Descrição longa do produto:
- PERFEITO COM LEITE DE AMÊNDOA – O favorito de nossos clientes para adicionar ao leite de amêndoa, misturar com frutas e bater com gelo. É tão cremoso e tem um sabor de cheesecake tão delicioso que você pode misturar, assar ou bater da maneira que quiser para criar uma sobremesa keto com um ótimo sabor.
- SABOR INCRÍVEL – O Keto Cheesecake é um shake keto delicioso por si só, apenas com água. Também é perfeito para adicionar ao seu smoothie favorito para um impulso doce ou às suas receitas de panificação para um sabor cremoso de cheesecake que não pode ser superado.
- FEITO COM VERDADEIRO CREAM CHEESE – Feito a partir de cream cheese em pó real, fornecendo 15g de gordura que pode ajudá-lo a atingir suas metas de macronutrientes, manter-se no caminho certo e desfrutar de uma deliciosa sobremesa com baixo teor de carboidratos.
- AMIGÁVEL PARA A DIETA CETOGÊNICA – Uma porção de Keto Cheesecake fornece 15g de gordura e apenas 4g de carboidratos, encaixando-se perfeitamente em sua dieta cetogênica e com baixo teor de carboidratos. Poucos lanches keto conseguem se encaixar em suas metas de macronutrientes e ainda ter um sabor tão incrível.
- A QUALIDADE É NOSSA PRIORIDADE: O Keto Cheesecake é fabricado em uma instalação registrada na GMP nos EUA, seguindo condições de conformidade com cGMP. Fabricado com ingredientes importados e domésticos. A Giant Sports se preocupa com o processo e com cada ingrediente que compõe nossos produtos.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
1. Sabor incrível de cheesecake
2. Versatilidade na preparação
3. Feito com verdadeiro cream cheese
4. Amigável para a dieta cetogênica
5. Qualidade garantida
- Proporciona uma experiência de sobremesa deliciosa sem comprometer a dieta.
- Facilita a adesão a uma dieta cetogênica com baixo teor de carboidratos.
- Versatilidade na utilização, podendo ser misturado em diversas receitas.
- Ajuda a atingir as metas de macronutrientes com uma combinação ideal de gordura e carboidratos.
- Fabricado com ingredientes de alta qualidade, garantindo segurança e eficácia.
Para desfrutar do delicioso sabor do Keto Cheesecake Shake Mix, misture uma porção do pó (aproximadamente 30g) com 240ml de água ou leite de amêndoa. Para uma experiência ainda mais rica, adicione gelo e bata até obter uma consistência cremosa. O shake também pode ser incorporado em smoothies ou utilizado em receitas de panificação, como muffins ou panquecas, para um toque de cheesecake. Experimente diferentes combinações e descubra a sua maneira favorita de desfrutar deste incrível shake keto, aproveitando uma sobremesa saborosa e nutritiva que se encaixa perfeitamente em sua dieta com baixo teor de carboidratos.
JB –
I was so excited to order this when I found it on Amazon. It arrived yesterday and this is the first chance I’ve had to try it. I opened up the container and it smelled good – somewhat like a vanilla cake mix. I had to dig in the powder to find the scoop. Then, I re-washed and found that it was really hard to remove the powder residue from my fingers. I have noticed this reaction with artificial sweeteners before. This should’ve been my first sign. Then, I used 8 oz of water and 1 rounded scoop, as it suggested, and mixed it in a shaker bottle with a metal mixer. I shook it for about a minute. The powder was very fine and it appeared to mix very well. Now, I’ve just finished the shake about 10 minutes ago. It tasted ok but, almost immediately after finishing it, I noticed a HUGE headache come on quickly. It came on abnormally quick. This could be a coincidence so I will give it one more try. One good thing is that I am noticing that I am not craving sweets any longer – but, my nose and throat are burning. I’m not sure why so I’ve been trying to drink other liquids to help alleviate it. As I said, I am willing to try it one more time, because it tasted ok and seems to stop my sweets-craving, so I will update this review if I find that this was a rare coincidence. However, after reading the reviews closer (now), I am really hoping this does not kick me out of ketosis (as other reviewers have stated) because that was my whole point of ordering it – to help me stay in keto.
WeekendWarrior2017 –
This product is so yummy. I mix it with other protein powders like PB 2 and blueberries protein powder. It’s delicious
Shannon Shirley –
Tiene muy buen sabor probé el polvo sabe cremoso , no lo he tomado aún!!! Espero no me caiga pesado. Te da un recetario de postres keto me encantó!!!!!! La verdad que el polvo sabe bien.. apenas lo pruebe actualizaré mi opinión
Jenny –
Da ese sabor cremoso que no pude conseguir con el queso crema y crema lyncott juntas. Es lo que buscaba para que mis malteadas keto quedaran perfectas. Yo usé 12 gramos en 250 ml de leche y quedó ligero de azucar como me gusta.
Tabitha boylen –
I couldn’t get it to mix well in my water. I put it in a cold water bottle and shook it and it didn’t break up the chunks well. Maybe it needs put in a blender? However I found the perfect combo with these Keto yogurt cups and this mix together. It’s like creamy whipped cheesecake! I still give this a 10/10!! It’s so good and I’m not crazy about a lot of keto sweets. So take it from me. I think it would be delicious as a dessert as well. Or if you found the right way to make it into a drink! Buy it you won’t regret this one I promise!
Callie –
I’m new to Keto and just trying different things. So far, I’ve only made this into a shake, but it tastes so much better than a particular big brand Keto shake that most people love — probably because it’s not as “healthy” and doesn’t have all the vitamins and minerals, admittedly! But I find this is an easy shake to get me started in the morning and fill me up as I’m not a big breakfast person and don’t always want eggs or something savory first thing. I’m almost done with my third bag of it because I have it almost every day.
My go to shake process: I fill the blender with probably a cup and a half of almond milk and then a quarter of a cup of whipping cream and a few ice cubes if I’m not in a hurry, and then about a scoop and a half of this stuff. If you want to blend it better, add a little at a time or it tends to cling to the sides a bit. Also don’t put it in first or it gets stuck down in the blade area.
Add ins: I’ve thrown a handful of Catalina Crunch’s chocolate cereal and it almost tastes like an oreo shake if you like some more texture! Also a couple of strawberries or blackberries if you want some fruit flavor to it.
Tabitha boylen –
I recently started Keto and realized I needed something to satisfy my sweet tooth cravings. I’ve never tried a protein or keto shake mix before so I did not know what to expect and my hopes were low. However I’m pleased to report this mix is quite good! The first time I made it, I followed the directions exactly on the package. It was okay but much too sweet in my opinion.
I made some modifications to how I prepare it to suit my tastes. I put about 5 ice cubes in a blender, 8oz whole milk, 3/4 scoop Keto Cheesecake mix, and 1/2 scoop unsweetened baking cocoa. This makes a DELICIOUS chocolate cheesecake shake. I have been replacing 1 meal a day with one of these shakes.
Note: There is a Prop 65 warning on the package. I’m not sure what ingredient that pertains to (perhaps sucralose?) so please take that into consideration before purchasing.
DoubleYou –
I thought it was ok mixing it with water but when you mix this with cream is the bees knees!! (Just without all the sugar) it’s so good that it tastes so wrong. If it wasn’t for this being very keto friendly I’d be weighing thousands of lbs.
Jason –
Love to make coffee drinks…use as directed with unsweetened vanilla almond milk. Add crushed ice, coffee and whipped cream for a delicious low carb treat!
Callie –
The shake was very good, but I expected it to taste “off the charts amazing” given the number of 5-star reviews, mostly raving about the taste of the powder. I made my first shake in a smoothy blender with a scoop of the powder, heavy cream and handful of ice cubes. The consistency was perfect – it was as smooth as a milkshake. But it had a slight aftertaste, and I didn’t quite catch the cheesecake flavor – it tasted more like vanilla. Overall, I LIKE it a lot, but don’t LOVE it as much as I thought I would.