Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Tamanho Pequeno: Nosso pacote de gelo pequeno possui uma área efetiva de 3″x4.5″, se encaixando confortavelmente no rosto ou em partes pequenas do corpo, proporcionando alívio imediato da dor. Além disso, com 6 pacotes, oferecemos mais conveniência para você.
- Flexível quando Congelado: Nosso pacote de gelo utiliza gel profissional que permanece macio mesmo após congelado, mantendo-se maleável por 1-2 horas. Você pode colocá-lo ao redor de partes do corpo e desfrutar da terapia fria.
- Durável e à Prova de Vazamentos: A superfície dos pacotes de gelo é feita de material de nylon de alta qualidade, resistente e durável. As costuras duplamente seladas evitam vazamentos.
- Alívio Natural e Seguro: Este compressa fria proporciona alívio seguro e natural para olhos cansados e inchados, inchaços, sinusite, dores de cabeça, febres, dores de dente, picadas, contusões e hematomas.
- Suporte: Todos os pacotes de gelo Comfytemp são aprovados pela FSA HSA. Nossa equipe de suporte ao cliente oferece um serviço de qualidade e tranquilidade para milhões de pessoas em todo o mundo, tudo de uma marca em que você pode confiar.
Os pacotes de gel frio reutilizáveis oferecem uma solução prática e eficaz para o alívio da dor em diversas situações do dia a dia. Entre os principais benefícios, destacam-se: 1) Alívio rápido e eficaz para lesões e dores, 2) Compactos e fáceis de armazenar, 3) Reutilizáveis, promovendo economia e sustentabilidade, 4) Flexibilidade que se adapta ao corpo, proporcionando conforto durante o uso, e 5) Aprovados por FSA e HSA, garantindo segurança e confiabilidade para os usuários.
Para usar o nosso pacote de gelo pequeno, basta colocá-lo no freezer por algumas horas até que esteja completamente congelado. Em seguida, aplique-o na área afetada por 15-20 minutos, conforme necessário. Certifique-se de envolver o pacote de gelo em um pano fino antes de aplicá-lo diretamente na pele para evitar queimaduras de frio. Após o uso, coloque-o de volta no freezer para reutilização futura.
anna marie narducci –
Is OK but prefer long one I sleep on it at night cool from 8pm til 3am which it’s now very warm from body heat, remove now bed cool for awhile
MissT –
I’ve had the ice packs in the freezer for almost a month. The gel packs are cool but not solid hard coming out of the fridge. They’re cold but not freezing, so I think that’s why they don’t stay cold for longer than 5 minutes after being on a child’s temperature.
Nina R –
These are really good quality and not overly expensive. They are easy to cool or heat for baby bumps and make the ouches go away. They are also tiny enough for my babies head, and legs and can wrap around tiny wrists and ankles. Learning to walk around is hard on the body.
Marty Zegstroo –
These are great little ice packs. You can put them straight on your skin with little to no discomfort. The small size makes them very versatile. The only reason I did not give them a five is because they warm up quickly.
Gaby –
Muy prácticos.
Katie –
Worked better than a bag of ice. Small size and flexible when frozen if perfect for jawline. Love that there are multiple in the freezer, so one is always ready to use. I think this would also be great for kids (and adults) when they get that scrape or bruise because feel soft to skin and doesn’t freeze the skin like other ice packs. I would definitely buy a larger size if needed.
Rebecca Young –
Unlike many reusable ice packs, the plastic pouches seem to be high quality.
SWill –
After a breast biopsy I needed to keep an ice pack on the area for 20 minutes on / 20 minutes off for the first 6 – 8 hours. These Reusable Mini Gel Cold Packs were the perfect size to slip into my bra without being bulky. They were flexible even after hours in the freezer. The covering was very comfortable against my skin. The cold held up pretty well; by the 20th minute they were no longer freezing cold but they were still much cooler than my body temperature so still doing the job. I bought the pack of 6 and after freezing them took them all with me in an insulated bag with a big ice pack to keep them cold; then I was able to just keep switching them out as I used them.
Mandy baotner –
I bought this copack after researching it with some of my friends and it is large enough for your whole stomach here all back everything it is one of the best purchase I’ve ever made on Amazon and ever made. It’s holding up. I’ve had it for about five years and it is still perfect condition For neck problems you think of great athletes
Kindle Customer –
These get cold quickly in the freezer and they work wonderfully. Malleable and very versatile.
The only downside is they tend to get warm quicker but like I said, they freeze quickly