Genius Sleep AID – Suplemento Inteligente para Dormir – Auxílio Natural ao Sono
O Genius Sleep Aid da The Genius Brand é um suplemento inteligente projetado para ajudar você a adormecer mais rápido, permanecer dormindo e acordar se sentindo revigorado. Com ingredientes naturais, veganos e fabricados nos EUA, este produto não contém sabores ou adoçantes artificiais, misturas proprietárias, enchimentos desnecessários, substâncias proibidas, organismos geneticamente modificados (OGMs) ou glúten. Cada frasco contém 20 porções, com uma dose de 2 cápsulas.
Não viciante e livre de drogas, o Genius Sleep Aid foi desenvolvido para não criar dependência, contendo apenas meio miligrama de melatonina, além de doses eficazes de L-Theanine, Glicina e Inositol. Nossa fórmula é baseada principalmente em ervas puras e aminoácidos para otimizar o sono, evitando o risco de desenvolver tolerância à melatonina, dependência ou sentir-se cansado pela manhã.
Além disso, nossa fórmula contém Rutaecarpine, uma erva que ajuda a remover a cafeína do corpo, proporcionando um sono de melhor qualidade.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomendamos tomar 2 cápsulas do Genius Sleep Aid 30 minutos antes de dormir. É ideal utilizar o produto 5 noites por semana, com 2 dias de descanso. Recomendamos o uso em noites em que um bom sono é especialmente importante.
Os suplementos da Genius Brand são uma rejeição ao dogma ultrapassado da indústria que enganou gerações de entusiastas da saúde e bem-estar. Para nós, a inovação científica e os ingredientes naturais vêm em primeiro lugar. Seja você um atleta profissional, pai/mãe em tempo integral, aposentado ou qualquer outra coisa, nossos produtos podem beneficiá-lo. Somos todos humanos e estamos juntos nessa jornada.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Suporte natural ao sono: O Genius Sleep Aid é formulado com ingredientes naturais que ajudam a melhorar a qualidade do sono, permitindo que você adormeça mais rápido, permaneça dormindo e acorde revigorado.
- Não viciante e livre de drogas: Ao contrário de muitos outros produtos para dormir, o Genius Sleep Aid é projetado para não criar dependência, permitindo que você desfrute de um sono tranquilo sem se preocupar com efeitos colaterais indesejados.
- Adrenal Support: A fórmula do Genius Sleep Aid contém Rutaecarpine, uma erva que ajuda a remover a cafeína do corpo, proporcionando um sono mais profundo e relaxante.
- Suplemente de forma inteligente: Os suplementos da Genius Brand são desenvolvidos com base em inovação científica e ingredientes naturais de alta qualidade. Independentemente do seu estilo de vida, nossos produtos podem ser benéficos para você.
- Fabricado nos EUA: O Genius Sleep Aid é fabricado nos EUA, seguindo rigorosos padrões de qualidade, garantindo a segurança e eficácia do produto.
O Genius Sleep AID oferece uma série de benefícios que podem transformar suas noites e melhorar sua qualidade de vida. Entre os principais, destacam-se: 1) Melhora significativa na qualidade do sono, permitindo um descanso reparador; 2) Redução do estresse e da ansiedade, promovendo um estado de relaxamento profundo; 3) Suporte ao humor, ajudando a equilibrar as emoções e a disposição durante o dia; 4) Fórmula não viciante, garantindo que você possa usar o produto sem preocupações com dependência; 5) Ingredientes naturais e veganos, proporcionando uma opção saudável e segura para quem busca um sono melhor.
Para obter os melhores resultados, tome 2 cápsulas do Genius Sleep Aid 30 minutos antes de dormir. É recomendado utilizar o produto 5 noites por semana, com 2 dias de descanso. Siga as instruções de uso e consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação. A regularidade no uso pode potencializar os efeitos benéficos do suplemento, contribuindo para um sono mais profundo e reparador.
Shannon H –
This is my second purchase of the product. With my first purchase last month, I was quite satisfied with the product as well as delivery. This time, delivery remains satisfactory. However, product is not the exact version received previously. The container is different as well as expiry date is Aug 2020. The previous purchase was still in 2021. This is not how a repeat customer should be treated. Old stock should not be passed off to repeat customers.
Aaron Rodgers –
you take one, then you forget you took it, around ya know a normal enough time even four to more hours, when YOU decide to go to sleep. You do. I have many many tools, paid for Silva Mind Control, Science of MIND, and more $ s. K THis I found while seeing about a bong, and thc pills, found Genius Joy, got that 100% effective for sports, recovery anxiety, well being. I worked like a triathelete, or a racehorse, as I am and do in my mind. Yet I was not faking it, I decided I do not care what people think, I believe the people who love me and care about me, I have an improved, new and improved me, a few hundred dollars, no knee replacements. Injuries are healing. My Physical Therapist is phoning me today, yay, and I go to the ranch on Sat. with the horses, Thank-you so much, I really have changed and I just had to be willing and place an order. Come on , LIFE IS good. Wish I could impress people how it feels, yet you feel nothing, you just are back to ideal functioning, like remembering ur 13 year old selves or two or six or whenver you were on a sports team, and killed it. I have four kids. I am telling everyone. Pharmacy, Dr.s everyone. sure m I will take another Xanax when I am 80 , that is 21 years away. I dosed my self. I am a low dose on the recommended Genius joy, might up it one day. hoping to not have to soon. They this branded co. sends coupons with every box, order for a free product. I bought many and I wanted to just press: this for sleep is a natural, mellow, quality, easy rest. So easy. WAS up at dawn took care of the sick ran errands, and did what a mom does, listened to her kids, they are great the oldest, works very hard, and the other three. So I like sleep cuz I am just so involved with their health, and excitement to kayak, and go to the track and jog, they will run, skate, loopey de loop. With a smile and sincere rest. My dignity is back. I did not proof this. ( edit, sp? ) (errors )Please understand. THX so much Mad props. xoxoxoxooxxo PEACE and so it is
Heather Huntsman –
I purchased this because I needed a sleep aid for when I’m going on a long-haul flight and adjusting to the time difference afterward. I’m super glad I tested it out before I went on my trip, because I would have been MISERABLE if I had taken this on the plane.
I took this one night, about 30 minutes before I went to bed. I had no trouble falling asleep (but I usually don’t anyway, lucky me). But I woke up in the middle of the night with intense nausea and discomfort. I ended up basically not sleeping the rest of the night. I had a feeling it was this pill, because nothing like this has ever happened to me before unless I had some actual sickness.
Just to be sure, about a week later I decided to give it another go, just in case it was related to something else. Took it 30 minutes before bed again, fell asleep no problem again, and woke up a couple of hours later again with intense nausea. This time, it made me vomit. After I basically vomited this sleep aid and got it out of my system, I was able to sleep fine, but WOW did it cause two of the most uncomfortable nights of sleep I have ever had.
I don’t know if what I got was just a bad batch or if I’m sensitive to one of the ingredients, but I will certainly never take it again and would never encourage anyone I know to take it or buy it. Guess it’s back to good old fashioned melatonin for me.
Aaron Rodgers –
I have tried every sleep aid out there that you can think of and nothing has ever worked as good for me as this product right here. Most of the products out there are loaded with melatonin. Yes melatonin makes you fall asleep fast and all that good stuff but it can really screw up your sleep patterns and your body can become dependent on it to fall asleep. This product has half a gram of melatonin which is proved to be the perfect amount to avoid dependence but still provide the benefits.
L-Glycine is also super legit for better sleep. Im kind of a supplement nerd so I like to look up all the ingredients and required clinical doses. This is perfectly dosed and better quality of sleep. Its one thing to fall asleep fast but its another thing to stay asleep and get the quality rem sleep that you need to wake up refreshed. This product delivers in that aspect. They also put in a nice bonus, especially for me who drinks a lot of coffee throughout the day. Its Rutaecarpine, this ingredient speeds up the metabolism of caffeine to remove quicker from your body.
Lastly, I was really intrigued by one of their other supplements that I would recommend as well. Its
Genius Joy – Serotonin Mood Booster for Anxiety Relief, Wellness and Brain Support, Nootropic Dopamine Stack with SAM-E, Panax Ginseng and L-Theanine – Replace Antidepressants Naturally, 100 VCaps
. The name kind of got be interested at first and then again being the supplement nerd I am, I did some more research. I think Genius Joy goes really well with Genius Sleep Aid. They sort of work synergistically with each other and increase the benefits of both. Stacking supplements is a great way to get maximum results. Its a little pricy but trust me its defiantly worth it. Made me feel really good, and nice and “chill”.
I feel like a new man with way better sleep & seriously just to put it into perspective. I’ve used the other top 5 sleep aids on amazon, literally every single one of them. It’s been a long long long challenge for me. I’d definitely say this is a premium product that is a little pricer than others but it gets the job done so what else can you ask from it? If any of these other products claim science & then dose with a bunch of melatonin they are setting you up for long-term issues.
Overall great stuff by the Genius Brand, and I hope you enjoyed my review of this product.