Produto Importado dos EUA

Genexa Allergy Care para Adultos | Não Sonolento, Alérgico | 30 Comprimidos | 100% Natural | Alívio de Alergias | Marca Genexa

*R$207.92 Em até 6x de R$34.65 sem jurosEm até 6x de R$34.65 sem jurosMais formas de pagamento 1x de R$207.92 sem juros2x de R$103.96 sem juros3x de R$69.31 sem juros4x de R$51.98 sem juros5x de R$41.58 sem juros6x de R$34.65 sem juros

Genexa Allergy Care for Adults é um produto não sonolento que combate alergias. Sua fórmula natural alivia os sintomas alérgicos, como espirros, coriza e coceira nos olhos, sem causar sonolência. É uma opção segura e eficaz para o cuidado das alergias em adultos.

(8 avaliações de clientes)
Genexa Allergy Care para Adultos | Não Sonolento, Alérgico | 30 Comprimidos | 100% Natural | Alívio de Alergias | Marca Genexa *R$207.92 Em até 6x de R$34.65 sem jurosEm até 6x de R$34.65 sem jurosMais formas de pagamento 1x de R$207.92 sem juros2x de R$103.96 sem juros3x de R$69.31 sem juros4x de R$51.98 sem juros5x de R$41.58 sem juros6x de R$34.65 sem juros
SKU: 8AEDEDF1 Categoria: Tag: Marca:

Genexa Allergy Care para Adultos | Não Sonolento, Alergia

Genexa Allergy Care é um remédio homeopático não sonolento e descongestionante que oferece alívio temporário para espirros, coriza, coceira/olhos lacrimejantes, coceira no nariz/garganta e congestão nasal associados à alergia comum. Com este remédio de mastigar fácil de administrar, você pode desfrutar de um alívio de múltiplos sintomas de alergia sem complicações e de forma conveniente. Além disso, o Genexa Allergy Care possui um delicioso sabor de açaí orgânico que você vai adorar.

Nossa fórmula de alívio de alergia com sabor de açaí é livre de adoçantes artificiais, conservantes artificiais, corantes, parabenos e alérgenos comuns. É certificado como orgânico, sem glúten e não transgênico. Sinta-se bem em relação aos ingredientes que você está consumindo. Além disso, o remédio Genexa Allergy Care é livre de conservantes artificiais, corantes artificiais e alérgenos comuns, garantindo um alívio limpo e saudável para seus sintomas de alergia e congestão.

Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:

1. Alívio de Múltiplos Sintomas: O Genexa Allergy Care oferece alívio temporário para espirros, coriza, coceira/olhos lacrimejantes, coceira no nariz/garganta e congestão nasal, proporcionando um alívio abrangente para os sintomas de alergia.

2. Fácil de Mastigar: Com comprimidos mastigáveis fáceis de administrar, tomar a quantidade recomendada é livre de complicações e conveniente.

3. Sabor Delicioso de Açaí: Desfrute do sabor delicioso de açaí orgânico enquanto trata seus sintomas de alergia. O Genexa Allergy Care torna o cuidado com a alergia uma experiência agradável.

4. Ingredientes de Qualidade: Nossa fórmula de alívio de alergia é livre de ingredientes indesejados, como adoçantes artificiais, conservantes artificiais, corantes, parabenos e alérgenos comuns. É certificado como orgânico, sem glúten e não transgênico.

5. Alívio Limpo e Saudável: O Genexa Allergy Care é livre de conservantes artificiais, corantes artificiais e alérgenos comuns, garantindo um alívio limpo e saudável para seus sintomas de alergia e congestão.

– Sugestão de Uso:

Para adultos, mastigue 2 comprimidos a cada 4-6 horas, conforme necessário para alívio dos sintomas de alergia. Não exceda 12 comprimidos em 24 horas. Consulte um médico antes de usar em crianças menores de 12 anos. Armazene em local fresco e seco. Mantenha fora do alcance de crianças.

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8 avaliações para Genexa Allergy Care para Adultos | Não Sonolento, Alérgico | 30 Comprimidos | 100% Natural | Alívio de Alergias | Marca Genexa

  1. mrs H

    It works and I like that it is chewable

  2. Darya

    This allergy season surprised me. We have just recently moved to a new area and my symptoms were quiet different. Tried all over the counter medicine but could not bare the side effects. This product did not have any side effects and it works quick. It helped with sinus headache, congestion, and itchy throat. It did not help with my itchy eyes, unfortunately. My husband’s allergies are much worse than mine, he said that it helped but he felt like he needed a stronger dose. Also, the effect did not last long on him. For my self, i have been taking it about every 4-5 hours, i know that the label says every 6-8 hours but i spent time outside on my lunch break and after work and take it immediately after i feel the symptoms coming back. Will purchase again, just need to figure out what to do with my terribly itchy eyes. let me also mention that i use this product with the combination of a neti pot twice a day, nettle leaf tea, and lots of water but i also do not avoid the outdoors and have my windows open at home. Live in South Carolina.

  3. Jeanette Lee Plodek

    It works very quickly and last a long time!!

  4. Dan

    I have allergies during spring and early summer so I bought it by recommend from my friend. It is not working for me, maybe I had tried stronger RX medicine before.

  5. john robison

    I purchased this for my son, who suffers allergy issues all year long. He has taken Zyrtec and numerous other prescription and OTC allergy medications. I found this one, I like the fact that it is homeopathic, chewable and has great price point. The reviews were good. I thought why not give it a try, I gave it to my son and told him to give it a few days to take effect. I asked him how it was going, as the Kleenex boxes weren’t all empty. He told the medication was doing really good and that he could breath through his nose. I am now on the 3rd bottle of this product, and will continue to use it. Also no side effects such as drowsiness.

  6. Nata

    It does work like magic

  7. Jaime Johnson

    Highly recommend!

  8. Sheryl

    My 8 year old suffers from the weirdest allergies. It’s nothing specific it just happens on the most random day, time, season, etc. Doctors since she was 3 years has never fully found what allergies she really has. Like I said it is weirdly random. 😧

    Sometimes it’s really bad itchy eyes, puffy face, or one side of her face is puffy, scratchy throat, most recently she had bumpy skin from her torso to her feet, which was very itchy. Thought it was hand foot and mouth but it wasn’t it was allergies and again for no specific reason she just got it and lasted days and required strong steriod creme. Strangely her allergirs are worse in winter, go figure.

    So needless to say she now takes allergy medicine during the weekday and I try not to give it to her on the weekend unless needed. I don’t like my child taking medicine daily unless really required. I don’t know what effects it could have on her body and the resistance it can develop from it and of course cost is important too.

    I was spending almost 30 a month for her allergy medicine and not all allergy meds worked well either. It was costly so for it to qualify for my hsa i had to request for her doctor to constantly prescribe it. So if you calculate it was costing me about 360 a year. 😣

    Mainly since she was taking this almost every day minus some weekends I really wanted something more natural with a better taste. She also like most kids is still not able (😑 refuses) to swallow pills so it had to be a melt or chewable.

    So I ran into this product while surfing on amazon. I read the ingredients, description, read the reviews, and it was a chewable, and within a good price range I can stick to.

    I admit I was hesitant. I didn’t know if it would work and worse if my daughter hates the flavor because if she didn’t like it even if it worked she might not take it. But I ordered it arrived quickly and was packed nicely just like the picture.

    I gave my kid 1 and she ❤ the flavor (score). She liked it was chewable and not liquid ( 🖒 yes! ). Then I sent her to school in hopes I didn’t get a call from school of her complaining of really bad allergies.

    The day went by and no calls (📱), picked her up like normal. Asked how she liked it and she said she still had allergies. So I tried the 1 pill every morning for a couple of days to confirm if she needed another pill. Every day she came home saying she still had it, but that it would start in the later part of the afternoon. Which this is ok, because on the box it does say 6-8 hours. So by the time I picked her up the medicine wore off.

    So to solve the solution, I pack an xtra pill with her and if she thinks her allergirs are acting up again she takes it again in the afternoon. So far it’s been good. She likes it alot.

    I also recommended this to my sister to use for her kids. She tried it too and now her and her kids are on it. She’s been using my supply so she’s going to be ordering some for her soon.

    In conclusion, this product is easily portable, with good ingredoents, tastes good, works within the time frame stated on the box, chewable, usable for kids and adults, and very cost effective on my wallet. I do however still keep stronger allergy meds around because of the unusual way my kid suddenly reacts to things but so far as a daily overall routine it’s deffinately a great product worth checking out.

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