly gritty texture for exfoliation. Takes about 9 months for me to use bottle. Little bit goes long way.
Patricia Lopez –
This stuff is legit. It’s is very fine so it does not feel rough or harsh on your skin. I use this 2-3 times a week in the shower and it leaves my face feeling soft, cleansed and fresh. I’ve been using this for years now and I always recommend to my girlfriends. It feels luz and doesn’t have a smell to it. 10/10 recommend.
Teresa Freeman –
As dedicated as I am to reading product reviews, I really ought to be better about leaving them myself, but alas this is the first review I’ve ever left on an Amazon purchase. I wanted to give this product about a month or so to really be able to tell if it’s improved my skin and I must say that it has worked absolute wonders…so much so that I couldn’t not leave a review! Aside from the hormonal breakouts that I tend to get once a month that seem to be inevitable, this product has completely changed my skin. I’ve seemed to be having worse breakouts and even worse scarring being in my early twenties than I ever did as a teenager, and after years of dermatologist visits and spending countless dollars on both prescription strength and drugstore products, I only wish I’d found this product sooner. The exfoliation of this product is light enough to use daily, even combined with an exfoliating brush, which I do every night. Never before has my skin felt cleaner after removing my makeup, then washing my face with this product. This face wash, combined with using the Palmer’s face oil before going to bed has almost completely evened out my skin tone. It feels great, it smells great, and I feel like it gets the job done without making you feel like you’re doing too much to your face. I cannot say enough good things about this product!
Sj773 –
Most people who try glycolic acid exfoliation get “addicted” and begin to over-exfoliate (chemically, at least). Even as a skincare professional, I am guilty of this. However, the small amount of AHA (in the form of gylcolics) in this scrub is gentle enough for me to use every other day (and I have sensitive skin with Rosacea) The grit is like a fine sand or powder – not at all harsh like apricot scrubs, etc. Plus it SMELLS GREAT, so fresh and not-perfumy so it’s not noticeable to other people, but has a soft scent during application and for about 15 minutes after.
It is always a good idea to use exfoliating cleansers in the evening so as to not expose freshly exfoliated skin to antioxidant (environmental) damage during the day. So I recommend use in the evenings but NOT in the morning. For more efficacy, leave the scrub on damp skin for several minutes (I leave it on as I wash my hair, then rinse after washing my hair).
The great thing is that this cleanser leaves my skin noticeably smoother after each use, as long as I let a day or two pass in between uses. I also use a 14% glycolic acid serum (Alpha Skin Care – Intensive Renewal Serum) once or twice a week in addition to this scrub every other day. This is one of the most gentle chemical exfoliants that I have ever used and my face feels smoother with improved skin tone without the tightness that can accompany stronger exfoliants.
Overall, I’ve been looking for a good glycolic acid face wash & scrub and I feel finally found a keeper! This fine-grit scrub cleanser is now a mainstay in you regimen and I highly recommend it!
Due to allergies, I had to drop all products containing SLS and this product was questionable, so I did some research. GREAT NEWS! The “Disodium Laureth Sulfosuccinate” ingredient in this favorite cleanser of mine is NOT considered a sulfate!! YAY! So it’s safe to call it sulfate-free! 🙂 I’m so relieved because it helps my skin so much and smooths not just facial skin but I use it on the backs of my arms, too and it takes away those little bumps. Highly recommend for guys, too!
Ma –
It took me many years to go through my last tube of this product. I have very sensitive skin and only used a dab once a week, if that. I loved the smell and the exfoliating effect of this product sooo much. My skin glowed after using it. But I’m not having the same result with this tube – the scent is similar, but not as strong, and it’s not nearly as gritty – which is what I think was doing the exfoliating. I almost feel a residue with this, as opposed to a fresh-feeling face after using. That’s just my experience, but I’m disappointed.