Descrição do Produto: Stakich Fresh Royal Jelly – Puro, 100% Natural – Sem Aditivos/Sabores/Conservantes – 1 Quilograma (2,2 Libras)
O Stakich Fresh Royal Jelly é um produto premium que oferece a pureza e a potência do geléia real, diretamente da colmeia para você. Com 1 quilograma de geléia real fresca, este produto é 100% natural, sem adição de aditivos, sabores ou conservantes, garantindo que você receba todos os benefícios nutricionais que a natureza tem a oferecer. A geléia real é uma substância rica em nutrientes, conhecida por suas propriedades energéticas e revitalizantes. É uma fonte abundante de vitaminas do complexo B, aminoácidos, minerais e antioxidantes, tornando-se um aliado poderoso para a saúde e o bem-estar. Ideal para quem busca um suplemento natural que potencialize a imunidade, melhore a vitalidade e promova a longevidade, o Stakich Fresh Royal Jelly é a escolha perfeita para integrar à sua rotina diária.
1. Aumento da Imunidade: Fortalece o sistema imunológico, ajudando a prevenir doenças.
2. Revitalização Energética: Proporciona um aumento natural de energia, combatendo a fadiga e o cansaço.
3. Melhora da Saúde da Pele: Contribui para a hidratação e rejuvenescimento da pele, promovendo um aspecto saudável.
4. Suporte à Saúde Mental: Ajuda a melhorar a concentração e a memória, sendo benéfico para o desempenho cognitivo.
5. Equilíbrio Hormonal: Auxilia na regulação hormonal, especialmente em mulheres, aliviando sintomas da menopausa.
Para aproveitar ao máximo os benefícios do Stakich Fresh Royal Jelly, recomenda-se consumir uma colher de sopa (aproximadamente 15g) diariamente. O produto pode ser ingerido puro ou misturado a smoothies, iogurtes ou sucos. É importante armazenar em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar suas propriedades. Para melhores resultados, utilize o geléia real em ciclos de 3 meses, intercalando com períodos de pausa, conforme orientação de um profissional de saúde.
Dr. Android –
This is a super high quality jelly and the best I’ve found. It took me a while to decide to purchase because it is a pretty penny but if used as directed it will last you a good long time. It is an investment in your health.
Be advised it DOES NOT TASTE LIKE HONEY. Far from it, as another reviewer put it; it looks like wax, has the consistency of snot and tastes a little rancid, but this is what REAL royal jelly tastes like and it is SO GOOD for you. So, if at first you find the taste to be a little weird, worry not, it’s fine.
I’ll add that I am in my early 40’s and already in really good shape, yet the boost I got from royal jelly is noticeable, especially in the adult fun department : )
I received the product right away and cold packed. It comes inside two plastic bags inside a plastic jar. Keep it refrigerated.
HR Girl –
So let me just warn you, do NOT take this and drink coffee. At least not Cuban coffee which is straight sugar and espresso. I did that and I swear to you, I was so jittery. Wasn’t a good feeling lol. I think the royal jelly is enough. I purchased this because I read that it has some really good qualities. The most important to me was ENERGY! I take it in the morning on an empty stomach and it does hit you – hard, not in a bad way, but I feel it working for sure. I drink Cuban coffee everyday because I like it and it gives me energy. However, it’s not good since I’m trying to conceive. So with this product, I’ve been able to lay off the coffee and just use royal jelly as my energy booster and hopefully as a fertility aid. I’ve also laid off the carbs and I think the combination in amazing.
When I received it, it was still kind of cold, so I went ahead and put it in the freezer until I could get home. When I got home I just opened the plastic bag a bit and poured it into a dark purple mason jar. Everyday, I take 2 whole spoonful’s. Once in the Am and right before I leave work. (I keep the jar in the fridge at work)
The reason I only gave this product 4 stars is because the product has a weird plastic taste. I guess it’s the packaging – it’s in clear plastic. That’s the only reason. As far as taste goes, it’s effin horrible!!! I gagged for 2 weeks when swallowing this. I read you’re supposed to put it under your tongue until it melts. I couldn’t imagine!! I just scoop it on the spoon and down the entire spoonful as quick as I can. I’ve also noticed that it has a rather spicy taste going down. Weird, but I read it can be spicy lol. I don’t mix it with anything and always take it first thing.
Now I haven’t been taking it for that long. Maybe 3 weeks and I’ve skipped a few days here and there, but from what I can tell, it’s definitely giving me energy. As far as my hair, nails, and skin, I couldn’t be sure if the royal jelly has contributed to this because I take a LOT of vitamins everyday, including a prenatal. I will update this if I notice any changes with anything else. But certainly consider this if you want energy. This is coming from the Cuban coffee queen lol.
Svetlana S. –
Originally I was concerned with some reviews claiming that the product smelled of plastic bags in which it was shipped and not in optimal cold conditions, but I decided to order anyway. It shipped in 2 days and arrived cold-ish, but I think appropriate, it does not have to be frozen. I aliquoted it into several small jars and stored in freezer except for what I will use in next few weeks. Royal jelly appears super fresh, the consistency, smell, taste and all appear to be real and fresh, superb. I can’t eat it alone so I bought some honey and mix with it, then eat it. No health effects after 3 days, yet, but I will report here if I notice any. Otherwise it is a known general health toner and should affect many subtle cellular mechanisms in cells, so I hope that this is a good investment. I am currently making a lecture on health effects of royal jelly and this prompted me to research it more and buy some for myself. So far I think I got the right fresh product for a good price.
M. Fallaha –
It arrived earlier than expected and it was fresh and cold in a cooler container. I have used this product in the last few years and it is excellent. It is the best natural product to take for a better health. Make sure to mix it with regular honey. The ratio I use is 1:5.
I usually mix 1kg of honey with 200g of Royal Jelly.
As far the cost, it is very fair since it is very hard to obtain Royal jelly, unlike honey!