O Glopole – Alívio de Gases e Cólicas para Bebês – 20 Unidades é a solução natural e segura que os pais esperavam para aliviar o desconforto causado por cólicas e gases em seus pequenos. Com uma fórmula especialmente desenvolvida para bebês, este produto oferece um alívio imediato e eficaz, proporcionando tranquilidade tanto para os pais quanto para os bebês. Cada embalagem contém 20 unidades, garantindo que você tenha sempre à mão uma solução prática e econômica para os momentos de desconforto.
O Glopole é altamente recomendado por especialistas em saúde infantil, que reconhecem sua eficácia e segurança. Ao utilizar ingredientes naturais, o produto não causa efeitos colaterais indesejados, permitindo que os pais se sintam seguros ao administrá-lo. A facilidade de uso é outro ponto forte do Glopole, pois cada unidade é projetada para ser simples de aplicar, garantindo que o bebê receba o alívio necessário de forma rápida e sem complicações.
Com o Glopole, você pode ter a certeza de que está proporcionando o melhor para o seu filho. O conforto e o bem-estar do seu bebê são prioridades, e este produto se destaca como uma solução confiável para aliviar as cólicas e os gases, permitindo que os pequenos voltem a sorrir e brincar sem incômodos.
- Alívio instantâneo da cólica e dos gases em bebês, proporcionando conforto imediato.
- Fórmula natural e segura, sem efeitos colaterais indesejados, ideal para a delicada saúde dos bebês.
- Embalagem conveniente com 20 unidades, garantindo que você tenha sempre uma solução à mão.
- Recomendado por especialistas e profissionais de saúde infantil, assegurando a confiança no produto.
- Promove o bem-estar do bebê, permitindo que os pais desfrutem de momentos tranquilos e felizes.
Para utilizar o Glopole – Alívio de Gases e Cólicas para Bebês, siga as instruções abaixo:
- Retire uma unidade da embalagem.
- Coloque a unidade na boca do bebê, garantindo que ele esteja confortável.
- Deixe o bebê chupar a unidade até que ela se dissolva completamente, permitindo que os ingredientes ativos façam efeito.
- Repita o processo conforme necessário, sempre respeitando as orientações do pediatra.
É fundamental consultar o pediatra antes de usar qualquer produto em seu bebê. O Glopole é seguro e eficaz, mas seguir as orientações do profissional de saúde é essencial para garantir o bem-estar do seu filho.
Nat –
Don’t hesitate and buy it. Baby will release gas and poop right away . Way cheaper than the competitor and bit softer . I’m buying again.
Agata Bruzzone –
Doesn’t work like the name brand does
Amy Hostetler –
Cannot say how helpful these have been to me! They work great!!
BlessedBeTheFruit13 –
Perfect replacement to some more expensive brands! I spray it with liquid coconut oil before use, though you could use many other acceptable lubricants, I just use liquid coconut oil as pumping spray so I always have it handy. The size is appropriate and the guard ensures you do not enter too far and cause damage to the baby. The appearance is not overly intimidating, and it’s easy to use. Gives nearly instant relief to a gassy baby. I HIGHLY suggest placing a clean puppy pad under baby prior to use. Generally I sit criss cross and make sure I have a “large” size puppy pad(they work great for diaper changes in public restrooms and I toss them after) and cover over my knees, I place my littles bottom on the pad close to my knees ensuring there’s a “catch all” lip for any spewing that can occur when they are relieved of pent up poops. Usually there’s a whooshing sound and once the gates of their intestinal he11 release, I remove it and start the clean up process, usually I’ll move baby up the puppy pad after every cleaning because usually there’s a puddle of poo… and it’s not over with the first poo puddle… so prepare your “workstation” prior to use, plenty of wipes already pulled, a diaper(or two because I’ve learned sometimes you’ll change it immediately after you put the first one on 😂), a puppy pad or disposable baby changing pad, lubricant, a trash bag, and honestly I always wear gloves because inevitably you’ll occasionally not be fast enough moving your hand and it’ll catch some of the turmoil of feedings past… please note it’s a one time use product, you don’t clean it and reuse. It does have a hollow core, beware of where the exposed end is pointing or you’ll regret it!
Laura Thoma –
Works so well and much more cost effective than the windis
Mud –
It took a couple of videos and reading people’s experiences to figure this out before trying it. It’s not instantaneous, that’s the first thing you need to understand. It took my baby about 2 minutes for anything to happen. Be prepared, that’s VERY important. I wasn’t as prepared as I should have been, but I was fortunate to have accidentally prepared well enough by having a backdrop of sorts. Have a helper. I did it by myself, but my baby likes to try pushing while having a bottle. Holding the thing in place, rubbing his tummy, and feeding him wasn’t an easy task. It went from nothing happening to full on nuclear warfare in 1/2 a second. When the poo released it happened in stunning fashion. It shot out at about twice his body length.
I 100% recommend this product after only 1 use. It is very effective and my little guy is now sleeping soundly.
Sarah Cattich –
I have a baby who has severe sensitivities to food so as you can imagine she is frequently gassy. We used the fridababy ones at first but they were too pricy. These are the perfect “dupe” and work exactly the same.
Tasha –
I don’t know what we would do without these. My baby has had a lot of gas since he was about 6 weeks old and sometimes the leg movements just can’t get them out and it’s so hard to watch him squirm and cry in pain. These work every single time. I’ve had some friends say they don’t work but it’s user error. You have to be patient and sometimes massage or push on the tummy and bring their legs to their chest as you use it. After about 5 minutes there’s usually several toots and usually a good poop as well. Have wipes ready. I’ve also used the Friday Baby brand as well and these work just as good but way more for your money with these.