Descrição do Produto: GI Motility Complex, 60 Cápsulas
O GI Motility Complex é um suplemento natural projetado para oferecer suporte essencial à saúde digestiva, promovendo a motilidade gastrointestinal e o transporte de nutrientes. Com uma fórmula inovadora, este complexo contém uma mistura única chamada ProDigest, que combina alcachofra e gengibre triplo padronizados. Esses ingredientes são conhecidos por suas propriedades que ajudam a melhorar o trânsito de nutrientes no intestino delgado e no estômago, abordando questões comuns de digestão e promovendo um sistema digestivo mais eficiente.
Além disso, o GI Motility Complex inclui vinagre de maçã com a “mãe”, um componente que potencializa a eficácia da mistura ProDigest. Essa combinação poderosa não só auxilia na digestão, mas também contribui para a saúde geral do trato gastrointestinal. Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de 1 cápsula, duas vezes ao dia, antes das refeições mais substanciais.
- A mistura única ProDigest consiste em alcachofra e gengibre triplo padronizados para ajudar a resolver problemas digestivos e fornecer suporte crítico ao sistema digestivo, atuando no intestino delgado e no estômago para melhorar os tempos de trânsito de nutrientes.
- O vinagre de maçã com a “mãe” também está incluído para aumentar a eficácia da mistura ProDigest.
- Tomar 1 cápsula, duas vezes ao dia, antes das suas maiores refeições.
1. Melhora da Motilidade Gastrointestinal: A fórmula ajuda a otimizar o movimento dos alimentos pelo trato digestivo, reduzindo desconfortos como inchaço e constipação.
2. Apoio à Digestão Eficiente: Ingredientes naturais que favorecem a digestão, permitindo uma melhor absorção de nutrientes essenciais.
3. Equilíbrio do pH Estomacal: O vinagre de maçã contribui para a regulação do pH, promovendo um ambiente digestivo saudável.
4. Ação Antioxidante: Os componentes naturais presentes na fórmula oferecem propriedades antioxidantes, que ajudam a proteger as células do trato digestivo.
5. Fácil Integração na Rotina: Com uma dosagem simples de duas cápsulas por dia, o GI Motility Complex se encaixa facilmente na rotina diária, promovendo saúde sem complicações.
Para maximizar os benefícios do GI Motility Complex, recomenda-se a ingestão de 1 cápsula, duas vezes ao dia, antes das refeições mais volumosas. Essa prática não só potencializa a eficácia dos ingredientes ativos, mas também garante que o suporte digestivo esteja presente no momento em que o corpo mais precisa. É importante manter uma hidratação adequada e uma dieta equilibrada para otimizar os resultados do suplemento.
Caroline K –
After taking the recommended dose on day 2 I started feeling so gassy , bloated and kept having to go to the bathroom only to get a little out at a time all day long . I got this hoping to help SIBO symptoms and ensure I was not going to have constipation . This just made me uncomfortably bloated , gassy and pooping all day like a rabbit . Probably bc artichoke is high fodmaps
Ribby845 –
This product has given me my life back. I have struggled with SEVERE, CHRONIC constipation for about 3 years. (Had it my whole life, but the last 3 years was the worst). NOTHING worked. I did every diet change, every supplement, spent close to 1,000 on supplements/laxatives. Nothing worked! I was always in pain and always stressed about it. I started taking this, and to my surprise, it WORKED! I’m 4 bottles in! I take 3 a day (at first when I was very backed up I took 4 or 5). I also take some magnesium with it, and together, they work so well! I truly feel like I have my life back. I am SO SO SO grateful for this product!
Patricia A. Jankowski –
The product itself is good, but I cannot swallow it without choking it down. It’s just too big! You’d think that a product for GI motility would not be made so it is difficult to swallow. It needs to be smaller.
CB –
Thank you for your product, Enzyme Science GI Motility is an easy way to keep my regularity. Having to keep regular is a problem for Parkinson’s patients.
I don’ like to post reviews but will post one here regarding this specific product to help others… I have SIBO plus other difficult gut issues. I will not go into detail on how bad it got but will say that I must have tried MANY supplements without any luck except for this one. The morning after I took it, ALL backed up issues were resolved. The cramping was intense on that first day ONLY. Will not be without this product : )
Cw-user –
Price is somewhat high. Seems to work without noticeable side effects
KatGirl –
I have IBS with motility issues. Motility is a word that I think a lot of people don’t get. In this case, it’s the ability to move your bowels on a regular basis. The IBS with motility means that it’s either feast or famine for me; I developed IBS about 10 years ago and have been trying to figure out solutions ever since. Solutions for the famine part, at least, since I figured out all my food triggers and IBS (the feast mode) is the rarity now. This product is TRULY the only thing I have EVER used that helps me go when I’m NOT suffering my IBS issues. I tried all the non-FODMAP fibers on the market and they generally made the famine part worse. This product has taken away my fear of not being able to go, and it’s SUCH a relief. It also has taken away the persistent bloat that I feel like I’ve had for months. I’m an EXTREMELY happy customer. I’m ordering more as backup RIGHT NOW.
CB –
The capsules are easy to swallow, have only a faint smell of vinegar and ginger, and seem to be working. I really can’t tell much difference after taking one a day for 5 days now. YMMV.
BUT – the label has me questioning whether it is declaring ingredients in descending order of predominance as is required by FDA. (Yes, very nerdy, but I read labels. I want to know how much of what is in something I take.)
Look at the photo. The first ingredient listed is “ProDigest 320 mg.” Immediately below, you’ll see ProDigest is made up of two ingredients, Artichoke Extract and Ginger Extract, but nowhere is what amount of each shown that makes the ProDigest total of 320 mg. Both should be listed individually with individual amounts.
Next ingredient listed is “Apple Cider Vinegar Powder 250 mg.” If either of the two ingredients in the ProDigest blend is greater than 70 mg, then ACV powder should be listed first as the predominant ingredient, not the combined total of the other two ingredients.
An honest mistake? Maybe, labeling rules are complex. But the label should not mislead.