Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
1. Hidratação Profunda:
A loção corporal Sebamed Anti-Ageing Q10 proporciona uma hidratação profunda e duradoura para a pele. Sua fórmula exclusiva contém coenzima Q10, que ajuda a fortalecer a barreira de proteção da pele, prevenindo a perda de umidade e mantendo-a macia e suave.
2. Firmeza e Elasticidade:
Com o uso regular, a loção corporal Sebamed Anti-Ageing Q10 ajuda a melhorar a firmeza e elasticidade da pele. Sua fórmula avançada estimula a produção de colágeno e elastina, componentes essenciais para manter a pele firme e tonificada.
3. Combate aos Sinais de Envelhecimento:
A loção corporal Sebamed Anti-Ageing Q10 é especialmente formulada para combater os sinais de envelhecimento da pele. Seus ingredientes ativos ajudam a reduzir a aparência de rugas, linhas finas e flacidez, deixando a pele com uma aparência mais jovem e saudável.
4. Proteção contra Radicais Livres:
A fórmula da loção corporal Sebamed Anti-Ageing Q10 contém antioxidantes poderosos, que ajudam a proteger a pele contra os danos causados pelos radicais livres. Isso ajuda a prevenir o envelhecimento precoce e mantém a pele protegida e saudável.
5. Dermatologicamente Testado:
A loção corporal Sebamed Anti-Ageing Q10 é dermatologicamente testada e recomendada por dermatologistas. Sua fórmula suave e livre de irritantes é adequada para todos os tipos de pele, inclusive as mais sensíveis.
Após o banho, aplique a loção corporal Sebamed Anti-Ageing Q10 em todo o corpo, massageando suavemente até a completa absorção. Use diariamente para obter melhores resultados.
charlene hirst –
I have been telling my friends about this product. They were comlementing me on my skin. I am eighty and no spring chicken. One evening this summer I had invited two of my friends over to relax in my hot tub. I had tried to make ribs and needed tasters. We had put on swimming suits, gathering towels to get in the tub. My one friend said you have such beeautif skin. I said yes she does. My newest member of our family was there. A lovely young lady of 27 that I truly adore. She had married my Grandson last year. The friend said no I was talking about you. I said me? I was kinda floored. After they left I started thinking as she was the third person that week that had made the same remark. I had been taking co q 10 for about fifteen years by mouth. I was offered to listen to a sales lady at Costco who was demoing the product. I herd co Q 10. I could not stay for the pitch I wanted it for what was in it. Now my doctors nurse and receptionist are using it and loving it as well. I have sensitive skin and need good skin care. I like to know what is in the product. I found out Amazon carried it so shared it with friends. Everyone that I tell about it wants to try it. It if’s a very good product and not all that expensive. I use three items of the line and would like try more.
Bernd Striegel –
Sehr schnelle Lieferung. Beste Körperlotion! Zieht schnell ein pflegt die Haut und riecht gut.
maria del mar gonzalez –
a las pocas horas de haberla aplicado, la piel está como si no se le hubiera puesto nada y no digamos al día siguiente. No sé si reafirma, pero la hidratación brilla por su ausencia, una pena porque me encanta la textura.
Nick –
Arrived earlier than promised. Good stuff.
This product ishighly recommended. I have very sensitive skin and i was told by a dermatologist friend to try Sebamed. I have tried buying the Sebamed Q10
anti Aging from The US but I feel that the German version is more authentic and better concentrated. This is my 3rd purchase of this lotion. I always order a month before because of the shipment transit time. It would be great if they have subscription based purchases. Anyway, I am extremely satisfied and I highly recommend this!
K California –
This smells medicinal and the scent does not fade… My skin stung from the product, not sure if it was the scent or something else that irritated. Returned it 🙁
florentina –
la crema è leggera e si direbbe che viene assorbita subito purtroppo però la mattina (se la applicate la sera come me) ci sono tutti residui bianchi che poi rimangono sulle calze o pantaloni.
Amazon Cliente –
Deja la piel muy hidratada y resplandeciente, con poca cantidad se abarca bastante zona corporal. Buenos ingredientes y calidad óptima. Todo lo de esta marca es excelente para la piel.
E. Balcerek –
Total super