Descrição do Produto: Wellness Resources Glutathione Ultra com Emothion S-Acetyl Glutathione (100mg, 90 Cápsulas)
O Wellness Resources Glutathione Ultra é um suplemento inovador que combina a poderosa ação do Glutationa com a forma altamente absorvível S-Acetyl Glutathione. Cada cápsula contém 100mg deste antioxidante de alta potência, projetado para promover a saúde celular, apoiar a função hepática e fortalecer o sistema imunológico. O Glutationa é conhecido como o “mestre antioxidante”, desempenhando um papel crucial na neutralização de radicais livres e na desintoxicação do organismo. A adição do Emothion potencializa ainda mais a absorção e eficácia do Glutationa, garantindo que seu corpo receba todos os benefícios desse nutriente essencial.
Este produto é ideal para aqueles que buscam melhorar sua saúde geral, especialmente em tempos de estresse oxidativo elevado, como durante períodos de intensa atividade física ou exposição a poluentes ambientais. O Glutationa Ultra não só ajuda a proteger as células do dano oxidativo, mas também apoia a regeneração de outros antioxidantes, como as vitaminas C e E, promovendo um efeito sinérgico que maximiza a proteção celular.
1. Alta Absorção: A forma S-Acetyl Glutathione garante que o corpo absorva eficientemente o antioxidante, maximizando seus efeitos.
2. Saúde Hepática: Contribui para a desintoxicação do fígado, ajudando na eliminação de toxinas e substâncias nocivas.
3. Fortalecimento do Sistema Imunológico: Aumenta a resistência do organismo contra infecções e doenças, promovendo uma resposta imunológica mais eficaz.
4. Proteção Celular: Neutraliza radicais livres, reduzindo o estresse oxidativo e protegendo as células contra danos.
5. Suporte à Saúde Geral: Melhora a vitalidade e o bem-estar, contribuindo para uma vida mais saudável e ativa.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de uma cápsula de Wellness Resources Glutathione Ultra ao dia, preferencialmente com uma refeição. Isso não apenas facilita a absorção do Glutationa, mas também maximiza sua eficácia. É importante manter uma rotina consistente para que os benefícios se acumulem ao longo do tempo. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos.
K. Peterson –
First let me say, Wellness Resources make reliable supplements developed based on medical research. They are manufactured in the USA and distributed in my home state which is important to me.
Second, I have hypothyroidism that has been successfully treated for decades. I take T3 only due to a absorption issue. My immune system and antioxidant levels can be compromised by my hypothyroidism and glutathione can be a useful supplement for me to take. Finding an effective glutathione is another issue. WR claims their S-Acetyl-Glutathione is a cutting edge form of glutathione that was “developed to overcome the poor effectiveness of reduced glutathione supplementation”. I have only taken it for a few days but I feel no overall effect, not negative, not positive.
Some say, one should feel an increased energy level when taking Glutathione and, if anything, my tail has been dragging. I am going to take a few days off and see if my energy returns and/or if nothing changes. Then I will resume supplementation and proceed from there and update my review in a month (I’ve marked it on my calendar).
For a highly absorbable glutathione the price is reasonable as some cost upwards of $100, so time will tell. It does not contain magnesium stearates but does contain rice hulls as a flow agent and/or filler. The capsule is vegetable cellulose, so suitable for vegans if all other ingredients are compatible with such a diet.
Darlaina Dancer –
I take Glutathione on a daily basis. I have only been taking it for a few months so far but I believe I have noticed improvements, specifically in the reduction of my headaches. I have also seen a slight increase in energy. Supposedly this is something most people are deficient and lacking in.
Now, what I noticed about this particular brand is that the dosage seems pretty low, at least compared to the other brands I have taken in the past. The serving size is one capsule and each capsule supplies 100 mg. This concerned me at first until I dove a little deeper into it.
Supposedly, this form of Glutathione, called “S-Acetyl L-Glutathione”, is a more absorbable form. Because of this, you don’t need as much of it in order for it to be affective. I had some trouble digging up information about this to validify the claims so I will update update you if I feel I am noticing better long term results with this, compared to the other form I have been taking, which supposedly does not absorb as easily despite it being a higher dosage.
Either way, I am optimistic.
Cat, Chris and Family –
It helps to boost my immune system keeping viruses at bay, I have more energy It supports the liver, it’s an antioxidant helps get rid of toxins. Easy to swallow without any stomach issues. Great Product! Recommend It!
Colorgirl –
I have been taking glutathione for a while now due to its ability to help cleanse the liver, and also to help support through times of fibromyalgia flare ups. Sometimes it helps balance out the pain and stress.
These are not hard to swallow at all.
There is not any odor with these that I observe of a bad or excessive nature.
I did not have any side effects such as digestive issues, headaches, or other indications something isn’t right when taking these.
As far as different performance than other glutathioine I have taken, I am not seeing a difference. Do they work as glutathione should? So far it looks like it.
I am not sure that this is significantly better and worth extra price, but this does perform as well as good sources I have had in the past of glutathione.
FOUR STARS. High price and not a big difference in over all support for me puts this at four stars.
Jim Morton ( wchimesjim) –
This form of glutathione called S-Acetyl Glutathione is shown in studies to be as effective as IV glutathione. For the longest time, it was reported that glutathione is not absorbed well orally but that was before this form came out. This bottle arrived safety sealed with plenty of time to expiration. The capsules are easy to swallow. I wish it was more pure and didn’t have the silicon dioxide and other additives.
loveguitar –
These glutathione pills are fairly easy to swallow. I selected them for review because I have read that glutathione greatly helps with some vaxxx reactions, especially those that tend to give you a magnetic personality. It tends to collect that magnetic quality and helps to get it out, if that makes any sense to you.
NetJunkie –
I just started taking these a couple of weeks ago, and I do see or rather feel an increase in energy. The rest of the benefits of this supplement are those that really can’t be seen or felt up front, and you just hope that it is working.
The first few days I took just one dose, then I went to two, I feel good with the energy at this point and not sure I need to increase to three. This will make the bottle last longer.
Though the supplement is needed for those like me that are over 60, but the price, even though fair if you took it once a day, is over my budget. Sometimes I think supplements for the older crowd always costs more.
Jim Morton ( wchimesjim) –
This is my first time trying S-Acetyl Glutathione, although I have been taking Glutathione for a year or more . It’s a great immune system booster as well as good for energy, brain, heart and inflammation too. Definitely read up on it. This form is more easily absorbed and won’t get wiped out in the digestive juices of the stomach. That’s a major achievement. I’m happy I found it and I’m excited to try it. This is a 30 day supply at the recommended 3 a day, however I will use 2 a day and make it last 45 days as it is more convenient to my supplement regimen. It’s made in the USA and the distributors contact information is in the label. I like that . I read that it may also whiten skin in the long run, or lighten age spots…so that’s a bonus too . Give it a try 👻👻