Descrição do Produto: Facial Ice Globes, Ice Globe para Rosto, Olhos e Pescoço, Ferramenta de Cuidados com a Pele para Reduzir Inchaço nos Olhos, Vermelhidão, Anti-envelhecimento, Kit de Beleza de Crioterapia com Esferas Refrescantes
- DESIGN ELEGANTE: Nossas esferas de gelo atualizadas agora possuem um formato elegante de gota, um avanço em relação ao design redondo tradicional. A borda maior faz um contato melhor com a pele, perfeito para massagear ao longo da linha do maxilar e proporcionar cuidados faciais completos. O cabo em formato de ampulheta simboliza voltar no tempo e revitalizar sua pele. Além disso, é antiderrapante para uma pegada fácil e confortável.
- MATERIAL DE ALTA QUALIDADE: Feitas de vidro borossilicato de primeira qualidade, cada esfera de gelo é soprada à mão para ser leve e elegante. O líquido interno avançado de beleza não congela, garantindo um desempenho duradouro.
- BENEFÍCIOS INCRÍVEIS: Essas esferas de gelo para beleza estimulam os nervos, tonificam os músculos faciais, reduzem linhas finas, firmam a pele, diminuem os poros e suavizam rugas. Elas também aumentam a produção de colágeno e melhoram a circulação sanguínea, deixando sua pele radiante. Além disso, ajudam a reduzir o inchaço, diminuir as olheiras e refinar os poros dilatados para um cuidado abrangente da pele.
- TRATAMENTO DE CRIOTERAPIA: Coloque as esferas refrescantes no freezer por 15-20 minutos antes de usar para uma experiência revigorante, semelhante a um spa. Esse tratamento de crioterapia pode reduzir significativamente rugas, diminuir os poros e melhorar a circulação sanguínea. Nossas esferas de gelo são 20% mais eficazes do que as convencionais, proporcionando resultados ainda melhores.
- PRESENTES PERFEITOS: Essas encantadoras esferas de gelo são as ferramentas ideais para cuidados faciais para ela. São ótimas para o rosto, olhos e pescoço, oferecendo uma massagem relaxante e alívio do estresse. O design bonito adiciona um toque de elegância, tornando-as presentes ideais para aniversários, Dia das Mães, Dia dos Namorados e Natal.
- O QUE ESTÁ INCLUÍDO: A embalagem chique inclui um par de esferas de gelo, um manual de instruções detalhado e um par de alças de espuma resistente ao frio. Use as alças de espuma se as esferas ficarem muito frias.
As esferas de gelo facial oferecem uma série de benefícios que transformam a rotina de cuidados com a pele. Primeiramente, elas ajudam a reduzir o inchaço e as olheiras, proporcionando um olhar mais descansado e vibrante. Em segundo lugar, a massagem com as esferas estimula a circulação sanguínea, promovendo uma pele mais radiante e saudável. Terceiro, o efeito refrescante das esferas ajuda a firmar a pele e a suavizar rugas, contribuindo para uma aparência mais jovem. Quarto, o design ergonômico e elegante torna o uso das esferas uma experiência prazerosa e relaxante. Por último, são um presente perfeito para qualquer ocasião, unindo beleza e funcionalidade em um único produto.
Para obter os melhores resultados, coloque as esferas de gelo no freezer por 15-20 minutos antes de usar. Após o resfriamento, segure as esferas pelos cabos em formato de ampulheta e inicie a massagem na pele do rosto, olhos e pescoço em movimentos circulares suaves. É recomendado utilizar as esferas diariamente para maximizar os benefícios. Caso as esferas fiquem muito frias, utilize as alças de espuma resistente ao frio para maior conforto durante a aplicação.
Max Goldberg –
These globes get pretty cold, but they aren’t supposed to go under 5 degrees F so you have to be careful when freezing. They seem to be made from a thick plastic and the handle is made of foam and rubber.
They glide easily over skin and do help with inflammation. The gel has a shimmer to it so they’re cute.
AcuDoctor115 –
The ice globes include white rubber hand grips. Which is nice when conducting a spa facial treatment. Clients like the cooling and calming feel of the globe for calming allergies, puffy eyes, headaches, etc. The globe is pretty to see the water inside the glass. Easy to sanitize also.
R. Barritt –
Nice and study ice globes with handle protection prevents slipping. I usually keep them in the refrigerator and use them in the morning to help minimize pores and reduce puffiness especially around my eye area. It is also great for setting makeup. Highly recommended.
Cass –
The one thing i hate about alot of ice rollers is the direct ice to skin feature. I hate doing an ice roller first thing in the morning and having to change clothes right after because im not covered in wet water from the ice. These however have a gel inside that gives the same effect with little to no clean up !! They are so easy to use and they just live in my freezer . I love that they are pretty and effective ! just a good wipe down after use and back into the freezer . I cant recommend these rollers enough !
R. Barritt –
I love that i can stick these globes into the freezer and the liquid inside doesn’t freeze solid. i love that there are foam finger protectors to slide onto the sticks of the globes for protection from the cold. these are well made, pretty to look at and function very well as part of my skin care routine. the cost only makes them more attractive. well done.
KarKar –
I dropped my first pair of ice rollers on the ground and broke one, so I dragged my feet on getting another set. I’m glad I finally did, because I’m absolutely in love with these! The teardrop design is super effective compared to the circular globe shape. The larger edge is perfect for massaging along my jawline, and the hourglass-shaped handle is comfortable to hold.
The quality is really nice, and the glass feels luxurious. The internal liquid stays really cold without freezing. Using them is straightforward. I just keep them in the freezer when not in use, and they’re ready when I am.
KarKar –
These Facial Ice Globes Cryo Sticks are beautifully made and larger than I was expecting. They come with a white padded sleeve (see pic – spoon is just for size reference) you can slide on the handle so your hand doesn’t get cold holding them if you freeze them as I did. They are made of hand blown glass and the liquid inside is a very pretty color and Iridescent. They do seem rather delicate so I wish them came with a case or something to store them in. The liquid temp when stored in the freezer is not overly cold, it feels refreshing. I have left them stored in the freezer since I bought them and they have been OK. I think these would be a great purchase or gift for anyone who likes facial massages.
KisforKandace –
This product is beautifully packaged. Works very well to calm irritated, sunburned skin, as well as treating my dark undereye circles.
In this economy, a Spa Day Out is not very economically feasible. I love pampering and spoiling myself, but Spa Prices has increased with all other inflated items. This little package is a perfect addition to my at home spa routine.
The Ice Globes are high quality with careful attention to craftsmanship and purpose. Much larger than I expected. They fill the complete eye cavity, easily. Instantly refreshing and a nice toning effect in just minutes a day. There are two roller additions for massaging in your creams and serums. This was another unexpected surprise.
You don’t need to wait for them to chill, as they may be left in the freezer. I pull them out and apply them to my sleepy eyes, while I am having my coffee. I have grown to look forward to the refreshment and I don’t feel fully awake unless I have applied the Globes. They stay cold for well over half an hour. After treating my eyes, I have begun to look forward to using these all around my face. After the chill is gone, I use the roller attachment to massage my daily creams in.
This has really elevated my wake up routine. It seems my creams are penetrating more readily and get me ready to face the day. The Ice Globes work well with my own lotions and potions. If I didn’t enjoy my experience so much, these would make a nice gift. I may have to reorder several and add them to my present drawer.