Gel Refrescante para Pescoço – Envoltório de Tubo para Refrigeração do Pescoço
O Gel Refrescante para Pescoço é a solução ideal para quem busca alívio do calor intenso durante os dias quentes de verão. Este envoltório de gel reutilizável é projetado para proporcionar um efeito refrescante imediato, tornando-se um acessório indispensável para atividades ao ar livre, exercícios físicos ou simplesmente para relaxar em casa. Com um design ergonômico, o anel de gel se ajusta confortavelmente ao pescoço, permitindo que você desfrute de horas de frescor sem o incômodo de mudanças bruscas de temperatura.
Fabricado com gel de alta qualidade e materiais refrigerantes PCM de duas camadas, o Neck Cooling Tube é leve, compacto e fácil de transportar. Ele se destaca por sua capacidade de congelar rapidamente, bastando apenas 10 minutos em água gelada ou 20 minutos no freezer para obter um resfriamento eficaz. Ao contrário dos cubos de gelo tradicionais, que podem causar molhadeira, este produto não condensa, garantindo que suas roupas permaneçam secas e confortáveis.
Ideal para quem sofre com ondas de calor ou fogachos, o Gel Refrescante para Pescoço oferece um tempo de resfriamento de até 2 horas, proporcionando um alívio prolongado. Além disso, pode ser utilizado sob lenços e camisas, oferecendo uma proteção adicional contra o calor. Este produto não é apenas uma ferramenta de resfriamento, mas também um presente prático e inovador para amigos e familiares que buscam conforto durante os meses quentes.
1. Resfriamento Instantâneo: Alívio imediato do calor com efeito duradouro.
2. Material Atualizado: Confeccionado com gel PCM de alta qualidade, que congela mais rápido e dura mais.
3. Conveniência Versátil: Ideal para diversas atividades, como academia, trabalho ao ar livre e tarefas diárias.
4. Resfriamento Seguro e Eficaz: Sem condensação, evitando molhar roupas e proporcionando conforto prolongado.
5. Presente Prático: Uma opção de presente bem-vinda para quem sofre com o calor do verão.
Para utilizar o Gel Refrescante para Pescoço, coloque-o no freezer ou em água gelada por 10 minutos para maximizar o efeito de resfriamento. Após esse tempo, retire o envoltório e ajuste-o ao redor do pescoço, garantindo um encaixe confortável. O gel proporcionará alívio instantâneo do calor e pode ser utilizado por até 2 horas contínuas. Após o uso, lave o produto com água morna e sabão neutro, secando completamente antes de armazená-lo para o próximo uso. Aproveite o frescor e o conforto que o Neck Cooling Tube oferece durante todo o verão!
Kindle Customer –
I have a couple other brands of these neck cooling tubes, so I know a bit about them already. This one is very similar. It “freezes” in low temperatures, even above the freezing point of water – specifically at or below 18 degrees Celsius or 64.4 degrees Fahrenheit. (“Freezes” meaning the liquid substance inside becomes solid/hard.) This liquid substance is supposedly PCM (Phase Changing Material), which has properties allowing it to release or absorb significant amounts of thermal energy, compared to it’s mass, when changing from liquid to solid or vice versa. Usually this material is non-toxic, but since the exact ingredients of the PCM are not listed, we really don’t know if this particular cooling tube’s contents are toxic. I think it’s safe to assume they are not, but, of course, anything can be toxic depending on what is done with it. (Is this too analytical and scientific for you? Ok, I’ll cool it down a bit…lol!)
I kept my neck cooling tube in the fridge overnight inside a zip top bag so it wouldn’t absorb bad odors. It became solid, though slightly flexible. It was flexible enough to get around my neck. I tested it on a hot day and sure enough it helped cool me down. It stayed cool for a little over an hour. After warming up, the contents turned back to liquid and I refroze to use again later.
The inner circumference measures about 15”, but the tube is flexible and can widen to maybe 16” or so. I have a small neck, and this fits me well. It doesn’t hug my neck, but just sits on my collar bone, while leaning against the back and sides of my neck. If you have a larger neck, the cooling tube may end up lightly hugging your neck or sit up higher on it.
– Can be “frozen” in the fridge
– Comfortable to wear
– Lightweight
– Hands free
– Reusable
– Washable
– No condensation
THE BAD (or not so bad):
– Can be punctured or cut (but not too easily) and rendered unusable
– Can absorb odors from the fridge or freezer
– Doesn’t last a super long time (meaning hours and hours)
– Unknown toxicity (although probably non-toxic)
In summary I can say that these cooling tubes can work to help cool the body down, but the degree by which they do work depends on many factors, such as your surface body temperature, how long the tube has been in the freezer or fridge, and the ambient air temperature. These neck cooling tubes are great to wear whenever you are feeling hot or even just warm – working out, at the beach/park/festival, at home or outside on a hot day, having a hot flash, feeling feverish, or maybe even hot-headed! This particular cooling tube is actually a bit more comfortable than others I’ve tried. I also love the color gradient!
Kendall & Rick –
I am wearing this every single morning while temps are in the upper 80‘s / lower 90‘s here in Arizona.
It helps to keep one cooler. Yes, I am still hot but it definitely helps make the walk more comfortable.
I put the neck ring into the freezer overnight and it it comfortable to wear. If they would sell this as a wide bracelet for the wrists I would buy it too.
I just ordered a 2nd neck ring today
Kendall & Rick –
I have a ton of these from different brands and this is my favorite by far— some fit around the neck a little tighter than this one does. I like that this one sits right where my shoulders and neck meet and not just like a choker up high on my neck. I guess if you have a very thick neck this would be snug, but I’m not a small lady and this is still roomy. As for how long it stays cool will depend on a few things, it’s definitely not going to be “hours” on a broiling hot summer day even if you freeze it— but it’ll stay cool for a good 30-60 mins outdoors doing activities when frozen (which only takes a few mins). I suggest that you buy a few and freeze them. When you have a couple to rotate they are a godsend and they will re-freeze in your ice chest/cooler if you are out and about and have more than one to rotate. I keep these at home, at work, and in a cooler while traveling. I have thyroid disease and these have made me comfortable in my own skin during hot weather again. I’m no longer a sweaty mess all the time.
Thinking In The Dark –
The Xinhome Neck Cooling Tube Wrap has exceeded my expectations. It ‘freezes’ easily in about 15–20 minutes and works well for about an hour and a half. I use it for working outside, and it’s been a game changer. When it needs to be re-chilled, I just run back inside and throw it in the freezer while I take an iced tea break. It chills very quickly. I wondered how it might work away from home, so I used an insulated lunch box with a blue frozen brick in it and placed the cooling tube on the frozen brick. This worked great for an alternative if I’m out all day and need to chill it multiple times.
The only downside that I found with this product was that as it warms up, it softens and fell off my neck a few times while I was pulling weeds. The action of bending over repetitiously to pull a weed slowly works the opening to the back of the neck, where then gravity takes it off. If I were not moving so much, it wouldn’t be an issue. I’m thinking of using a clip between my shirt tag and the cooling tube tag to keep it from moving.
This is definitely effective when it comes to being cool. I’ve found that not only do I feel more comfortable, but my head and forehead don’t sweat when I have this on. The neck cooling tube will be my constant companion this summer.
Icufly –
The edge is sharp, didn’t fit (not touching skins) for me. I bought similar one in Japan, so I assumed it is like that but not. I just order other companies one now. I probably never use this anymore 😭
this –
Where I live the weather has been in the upper 90s for days. This Neck Cooling Tube Wrap has made such a difference in my time outside. I put mine in the freezer for 30 minutes in a zipped plastic bag so it doesn’t smell like freezer odors. It is skin friendly and does not feel too cold against my skin. It only weighs 5.6 oz so I hardly feel it on. I took this to an outdoor concert over the weekend and kept it in a cooler. Each time it lost its feeling of cool, I just put it in the cooler in a plastic bag, and chilled it for 30 minutes on the ice. It was refreshing on and off all day this way. It seems well made from high quality materials. I think it is a great value for how it performs.
Bine –
I brought this for my daughter to wear during band camp to keep her cool. It’s a good product for the price.