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Genexa Arnica Tablets | Fórmula Alívio da Dor Muscular | Alivie a Dor | 60 comprimidos

*R$207.92 Em até 6x de R$34.65 sem jurosEm até 6x de R$34.65 sem jurosMais formas de pagamento 1x de R$207.92 sem juros2x de R$103.96 sem juros3x de R$69.31 sem juros4x de R$51.98 sem juros5x de R$41.58 sem juros6x de R$34.65 sem juros

Genexa Arnica Tablets for Pain Relief Formula é um produto que oferece alívio da dor muscular. Suas principais características incluem a fórmula à base de Arnica, que é conhecida por suas propriedades analgésicas, e a ausência de ingredientes artificiais, como corantes e conservantes. Os benefícios incluem o alívio eficaz da dor, sem efeitos colaterais indesejados.

(7 avaliações de clientes)
Genexa Arnica Tablets | Fórmula Alívio da Dor Muscular | Alivie a Dor | 60 comprimidos *R$207.92 Em até 6x de R$34.65 sem jurosEm até 6x de R$34.65 sem jurosMais formas de pagamento 1x de R$207.92 sem juros2x de R$103.96 sem juros3x de R$69.31 sem juros4x de R$51.98 sem juros5x de R$41.58 sem juros6x de R$34.65 sem juros
SKU: 60530222 Categoria: Tag: Marca:

Genexa Arnica Tablets for Pain Relief Formula | Alleviate Muscle

As tablets de Arnica da Genexa são uma fórmula orgânica e homeopática desenvolvida para aliviar dores musculares e articulares. Com uma combinação de ingredientes naturais, essas tablets são formuladas para tratar dores musculares e rigidez causadas por lesões leves, esforço excessivo e quedas. Além disso, elas também ajudam a reduzir a dor, o inchaço e a descoloração causados por hematomas.

Essa fórmula segura e orgânica foi desenvolvida pelo nosso Chief Formulating Officer, um médico e homeopata. Com a expertise de um profissional da área da saúde, você pode confiar na eficácia e segurança dessas tablets.

Valorizamos os ingredientes que você merece. Por isso, nossas tablets de Arnica não contêm adoçantes ou conservantes artificiais, corantes artificiais, parabenos, alérgenos comuns ou sabores artificiais. Além disso, elas são certificadas como veganas, sem glúten, orgânicas, sem lactose e não transgênicas.

Além de todos esses benefícios, as tablets de Arnica da Genexa são fáceis de usar. Com sabor de uva, elas são deliciosas e convenientes para uso em casa ou em movimento. Produzidas nos Estados Unidos com ingredientes orgânicos de origem global, você pode confiar na qualidade e procedência dessas tablets.

Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:

1. Alívio eficaz da dor muscular e articular

As tablets de Arnica da Genexa são formuladas especificamente para aliviar dores musculares e articulares causadas por lesões leves, esforço excessivo e quedas. Com ingredientes naturais e homeopáticos, elas oferecem um alívio eficaz e seguro.

2. Fórmula desenvolvida por um médico e homeopata

Essas tablets foram formuladas pelo nosso Chief Formulating Officer, um médico e homeopata com experiência na área da saúde. Isso garante que você está adquirindo um produto desenvolvido por um profissional qualificado e confiável.

3. Ingredientes de alta qualidade e certificações

Nossas tablets de Arnica são feitas com ingredientes orgânicos de origem global. Além disso, elas são certificadas como veganas, sem glúten, orgânicas, sem lactose e não transgênicas. Você pode ter certeza de que está consumindo um produto de alta qualidade e livre de substâncias indesejadas.

4. Sabor delicioso de uva

Com um sabor agradável de uva, essas tablets são uma opção saborosa para aliviar dores musculares e articulares. Você não precisa se preocupar com o gosto desagradável de medicamentos, pois essas tablets são uma experiência agradável.

5. Praticidade para uso em casa ou em movimento

As tablets de Arnica da Genexa são fáceis de usar e podem ser levadas para qualquer lugar. Seja em casa ou em movimento, você pode contar com a praticidade dessas tablets para aliviar dores musculares e articulares sempre que precisar.

– Sugestão de Uso:

Para obter o máximo benefício das tablets de Arnica da Genexa, recomenda-se tomar 2 tablets, 3 vezes ao dia. Dissolva as tablets na boca ou em um copo de água. Consulte um médico antes de iniciar o uso, especialmente se estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando outros medicamentos.

7 avaliações para Genexa Arnica Tablets | Fórmula Alívio da Dor Muscular | Alivie a Dor | 60 comprimidos

  1. HarperLeesMockingbird

    I have off and on back pain and was looking for an alternative rather then just Advil when I needed relief. This is probably better for other areas or things however it did not offer much relief for me the 10+ times I tried it. I wouldn’t buy it again.

  2. Naomi Ollenberger

    My yoga teacher recommended this product for pain due to an inflammatory issue. My husband has traumatic brain injury with black-out seizures and has horrid headaches, that not even morphine touches and he does not use opioids. When I received this in the mail, I had just mowed our lawn (almost an acre) with a push mower that was not self-propelled. Normally, I swell up and my pain level is unmanageable. I decided to try these. I took two of the small, nicely flavored tablets, slept well and woke up with no pain. I started giving this to my husband after a seizure episode and it works amazingly well. We are sold on this product. I have had zero side-effects, same for my husband. I had used Turmeric to manage pain but my pain level is so high and it is not good to overuse Turmeric. This keeps me within the recommended dosage. No tylenol, no ibuprofen just Arnica for us! I purchased and did not get anything for this rave review except a better quality of life.

  3. 🐼Poker Panda🐼

    It’s a bit difficult to tell precisely what Genexa’s Arnica tablets are doing. But that’s not unusual for most homeopathic remedies. However, it definitely seems to be helping me wait longer in between my regular painkiller doses for my chronic pain. I’ve been taking several tablets every day since I got it.
    These Arnica tablets are grape flavored, but the taste is very subtle and reaaally good. I literally want to eat a few at a time, but I stick to chewing only 2 at once, every few hours. They recommend every 4-6 hours. But we all have different bodies and needs, so as long as you’re careful, it’s not down to a perfect science.

    I originally discovered Arnica Montana Flower on Amazon. I realized that it’s a beautiful yellow sunflower with great pain-relieving properties. It’s in many different pain products, like ointments, creams, and sprays. I recently read that arnica should never be ingested, but I’m just going to ignore that, since it’s helped me.

    Here is what I think. I truly did not have the highest hopes for these pills. But that’s a given, because not much has ever helped my pain for most of my life. But I always have hope, because without it, life would be much bleaker.
    Sometimes, the best way to see the proof is by keeping track of your daily habits. So the real evidence is found in my big daily planner.

    Every day, I write down everything significant that goes on in my mind and body. Even if it doesn’t seem significant at the time, I’ve learned that patterns will prove you wrong.
    I write down my pain and fatigue levels, and exactly what time I take different supplements and painkillers. I mark my sleep and wake time, my emotions, my activities, etc.
    I use a 1-10 scale for my pain, with 10 being the worst: Emergency Room Status. Thanks to my horrific experience with Diverticulitis, it’s easy for me to know that most pain is not a 10. I use the scale for different parts of my body, which often compete with each other for the highest number of the day. For them, it’s a game. For me, I mean business.

    When I first began taking these Genexa Arnica pills, within the first couple days, I began to get tired around midnight. See.. you don’t understand.. I’m usually completely nocturnal, and I go to sleep at 9am sometimes. Yes. A.M. Because of my Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, chronic pain, and the endless serious physical and psychological symptoms that came along with them, I lost my instinct to want to go to sleep normally. Everything got screwed up, and unbalanced to say the least.
    So I was pretty mystified with my new desire to sleep, but I went with it. I’d lay in bed napping until my contacts were all dried out, then I’d go brush my teeth, and actually get ready for bed around 4 am. Then, sleep. And I’d wake up earlier during the day, when there was actually still daylight.
    It was a huge difference. I never usually get tired enough to actually sleep by midnight or so. This change in my internal clock only happened once I began taking these pills.

    For my Fibro pain and chronic headache, I take a pretty serious painkiller. Otherwise, I’d be in constant panic mode, because I’m often in severe pain ON the meds.
    Like I mentioned, I write down times and I’ve learned to genuinely listen to my body. I’ve been able to go a bit longer before my next painkiller dose. Sometimes the difference is an hour, and sometimes it’s 4. But regardless of the exact amount of time, it’s fairly significant for me.

    One thing is for sure: I will not allow myself to become addicted to my painkiller meds, and I make the conscious choice to be very careful in my habits. This is where writing down times comes into play. I never second guess when my last dose was, and I rarely take my next dose too early. I also regularly challenge my own willpower, to keep it in use like a muscle. I want to be prepared and strong enough for anything life decides to throw at me. Because I know to expect the unexpected, and that is the only thing I know for sure to expect.

    As long as these arnica tablets are helping me spread out my painkiller doses, it’s doing something good. Modern Western medicine has succeeded in making me sicker and sicker through the years. I wish I’d known better a long time ago, even though I’m still pretty young. Regardless, I’m on a new mission now: A mission to heal myself and manage my pain naturally, without the use of synthetic toxins and invasive procedures.

    My chronic pain, especially in my head, knees and legs, and upper back, is really bad. I can absolutely see this product helping people with minor pain and bruising from injury. Because if I can see a slight difference, you may be able to experience much better.
    Make sure to stay consistent to get the full effect. These are not like 8 hour lasting Advil. It doesn’t work like that with homeopathic medicine. Of course, start out slow in the beginning, with just 2 pills, and wait a while to see the effects.

    I obviously recommend writing down your pill times so you don’t take too much or forget to take it all day. Being consistent is the only way to see if there really ARE changes occuring. And writing your pain levels and experiences down will help you see important patterns that are easy to miss otherwise. Be cognizant of your physical activities and abilities, and notice when your pain is at its worst.

    If you’re in serious pain, go see your doctor. Be careful and be aware of what the doc tries to prescribe you. Lifestyle changes mean so much, but are mentioned too little by these professionals.
    Also, be willing to have tests done, if pain is chronic and severe. Too many people miss out on important diagnoses because they assume things will just get better naturally. This is not always the case, and oftentimes, CT scans and MRI’s are necessary to know what issues to address. I had no idea I had Bulging Discs in my spine until I had a CT scan on it. Although the doctor offered me no solutions except surgery, I’m relieved to finally get something solid to explain some of my pain.

    For inflammation and muscle aches, try using an ice or gel pack for 20-30 minutes at a time, until the swelling goes down. Then alternate with heat, moist heat preferably. My heat pad has saved me. Seriously. I can’t imagine life without it. Also, consider taking natural supplements, such as Turmeric Curcumin, Hyaluronic Acid, and Ashwagandha for inflammation. Buy the powder to save money!

    This bottle of 100 yummy chewable arnica tablets is looking really small to me right now. There are not enough in here if you’re dealing with serious chronic pain. So keep that in mind when you buy this. But of course, I recommend giving Arnica Montana a shot.
    This product from Genexa is more effective than many other products containing just arnica. It contains other valuable homeopathic ingredients, and it’s definitely worth a try.
    5 stars for sure.

  4. Eunice

    Great product!! I have had my back go out with 2 herniated discs, ouch!! Got this to try since I figured popping Ibuprofen like ticTacs was a bad thing. Definitely helped alleviate pain, especially on the go. The chewables are so handy to have. Taste like those meds when we were kids, good grape flavor.
    The funny thing was how I found out about Genexa. While looking in Facebook I found a picture showing a medicine cabinet filled with Genexa products. It was posted by my fav actress Lana Parrilla from my fav show Once Upon a Time. She was raving about how much she loved Genexa since they are organic meds. Thought it sounded perfect for me to try since I wanted a better alternative to regular harmful pain meds. And I’m happy I did! Feeling much better! 😊

  5. Shani

    Understand that my results may not be your results as Holistic medicine is different for everyone. Anyhow, I have really bad allergies and came across their allergies tables. I tried them not expecting them to work, however, they work really really well. So when ordering another bottle I saw they did other remedies. I have been in great and I mean great pain in my legs at times not being able to walk properly or get up and down. I hate doctors so have been trying to fix it myself. I thought what have I got to lose? I ordered this pain relief along with a second bottle of Iron Man Joint support. The Iron man had taken my pain from 10 to a manageable 5 and I was walking much better. I took the Arnica along with the Iron Man for a couple of days and now my pain is down to 1 and I am walking normally again! I need to experiment a bit more and try them without the Iron Man and see what happens but whether I take them both or just one or the other I am getting some really incredible, unexpected, off the charts results. I would suggest you try a bottle for yourself. It can’t hurt as they are holistic. Good luck and I hope you get amazing results too.

  6. Stephanie Kirkley

    An organic pain reliever that REALLY works!!!!

  7. 🐼Poker Panda🐼

    I’ve been using Genexa Arnica Pain Relief Remedy for a while now, and I’m truly impressed with the results. This product has been a game-changer in managing my discomfort. The natural ingredients and homeopathic approach provide a sense of relief that I haven’t experienced with other products. Not only does it effectively alleviate my pain, but I also appreciate the fact that it’s free from artificial additives and harsh chemicals. Genexa’s commitment to quality and well-being is evident in this remedy. I highly recommend Genexa Arnica Pain Relief Remedy to anyone seeking a safe and effective solution for pain relief.

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